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Progressive Growing of GANs - TensorFlow 2 Implementation

Representative image

This is a TensorFlow 2 implementation of Progressive Growing of GANs. The original implementation was provided by the authors Tero Karras (NVIDIA), Timo Aila (NVIDIA), Samuli Laine (NVIDIA), Jaakko Lehtinen (NVIDIA and Aalto University). Please cite the original authors and their work (not this repository):

Paper (arXiv)
TensorFlow 1 Implementation (github)


The repository at hand was written to get myself more comfortable and familiar with TensorFlow 2. It aims to provide a maintainable and well-written implementation of Progressive GANs in TensorFlow 2. It follows the best practices for distributed computing with custom training loops and dynamic models according to TensorFlow's API. This repository aims to use the highest level API available in TensorFlow 2 for each building block (dataset, model, layer, etc.):

The original TensorFlow 1 repository took roughly 2 weeks of traintime for a 1024x1024x3 network on a single V100. This repository takes 5 days, 11hrs for the same network on a Quadro RTX 6000. Here are three 256x256x3 interpolation results:

Example Gif Example Gif Example Gif

Differences to the original TensorFlow 1 contribution

This repository, in its default configuration, differs from its original contribution in the following ways:

  • The original contribution linearly increases alpha (image smoothing scalar for linear interpolation) over 800k images. This repository increases alpha linearly over 810k images.
  • The original contribution trains each stage > 2 for 1.6M images. This repository trains each stage for 1.62M images.
  • The original contribution trains stage 2 for 800k images. This repository trains stage 2 for 1.62M images.
  • The original contribution resets optimizer states after each stage increase. This repository re-initializes its optimizers.
  • The original contribution allows for configurable discriminator repeats. This repository has no discriminator repeats.
  • The original contribution has an optional label input and computes label loss penalties, if labels are given. This repository doesn't support labels.
  • The original contribution alpha smooths (linearly interpolates) all intermediate image outputs within its models. This repository only linearly interpolates the image of the last block of the current stage.
  • The original contribution provides a recursive network definition. This repository builds its models linearly.

I am certain there are more differences, but these are the major ones I could think of. Let me know if you spot any other major discrepancies.

System requirements

  • Linux with 64-bit Python 3.6 and python-pydot, python-pydotplus installed (see installation)
  • 16GB system memory and one or more high-end NVIDIA Turing, Pascal or Volta GPUs with 16GB of DRAM.
  • NVIDIA driver 440.64.00 or newer, CUDA toolkit 10.1 or newer, cudNN 7.6.5 or newer
    • Disclaimer: It's likely possible to run this repository on older software installations (specifically if you are willing to run pre tensorflow 2.1.0). If you are going down this road some manual adaptions are likely required :-/

Installation & Training

Personally I use virtualenv, but you can use conda, docker or any other type of virtualenv/containerization technique that floats your boat. Make sure the system requirements mentioned above are met.

Install required packages:

sudo apt-get install python3-pydot python3-pydotplus python3-venv

Clone the repository:

git clone
cd progressive_growing_of_gans_tensorflow_2

Setup your environment:

python3 -m venv venv
source ven/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
pip install -r requirements.txt

Adapt the configuration for your system (specifically data_dir, log_dir and out_dir paths):


Train Progressive-GANs:


You'll see the project logfile and the TensorBoard logfile in log_dir; model checkpoints as well as eval images will be stored in out_dir.


The following options are configurable via This config file is backed up for each run in its respective output directory. By default the configuration will train a 256x256x3 network for CelebA-HQ using a single GPU (index 0 GPU).

Global Settings
identifier dtype default meaning
save bool True de-/activates model saving and checkpointing
evaluate bool True de-/activates model evaluation
logging bool True de-/activates file logging (incl. TensorBoard)
out_dir str, os.PathLike '/media/storage/outs/' directory for output files (images, models)
log_dir str, os.PathLike '/media/storage/outs/' directory for logging (logfile, tensorboard)
data_dir str, os.PathLike '~/tensorflow_datasets' directory to load tensorflow_datasets from
train_eagerly bool False de-/activates execution of train_step in graph mode
XLA bool False de-/activates XLA JIT compilation for train_step
strategy str 'default' distribution strategy
checkpoint_freq uint 54 epoch frequency to checkpoint models with (0 = disabled)
eval_freq uint 1 epoch frequency to evaluate models with (0 = disabled)
log_freq uint 1 epoch frequency to log with (0 = disabled)
global_seed int 1000 global tensorflow seed

