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Some custom implementations of LiveData and some extensions


Add into your project


First you need to add the Google Architecture components

implementation "android.arch.lifecycle:livedata:$versions.arch"

Then add the Livedata implementation from arch-toolkit

implementation "io.github.matheus-corregiari:livedata:$latest_version"

How to use

class MyViewModel(private val repository: MyRepository) : ViewModel() {

    // Use MutableResponseLiveData when you want to change the value
    private val _liveData: MutableResponseLiveData<Movies> = MutableResponseLiveData()

    val liveData: ResponseLiveData<Movies>
        get() = _liveData

    fun loadMovies() {
        try {
            // call postLoading to post loading true
            // call postData to post data
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            // call postError to post error

    fun loadMoviesAsyncOperation(): ResponseLiveData<Movies> {
        // When you don't want to implement the code on the function above you can use the function makeAsyncOperation
        // She has two implementations, one using a WorkerThread and another using Coroutine

        return makeAsyncOperation {

    fun loadMoviesAsyncOperationErrorTransformer(): ResponseLiveData<Movies> {
        // You can also pass a errorTransformer to makeAsyncOperation
        return makeAsyncOperation(errorTransformer = {}) {

class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    private val viewModel: MyViewModel

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        viewModel.liveData.observe(this) {
            status {
                // Called when status change value
                // The status can be:
                // DataResultStatus.LOADING
                // DataResultStatus.ERROR
                // DataResultStatus.SUCCESS
            success {
                // Called when status is DataResultStatus.SUCCESS
            data {
                // Called when has data
            showLoading {
                // called only when loading is true
            loading {
                // called when loading change value
            error { e ->
                // called when error change value

            // When withData is false, the function only will be called when data is null
            // This is useful because you might not want to show loading or error state when you already have data
            showLoading(withData = false) {

            loading(withData = false) {

            error(withData = false) { e ->


            // When single is true, the function only will be executed one time
            status(single = true) { }
            success(single = true) { }
            data(single = true) { }
            showLoading(single = true) { }
            loading(single = true) { }
            error(single = true) { e -> }
Extensions and Transformers
val liveData: LiveData<Movies>

// Observes a LiveData<T> with non null values
liveData.observe(this@Activity) {
    // Will be called on every non null data

// Observes a LiveData<T> with non null values only one time
liveData.observeSingle(this@Activity) {
    // Will be called one time with a non null data

// Observes a LiveData<T> until a condition be true
liveData.observeUntil(this@Activity) {
    // Will be called on every data changes until it returns true

// Because it is a LiveData extension, 
// you can use with any custom implementation of LiveData, including ResponseLiveData
val liveData: LiveData<Movies>

// Transforms a LiveData<T> into a LiveData<R> {
    // here you map T to R

// Transforms a LiveData<List<T>> into a LiveData<List<R>>
liveData.mapList {
    // here you map List<T> to List<R>

val responseLiveData: ResponseLiveData<Movies>

// Transforms a ResponseLiveData<List<T>> into a ResponseLiveData<List<R>>
 responseLiveData.mapList(transformAsync = true) { // Map runs asynchronously when transformAsync is true
    // here you map List<T> to List<R>
// A custom implementation of ResponseLiveData responsible for replicate a value from another ResponseLiveData

val swapResponseLiveData: SwapResponseLiveData<Movies> = SwapResponseLiveData()

// Changes the actual DataSource

// You can discard the value after loading when discardAfterLoading is true
swapResponseLiveData.swapSource(otherResponseLiveData, discardAfterLoading = true)

val moviesResponseLiveData: ResponseLiveData<MoviesResponse>

// You can also transform the data
swapResponseLiveData.swapSource(moviesResponseLiveData, dataTransformer = { movies: MoviesResponse ->
    // Receives the data of the source and changes it to the value of this SwapResponseLiveData

// Others arguments you can pass to swapSource
    // Indicate swapSource will execute synchronously or asynchronously
    async = true,
    dataTransformer = { movies: MoviesResponse -> },
    // Receives the error of the source and change to another Throwable value
    errorTransformer = { throwable: Throwable -> },
    // Receives the error of the source and changes it to the value of this SwapResponseLiveData
    onErrorReturn = { throwable: Throwable -> }

// Remove the source

// Returns true if does not have data source or if the status is equal to DataResultStatus.ERROR

NOTE: This module is almost KMM ready