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A profile defines default properties, including certificate extensions, for TLS certificates. These properties define who can use the certificate for what purpose, how a peer can validate it and what clients are compatible with the certificates.

django-ca defines a set of default profiles that should be sufficient for most use cases:

Name Purpose
client Certificate can be used for TLS client authentication.
enduser Certificate can be used for TLS client authentication and code and email signing.
ocsp Certificate can be used for a OCSP responder, marked as automatically generated by default.
server Certificate can be used for both a TLS server and a TLS client.
webserver (default) Certificate can be used for a TLS server but not for TLS client authentication.

You can configure the default profile to use using the CA_DEFAULT_PROFILE <settings-ca-default-profile> setting. You can also add new profiles or modify existing ones using the CA_PROFILES <settings-ca-profiles> setting.

Using profiles

You can use a profile when signing certificates:

  • When you use the command line </cli/certs>:

    $ python sign_cert --client ...
  • In the web_interface you can select a profile when adding a certificate.
  • In the Python API </python/intro>:

    >>> from django_ca.models import Certificate
    >>> from django_ca.profiles import profiles
    >>> Certificate.objects.create_cert(ca, csr, profile=profiles['client'])

    or by even defining a temporary profile just for this certificate:

    >>> from django_ca.profiles import Profile
    >>> prof = Profile(...)
    >>> Certificate.objects.create_cert(ca, csr, profile=prof)

Configure profiles

You can add new profiles with the CA_PROFILES <settings-ca-profiles> setting. The setting a dictionary with the key identifying the certificate and the values configuring various aspects of certificates signed using this profile. A simple profile might look like this:





After defining a profile, it can be immediately used with the Python API, the Admin web interface (WSGI servers typically need to reload the code to see the new profile) or the command line:

$ python sign_cert -h
  Sign certificate based on the given profile. A profile only sets the the default values, options like --key-
  usage still override the profile.

  --client              A certificate for a client.
  --server              A certificate for a server, allows client and server authentication.
  --webserver           A certificate for a webserver.
  --enduser             A certificate for an enduser, allows client authentication, code and email signing.
  --ocsp                A certificate for an OCSP responder.
  --example             An example profile.

Available options

There are many available options for a profile, of course all of them are optional:

Option Default Description
add_crl_url True Set to False if you don't want the CAs CRL URL added.



Set to False if you don't want the CAs Issuer Alternative Name added.

add_issuer_url True Set to False if you don't want the CAs Issuer URL added.

add_ocsp_url algorithm


Set to False if you don't want the CAs OCSP URLs added. The algorithm used for signing, defaults to CA_DEFAULT_SIGNATURE_HASH_ALGORITHM <settings-ca-default-signature-hash-algorithm> for RSA/EC keys.



Set to True if you want to mark certificates from this profile as automatically generated by default.

description expires


Informal text explaining what the profile is. A timedelta of when a certificate will expire, if you set an integer it will be interpreted as a number of days. This defaults to CA_DEFAULT_EXPIRES <settings-ca-default-expires>.



A dictionary of extensions to add. Please see below for more details.




Set an alternative issuer name from the CA. Note that this will usually break any certificate validation, so this is definitely for experts only. The default subject to use, overrides CA_DEFAULT_SUBJECT <settings-ca-default-subject>.

Configure the subject

The subject in a profile serves as a default value for subjects when signing certificates. You can use the settings-ca-default-subject setting to set a default value for all profiles. If a profile should not set any setting (despite settings-ca-default-subject being set), set False for the subject.

The format used for the subject is the same as the settings-ca-default-subject setting, please refer to the settings documentation for the exact syntax. When signing via the command line or issuing certificates via ACMEv2, the subject will be sorted according to settings-ca-default-name-order.

When issuing certificates via ACMEv2, the subject of the issued certificate will be the subject of the profile, with the first DNS name requested by the client used as common name. You can configure the profile being used for each certificate authority via the admin interface or via edit_ca --acme-profile.

When signing certificates via the API, this value is not used, the caller is expected to provide the full subject. When signing certificates via the admin interface, this subject will be the default values in the subject field of the form.

When issuing certificates via the command line, the given subject is merged with the subject of the profile, with explicitly given values taking precedence. For example, given the following configuration:





... signing a certificate with

$ sign_cert --subject-format rfc4514 --subject "" ...

will give the certificate a subject of C=AT,ST=Vienna, If you sign with

$ sign_cert --subject-format rfc4514 --subject "ST=Styria,L=Graz," ...

you will get C=AT,ST=Styria,L=Graz, as a subject.

Configure extensions

Many extensions (such as the Authority Key Identifier and Basic Constraints extensions) are added by default since they are required to create a useful certificate. Further extensions (such as the CRL Distribution Points and Authority Information Access) are added depending on the values for the CA you are using and the add_{...}_url settings described below.

