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786 lines (642 loc) · 35.1 KB

class: middle, center, title-slide count: false

pyhf: pure-Python implementation of HistFactory with tensors and automatic differentiation[Matthew Feickert]
.huge[(University of Wisconsin-Madison)]

International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP) 2022

July 8th, 2022

pyhf team

.grid[[ .circle.width-80[Lukas]

Lukas Heinrich

Technical University of Munich ][ .circle.width-80[Matthew]

Matthew Feickert

University of Wisconsin-Madison
(Illinois for work presented today) ][ .circle.width-75[Giordon]

Giordon Stark

University of California Santa Cruz SCIPP ] ]

.center.large[plus more than 20 contributors]

Goals of physics analysis at the LHC

.kol-1-1[[ .width-100[ATLAS_Higgs_discovery] Search for new physics ][

Make precision measurements ][ .width-110[[![SUSY-2018-31_limit](figures/SUSY-2018-31_limit.png)](]

Provide constraints on models through setting best limits ] ]

  • All require .bold[building statistical models] and .bold[fitting models] to data to perform statistical inference
  • Model complexity can be huge for complicated searches
  • Problem: Time to fit can be .bold[many hours]
  • .blue[Goal:] Empower analysts with fast fits and expressive models

HistFactory Model

  • A flexible probability density function (p.d.f.) template to build statistical models in high energy physics
  • Developed in 2011 during work that lead to the Higgs discovery [CERN-OPEN-2012-016]
  • Widely used by ATLAS for .bold[measurements of known physics] and .bold[searches for new physics][ .width-90[HIGG-2016-25] .bold[Standard Model] ][ .width-100[SUSY-2016-16]
.bold[Beyond the Standard Model] ]

HistFactory Template: at a glance

$$ f\left(\mathrm{data}\middle|\mathrm{parameters}\right) = f\left(\textcolor{#00a620}{\vec{n}}, \textcolor{#a3130f}{\vec{a}}\middle|\textcolor{#0495fc}{\vec{\eta}}, \textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\vec{\chi}}\right) = \textcolor{blue}{\prod_{c \,\in\, \textrm{channels}} \prod_{b \,\in\, \textrm{bins}_c} \textrm{Pois} \left(n_{cb} \middle| \nu_{cb}\left(\vec{\eta}, \vec{\chi}\right)\right)} \,\textcolor{red}{\prod_{\chi \,\in\, \vec{\chi}} c_{\chi} \left(a_{\chi}\middle|\chi\right)} $$

.center[$\textcolor{#00a620}{\vec{n}}$: .obsdata[events], $\textcolor{#a3130f}{\vec{a}}$: .auxdata[auxiliary data], $\textcolor{#0495fc}{\vec{\eta}}$: .freepars[unconstrained pars], $\textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\vec{\chi}}$: .conpars[constrained pars]]

$$ \nu_{cb}(\textcolor{#0495fc}{\vec{\eta}}, \textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\vec{\chi}}) = \sum_{s \,\in\, \textrm{samples}} \underbrace{\left(\sum_{\kappa \,\in\, \vec{\kappa}} \kappa_{scb}(\textcolor{#0495fc}{\vec{\eta}}, \textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\vec{\chi}})\right)}_{\textrm{multiplicative}} \Bigg(\nu_{scb}^{0}(\textcolor{#0495fc}{\vec{\eta}}, \textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\vec{\chi}}) + \underbrace{\sum_{\Delta \,\in\, \vec{\Delta}} \Delta_{scb}(\textcolor{#0495fc}{\vec{\eta}}, \textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\vec{\chi}})}_{\textrm{additive}}\Bigg) $$

.bold[Use:] Multiple disjoint channels (or regions) of binned distributions with multiple samples contributing to each with additional (possibly shared) systematics between sample estimates

.bold[Main pieces:]

  • .blue[Main Poisson p.d.f. for simultaneous measurement of multiple channels]
  • .katex[Event rates] $\nu_{cb}(\textcolor{#0495fc}{\vec{\eta}}, \textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\vec{\chi}})$ (nominal rate $\nu_{scb}^{0}$ with rate modifiers)
    • encode systematic uncertainties (e.g. normalization, shape)
  • .red[Constraint p.d.f. (+ data) for "auxiliary measurements"]

