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rspec rubocop simplecov brakeman bundler_audit reek ruby_critic


SalesBox is a easy to use cloud based sales analyzer that accepts text files (tab separated) uploads.


With SalesBox you can:

  • Check the Gross Income for each upload
  • Check the All Time Gross Income for all the uploads made
  • See a list of uploaded files to control your analysis.

Get Started 🔥

This repository is the Rails back-end for the SalesBox project. Follow the setup below to install and run it locally.

Prerequisites 💾

To run the project, you will need the following dependencies installed:

Ruby 2.7.2

Gem bundler


Installation 🛠

  1. After clonning the repository, in the ROOT directory run the following command to install the dependencies.

     bundle install

Running the project ⚙️

To run the project locally, use the commands bellow.

  1. Starts the ProstgreSQL service.


    sudo service postgresql start


    brew service postgresql start
  1. Create and prepare the database.

     bin/rails db:create
     bin/rails db:migrate
  2. Run the Rails server.

     bin/rails server

The Rails server will run by default on localhost:3000.

Running Tests ✅

  1. Run tests with

     bundle exec rspec
  2. For reporting access coverage/index.html on your browser.

Improvements 📈

  1. Use ActiveStorage with some service like AWS for work with the company sales uploaded file.
  2. Cache on total all-time gross income endpoint.
  3. Some code refactoring to enable the disabled RuboCop cops and Reek rules.