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Here lives the BrowserID implementation. BrowserID is an implementation of the verified email protocol.

This repository contains several distinct things related to BrowserID:

  • the browserid server - a node.js server which implements a web services api, stores a record of users, the email addresses they've verified, a bcrypted password, outstanding verification tokens, etc
  • the verifier - a stateless node.js server which does cryptographic verification of assertions. This thing is hosted on as a convenience, but people using browserid can choose to relocated it if they want to their own servers.
  • sample and test code - to test the above
  • the website - the templates, css, and javascript that make up the visible part of
  • the javascript/HTML dialog & include library - this is include.js and the code that it includes, the bit that someone using browserid will include.


Here's the software you'll need installed:

Getting started:

  1. install node
  2. run npm install to installed 3rd party libraries into node_modules
  3. run the top level run.js script: node ./run.js
  4. visit the demo application ('rp') in your web browser (url output on the console at runtime)


Unit tests are under browserid/tests/, and you should run them often. Like before committing code.

Development model

branching & release model - You'll notice some funky branching conventions, like the default branch is named dev rather than master as you might expect. We're using gitflow: the approach is described in a blog post.

contributions - please issue pull requests targeted at the dev branch