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To use EasyPubSub, first install it using pip:

$ pip install easypubsub

Starting a Proxy

EasyPubSub uses a single, central :obj:`~easypubsub.proxy.Proxy` as an intermediary between publishers and subscribers. A proxy is not required by the underlying library (ZeroMQ), but it is for EasyPubSub. This is to simplify setup and usage for users. The job of the proxy is to forward messages between publishers and subscribers, without them having to directly connect with each other.

.. literalinclude:: ../examples/
   :caption: examples/
   :language: python
   :emphasize-lines: 8-9

The proxy will accept connections from publishers on PUBLISHERS_ADDRESS and from subscribers on SUBSCRIBERS_ADDRESS.


An EasyPubSub :obj:`~easypubsub.publisher.Publisher` is used to publish data over the network. In the example below, a publisher called lottery, publishes random numbers to the topic winning_number every ten seconds. The publishing can happen regardless of the presence of any subscribers, or even of the proxy. Once the proxy is running, the publisher will establish connection and push data to the proxy. If any connection is lost (for example because the proxy is restarted), the publisher will reconnect automatically.


Since the connection is established asynchronously, data is not guaranteed to be sent to the proxy. Messages could be lost before a connection is established. For more details, see ZeroMQ's documentation.

.. literalinclude:: ../examples/
   :caption: examples/
   :language: python
   :emphasize-lines: 9,12

While in this case the publisher is sending a simple integer as message, the message can be any Python object that can be pickled. For example lists, dictionaries, numpy arrays, etc.

Publishing using the publish_this decorator

Often, one wants to publish the result of a function every time that function is called. EasyPubSub provides a decorator, :obj:`~easypubsub.publisher.publish_this`, that can be used to automatically publish the result of a function call.

.. literalinclude:: ../examples/
   :caption: examples/
   :language: python
   :emphasize-lines: 10-13

In the example above, every time my_random_number_generator is called, the result is published to the topic lottery.winning_number. A :obj:`~easypubsub.publisher.Publisher` is built and managed automatically by the decorator.


As you can imagine, subscribing is very similar to publishing! In the example below, a :obj:`~easypubsub.subscriber.Subscriber` called lottery_player subscribes any topic available (by omitting the topics argument).

.. literalinclude:: ../examples/
   :caption: examples/
   :language: python
   :emphasize-lines: 6, 10

When calling :meth:`~easypubsub.subscriber.Subscriber.receive`, a list of publications is returned (all the ones collected since the last call). Each publication is a tuple of the form (topic, message), for example ("lottery.winning_number", 42).

EasyPubSub over a LAN

So far EasyPubSub has only been tested to connect python instances in a single machine (localhost), but as long as the network is configured correctly (port forwarding etc.), it should be possible to connect to other machines.