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How to compile and run the code

This project use cmake in order to generate any type of projects (Makefile, Visual Studio projects, Eclipse projects, etc.).

Install cmake

On Linux/Debian-like

Open a shell and type:

$ sudo apt-get install cmake

On Windows

Download and install cmake:

Make sure to add the cmake program to the PATH.

Exemple of a Makefile project generation (with the C++ GNU compiler)

Open a shell and type (from the AFF3CT root folder):

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. -G"Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Wall -funroll-loops -march=native -DMULTI_PREC" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE="-Ofast"

Compile the code with the Makefile

$ make -j4

This command will use the generated Makefile.

Run the code

Here are some examples of runs. You can skip the computations of the current SNR point with the ctrl+C combination on the keyboard. If you use ctrl+C twice in a small time-step (500ms), the program will stop.

Decoding of the Polar codes with the Successive Cancellation decoder

Open a shell and type (from the $ROOT_AFF3CT/build/ folder):

$ ./bin/aff3ct --sim-type BFER --cde-type POLAR -K 1024 -N 2048 -m 1.5 -M 2.81 --cde-fb-gen-method GA -t 1

Expected output:

# -------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------
# Parameters:
# * Simulation ------------------------------------
#    ** Type                    = BFER
#    ** SNR min (m)             = 1.500000 dB
#    ** SNR max (M)             = 2.810000 dB
#    ** SNR step (s)            = 0.100000 dB
#    ** Type of bits            = int (32 bits)
#    ** Type of reals           = float (32 bits)
#    ** Inter frame level       = 1
#    ** Seed                    = 0
#    ** Multi-threading (t)     = 1 thread(s)
# * Code ------------------------------------------
#    ** Type                    = POLAR
#    ** Info. bits (K)          = 1024
#    ** Codeword size (N)       = 2048
#    ** Coset approach (c)      = off
#    ** Sigma for code gen.     = adaptative
#    ** Frozen bits gen. method = GA
# * Source ----------------------------------------
#    ** Type                    = RAND
# * Encoder ---------------------------------------
#    ** Type                    = POLAR
#    ** Systematic encoding     = on
# * Modulator -------------------------------------
#    ** Type                    = BPSK
#    ** Bits per symbol         = 1
#    ** Sampling factor         = 1
# * Channel ---------------------------------------
#    ** Type                    = AWGN
#    ** Domain                  = LLR
# * Demodulator -----------------------------------
#    ** Sigma square            = on
#    ** Max type                = unused
# * Decoder ---------------------------------------
#    ** Type (D)                = SC
#    ** Implementation          = FAST
# * Monitor ---------------------------------------
#    ** Frame error count (e)   = 100
# The simulation is running...
# -------------------------------------------------------------||--------------------------------||---------------------
#   Bit Error Rate (BER) and Frame Error Rate (FER) depending  ||     Decoder throughput and     ||  Global throughput  
#             on the Signal Noise Ratio (SNR) Eb/N0            ||      latency (per thread)      ||  and elapsed time   
# -------------------------------------------------------------||--------------------------------||---------------------
# ------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------||----------|----------|----------||----------|----------
#   SNR |      FRA |       BE |       FE |      BER |      FER ||     CTHR |     ITHR |  LATENCY || SIM_CTHR |    ET/RT 
#  (dB) |          |          |          |          |          ||   (Mb/s) |   (Mb/s) |     (us) ||   (Mb/s) | (hhmmss) 
# ------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------||----------|----------|----------||----------|----------
   1.50 |      397 |     6512 |      100 | 1.60e-02 | 2.52e-01 ||    97.92 |    48.96 |    20.91 ||    13.19 | 00h00'00  
   1.60 |      522 |     6100 |      100 | 1.14e-02 | 1.92e-01 ||   119.57 |    59.79 |    17.13 ||    17.35 | 00h00'00  
   1.70 |      695 |     6232 |      100 | 8.76e-03 | 1.44e-01 ||   118.62 |    59.31 |    17.27 ||    17.42 | 00h00'00  
   1.80 |      988 |     5160 |      100 | 5.10e-03 | 1.01e-01 ||   119.23 |    59.62 |    17.18 ||    17.53 | 00h00'00  
   1.90 |     1540 |     4590 |      100 | 2.91e-03 | 6.49e-02 ||   117.27 |    58.63 |    17.46 ||    17.78 | 00h00'00  
   2.00 |     2593 |     4880 |      100 | 1.84e-03 | 3.86e-02 ||   117.29 |    58.64 |    17.46 ||    17.96 | 00h00'00  
   2.10 |     3519 |     4488 |      100 | 1.25e-03 | 2.84e-02 ||   117.14 |    58.57 |    17.48 ||    18.02 | 00h00'00  
   2.20 |     5374 |     4636 |      100 | 8.42e-04 | 1.86e-02 ||   115.91 |    57.95 |    17.67 ||    18.02 | 00h00'00  
   2.30 |    11013 |     3728 |      100 | 3.31e-04 | 9.08e-03 ||   115.70 |    57.85 |    17.70 ||    18.02 | 00h00'01  
   2.40 |    20949 |     3812 |      100 | 1.78e-04 | 4.77e-03 ||   114.89 |    57.45 |    17.83 ||    17.92 | 00h00'02  
   2.50 |    30454 |     3226 |      100 | 1.03e-04 | 3.28e-03 ||   115.22 |    57.61 |    17.77 ||    18.01 | 00h00'03  
   2.60 |    40835 |     3990 |      100 | 9.54e-05 | 2.45e-03 ||   113.05 |    56.52 |    18.12 ||    17.93 | 00h00'04  
   2.70 |    93116 |     3216 |      100 | 3.37e-05 | 1.07e-03 ||   111.32 |    55.66 |    18.40 ||    17.73 | 00h00'10  
   2.80 |   199253 |     2795 |      100 | 1.37e-05 | 5.02e-04 ||   109.16 |    54.58 |    18.76 ||    17.82 | 00h00'22  
# End of the simulation.


See the AFF3CT Wiki.