You can define any extension in a profile with a dictionary.

Use the key from :py~django_ca.constants.EXTENSION_KEYS as a dictionary key and a dictionary as a value describing the extension.

The dictionary has an optional critical key. If it is not defined, the critical value will come from :py~django_ca.constants.EXTENSION_DEFAULT_CRITICAL.

All extensions use a value key to describe the extension value. It is usually a dict for convenience, but can also be a or for convenience (or special cases). For example, for the Key Usage extension, use:

    'example': {
        # ...
        'extensions': {
            'key_usage': {
               'critical': False,  # usually critical, but not here for some reason
               'value': ['digitalSignature']

Find how to specify the value key for the most important extensions below.

Authority Information Access

The value is a dict with two optional keys: ocsp and issuers. Both are a list of general names as described in names_on_cli. Example:

{'ocsp': 'URI:'}

It is unusual to specify this extension in a profile, as the values should come from the certificate authority. If you do specify it, it will be merged with values from the certificate authority if you create a certificate from the command line or via ACMEv2 (unless the profile specifies add_ocsp_url=False and/or add_issuer_url=False). If you create a certificate via the admin interface, selecting the profile will set the value for this extension (profiles are only used to fill the form, not when actually signing the certificate).

Certificate Policies


Configuring a Certificate Policies extension in a profile is currently the only way to add this extension to a certificate.

The value is a list of dicts describing the policy information. Each dict has the mandatory policy_identifier key that names an Object Identifier as dotted string. The policy_qualifiers object is optional and a list of policy qualifiers.

A policy_qualifiers item is either a string, or a dict describing a user notice. A user notice is a dict with the optional explicit_text key with a string value and the optional notice_reference key describing a notice reference. A notice_reference is a dict with the optional organization key as a string, and the notice_numbers key as a list of integers.


   {"policy_identifier": "1.1.1"},
      "policy_identifier": "1.3.3",
      "policy_qualifiers": [
          "A policy qualifier as a string",
              "explicit_text": "An explicit text",
              "notice_reference": {
                  "organization": "some org",
                  "notice_numbers": [1, 2, 3],

CRL Distribution Points

The value is a list of dicts describing distribution points. Each distribution point has either a full_name or a relative_name key (they are mutually exclusive). full_name is a list of names as described in names_on_cli, relative_name is a string with a relative name, e.g. A distribution point may also have a list of names in crl_issuers and a list of reasons in reasons as named in :py~cg:cryptography.x509.ReasonFlags.

Please note that in practice, the extension typically only uses a single full_name entry, all other values are not used:

[{'full_name': ['URI:']}]

Here is a full example:

      'full_name': ['URI:', 'URI:'],
      'crl_issuer': ['URI:'],
      'reasons': ['key_compromise'],

It is unusual to specify this extension in a profile, as the values should come from the certificate authority. If you do specify it, it will be merged with values from the certificate authority if you create a certificate from the command line or via ACMEv2 (unless the profile specifies add_crl_url=False). If you create a certificate via the admin interface, selecting the profile will set the value for this extension (profiles are only used to fill the form, not when actually signing the certificate).

Extended Key Usage

The value is a list of extended key usages as defined in RFC 5280, section Example:

["serverAuth", "clientAuth"]

Freshest CRL

The syntax is the same as for the CRL Distribution Points extension.

Key Usage

The value is a list of key usages as defined in RFC 5280, section Example:

["digitalSignature", "keyEncipherment"]

OCSP No Check

The value is optional, as the extension has no value (besides being present).

TLS Feature

The value is a list of features as defined in RFC 7633 < (so status_request and status_request_v2). For convenience, OCSPMustStaple and MultipleCertStatusRequest is also supported. Example:


The add_..._url settings

By default, certificates will include some extensions based on the CA used to sign it. The CA usually defines CRL and OCSP URLs that can be used to retrieve information if the certificate is still valid. This is usually what you want, but there are some exceptions. For example, a certificate for an OCSP responder should not include the OCSP URL, as it makes no sense to validate the OCSP responder certificate using the OCSP responder itself. The ocsp profile thus already sets add_ocsp_url to False.

If your profile defines a CRL Distribution Points or Authority Information Access extension, CRL, OCSP and Issuer URLs from the CA will be appended if the add_..._url setting is True.

Update existing profile

You can update an existing profile the same way as configuring a new profile. Any values will replace existing values. To update the default subject for the (predefined) enduser profile:

    "enduser": {
        "subject": "/C=AT/L=Vienna/",  # base for the subject when creating a new cert


Note that django-ca also replaces the whole extensions value. That means you cannot update one extension from the profile, you'll have to specify all extensions.

Remove a profile

You can remove a predefined profile by just setting the value to None:

    "client": None  # we really don't need this one