Note: If you want to train on a cluster (strategy = 'multimirrored'), make sure that your environment variable $TF_CONFIG is correctly configured for each node. This repository defines the worker at index 0 as its chief. The chief will handle all file outputs (make sure he has the necessary rights to write within the defined output directories).

identifier dtype default meaning
leaky_alpha float 0.2 leakiness of LeakyReLU activations
generator_ema float 0.999 exponential moving average of final_generator
resolution uint 256 final resolution
noise_dim uint 512 noise_dim generator projects from
epsilon float 1e-8 small constant for numerical stability in model layers
data_format str 'channels_last' defines order of dimensions for images
use_bias bool True de-/activates usage of biases in all trainable layers
use_stages bool True de-/activates progressive training of model in stages
use_fused_scaling bool True de-/activates up- and downsampling of images via strides=(2, 2) in Conv2D and Conv2DTranspose
use_weight_scaling bool True de-/activates weight scaling trick
use_alpha_smoothing bool True de-/activates smoothing in an image from a previous block after increasing the model to a new stage
use_noise_normalization bool True de-/activates pixel_normalization on noise input at generator start
identifier dtype default meaning
epochs uint 432 number of epochs to train for
epochs_per_stage uint 54 number of epochs per stage
alpha_init float 0.0 initial alpha value to smooth in images from previous block
use_epsilon_penalty bool True de-/activates epsilon_drift_penalty applied to discriminator loss
drift_epsilon float 0.001 epsilon scalar for epsilon_drift_penalty
use_gradient_penalty bool True de-/activates gradient_penalty applied to discriminator loss
wgan_lambda float 10.0 wasserstein lambda scalar for gradient_penalty
wgan_target float 1.0 wasserstein target scalar for gradient_penalty
random_image_seed int 42 seed for fixed-random evaluate images
Data Pipeline
identifier dtype default meaning
registered_name str 'celeb_a_hq' name argument for tensorflow_datasets.load
split str 'train' split argument for tensorflow_datasets.load
num_examples uint 30000 number of examples train dataset will contain according to loaded split
caching bool False de-/activates dataset caching to file or system memory (see cache_file)
cache_file str, os.PathLike '/tmp/{timestamp}-tf-dataset.cache' location of temporary cache_file ("" = load entire dataset into system memory)
process_func function celeb_a_hq_process_func function to process each dataset entry with
map_parallel_calls int number of parallel entries to apply 'process_functions' asynchronously
prefetch_parallel_calls int number of parallel threads to prefetch entries with concurrently
replica_batch_sizes dict {2: 128, 3: 128, 4: 128, 5: 64, 6: 32, 7: 16, 8: 8, 9: 6, 10: 4} per replica batch size at stage
buffer_sizes dict {2: 5000, 3: 5000, 4: 2500, 5: 1250, 6: 500, 7: 400, 8: 300, 9: 250, 10: 200} buffer size at stage
identifier dtype default meaning
learning_rates dict {2: 1e-3, 3: 1e-3, 4: 1e-3, 5: 1e-3, 6: 1e-3, 7: 1e-3, 8: 1e-3, 9: 1e-3, 10: 1e-3} learning_rate at stage
beta1 float 0.0 exponential decay rate for the 1st moment estimates
beta2 float 0.99 exponential decay rate for the 2nd moment estimates
epsilon float 1e-8 small constant for numerical stability
identifier dtype default meaning
device_placement bool False de-/activates TensorFlow device placement logging
level str 'INFO' log level of project logger
filename str, os.PathLike '{timestamp}-{host}-logfile.log' name of resulting log file
format str '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s' log formatting for formatter
datefmt str '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p' datetime formatting for formatter
adapt_tf_logger bool True de-/activates overriding of tf_logger configuration
tf_level str 'ERROR' log level of TensorFlow logging logger


The following features are planned for the near future.

  • add mixed_precision (fp16) training
  • support for NCHW (channel_first) data format
  • support for non RGB-images
  • implement metrics
    • MS-SIM
    • FID
    • R&R

PRs are very welcome and appreciated!

Personal Note

Located in Germany, passionate about ML and looking for opportunities world wide: matthiasrozanski[at]gmail[dot]com

If you are looking for additions to your (research/engineering) team: Don't hesitate reaching out - I ain't biting :)