HistFactory Template: at a second glance

$$ f\left(\mathrm{data}\middle|\mathrm{parameters}\right) = f\left(\textcolor{#00a620}{\vec{n}}, \textcolor{#a3130f}{\vec{a}}\middle|\textcolor{#0495fc}{\vec{\eta}}, \textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\vec{\chi}}\right) = \prod_{c \,\in\, \textrm{channels}} \prod_{b \,\in\, \textrm{bins}_c} \textrm{Pois} \left(\textcolor{#00a620}{n_{cb}} \middle| \nu_{cb}\left(\textcolor{#0495fc}{\vec{\eta}}, \textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\vec{\chi}}\right)\right) \,\prod_{\chi \,\in\, \vec{\chi}} c_{\chi} \left(\textcolor{#a3130f}{a_{\chi}}\middle|\textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\chi}\right) $$

.center[$\textcolor{#00a620}{\vec{n}}$: .obsdata[events], $\textcolor{#a3130f}{\vec{a}}$: .auxdata[auxiliary data], $\textcolor{#0495fc}{\vec{\eta}}$: .freepars[unconstrained pars], $\textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\vec{\chi}}$: .conpars[constrained pars]]

$$ \nu_{cb}(\textcolor{#0495fc}{\vec{\eta}}, \textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\vec{\chi}}) = \sum_{s \,\in\, \textrm{samples}} \underbrace{\left(\sum_{\kappa \,\in\, \vec{\kappa}} \kappa_{scb}(\textcolor{#0495fc}{\vec{\eta}}, \textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\vec{\chi}})\right)}_{\textrm{multiplicative}} \Bigg(\nu_{scb}^{0}(\textcolor{#0495fc}{\vec{\eta}}, \textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\vec{\chi}}) + \underbrace{\sum_{\Delta \,\in\, \vec{\Delta}} \Delta_{scb}(\textcolor{#0495fc}{\vec{\eta}}, \textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\vec{\chi}})}_{\textrm{additive}}\Bigg) $$

.bold[Use:] Multiple disjoint channels (or regions) of binned distributions with multiple samples contributing to each with additional (possibly shared) systematics between sample estimates

.bold[Main pieces:]

  • .blue[Main Poisson p.d.f. for simultaneous measurement of multiple channels]
  • .katex[Event rates] $\nu_{cb}(\textcolor{#0495fc}{\vec{\eta}}, \textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\vec{\chi}})$ (nominal rate $\nu_{scb}^{0}$ with rate modifiers)
    • encode systematic uncertainties (e.g. normalization, shape)
  • .red[Constraint p.d.f. (+ data) for "auxiliary measurements"]

HistFactory Template: grammar

$$ f\left(\mathrm{data}\middle|\mathrm{parameters}\right) = f\left(\textcolor{#00a620}{\vec{n}}, \textcolor{#a3130f}{\vec{a}}\middle|\textcolor{#0495fc}{\vec{\eta}}, \textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\vec{\chi}}\right) = \textcolor{blue}{\prod_{c \,\in\, \textrm{channels}} \prod_{b \,\in\, \textrm{bins}_c} \textrm{Pois} \left(n_{cb} \middle| \nu_{cb}\left(\vec{\eta}, \vec{\chi}\right)\right)} \,\textcolor{red}{\prod_{\chi \,\in\, \vec{\chi}} c_{\chi} \left(a_{\chi}\middle|\chi\right)} $$

Mathematical grammar for a simultaneous fit with:

  • .blue[multiple "channels"] (analysis regions, (stacks of) histograms) that can have multiple bins
  • with systematic uncertainties that modify the event rate $\nu_{cb}(\textcolor{#0495fc}{\vec{\eta}}, \textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\vec{\chi}})$
  • coupled to a set of .red[constraint terms]

.center.width-40[SUSY-2016-16_annotated] .center[Example: .bold[Each bin] is separate (1-bin) channel, each .bold[histogram] (color)
is a sample and share a .bold[normalization systematic] uncertainty]

