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How to test Bifröst

Testing that the transport parses data properly requires some way to emulate or fake requests and responses. Given that it uses an iframe there aren't much alternatives other than a testing server.

The built-in tests are intended to run with [Jaqen] (//, which is a small testing server built on node.js that allows to programmatically emulate responses and APIs.

Installing Jaqen

Once you have node.js on your system, run this in a console to globally install Jaqen:

$ npm install -g jaqen

After installing you should be able to fire up an instance by typing jaqen:

$ jaqen
=> Jaqen is listening on port 9000.
=> Press Ctl+C to stop the server.

Running tests

Important: Browsers in general don't allow accessing cross-domain content from iframes, so test files need to be served from the same domain as the fake requests for the tests to run properly.

  1. Move to the project's root folder and run jaqen from there so it can serve Bifröst and the tests as static files from the same domain as the fake requests:

    $ cd bifrost
    $ jaqen
    => Jaqen is listening on port 9000.
    => Press Ctl+C to stop the server.
  2. Open up a browser and visit http://localhost:9000/tests. You should see the tests run and their results.

    If you run Jaqen in a different port you need to change Jaqen's address in tests/index.html.

Happy testing!