HistFactory Template: implementation

$$ f\left(\mathrm{data}\middle|\mathrm{parameters}\right) = f\left(\textcolor{#00a620}{\vec{n}}, \textcolor{#a3130f}{\vec{a}}\middle|\textcolor{#0495fc}{\vec{\eta}}, \textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\vec{\chi}}\right) = \prod_{c \,\in\, \textrm{channels}} \prod_{b \,\in\, \textrm{bins}_c} \textrm{Pois} \left(\textcolor{#00a620}{n_{cb}} \middle| \nu_{cb}\left(\textcolor{#0495fc}{\vec{\eta}}, \textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\vec{\chi}}\right)\right) \,\prod_{\chi \,\in\, \vec{\chi}} c_{\chi} \left(\textcolor{#a3130f}{a_{\chi}}\middle|\textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\chi}\right) $$

.center[$\textcolor{#00a620}{\vec{n}}$: .obsdata[events], $\textcolor{#a3130f}{\vec{a}}$: .auxdata[auxiliary data], $\textcolor{#0495fc}{\vec{\eta}}$: .freepars[unconstrained pars], $\textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\vec{\chi}}$: .conpars[constrained pars]]

$$ \nu_{cb}(\textcolor{#0495fc}{\vec{\eta}}, \textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\vec{\chi}}) = \sum_{s \,\in\, \textrm{samples}} \underbrace{\left(\sum_{\kappa \,\in\, \vec{\kappa}} \kappa_{scb}(\textcolor{#0495fc}{\vec{\eta}}, \textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\vec{\chi}})\right)}_{\textrm{multiplicative}} \Bigg(\nu_{scb}^{0}(\textcolor{#0495fc}{\vec{\eta}}, \textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\vec{\chi}}) + \underbrace{\sum_{\Delta \,\in\, \vec{\Delta}} \Delta_{scb}(\textcolor{#0495fc}{\vec{\eta}}, \textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\vec{\chi}})}_{\textrm{additive}}\Bigg) $$

.center[.bold[This is a mathematical representation!] Nowhere is any software spec defined] .center[.bold[Until 2018] the only implementation of HistFactory has been in ROOT]


pyhf: HistFactory in pure Python


  • First non-ROOT implementation of the HistFactory p.d.f. template
    • .width-40[DOI]
  • pure-Python library as second implementation of HistFactory

.center.width-100[pyhf_PyPI] ] .kol-1-2.large[

pyhf: HistFactory in pure Python


  • First non-ROOT implementation of the HistFactory p.d.f. template
    • .width-40[DOI]
  • pure-Python library as second implementation of HistFactory

.center.width-100[pyhf_PyPI] ] .kol-1-2.large[

Machine Learning Frameworks for Computation

.grid[ .kol-2-3[

  • All numerical operations implemented in .bold[tensor backends] through an API of $n$-dimensional array operations
  • Using deep learning frameworks as computational backends allows for .bold[exploitation of auto differentiation (autograd) and GPU acceleration]
  • As huge buy in from industry we benefit for free as these frameworks are .bold[continually improved] by professional software engineers (physicists are not)[ .width-80[scaling_hardware] ] .kol-1-2[

  • Hardware acceleration giving .bold[order of magnitude speedup] in interpolation for systematics!
    • does suffer some overhead
  • Noticeable impact for large and complex models
    • hours to minutes for fits ] ][ .width-85[NumPy] .width-85[PyTorch] .width-85[Tensorflow]

.width-50[![JAX](figures/logos/JAX_logo.png)] ] ]

Automatic differentiation

With tensor library backends gain access to exact (higher order) derivatives — accuracy is only limited by floating point precision

$$ \frac{\partial L}{\partial \mu}, \frac{\partial L}{\partial \theta_{i}} $$

.grid[ .kol-1-2[ .large[Exploit .bold[full gradient of the likelihood] with .bold[modern optimizers] to help speedup fit!]

.large[Gain this through the frameworks creating computational directed acyclic graphs and then applying the chain rule (to the operations)] ] .kol-1-2[ .center.width-80[DAG] ] ]

JSON spec fully describes the HistFactory model


  • Human & machine readable .bold[declarative] statistical models
  • Industry standard
    • Will be with us forever
  • Parsable by every language
    • Highly portable
    • Bidirectional translation
      with ROOT
  • Versionable and easily preserved

.center[JSON defining a single channel, two bin counting experiment with systematics] ]

ATLAS validation and publication of models

.kol-1-2[ .center.width-100[ATLAS_PUB_Note_title]


.center[(ATLAS, 2019)] ] .kol-1-2[ .center.width-100[[![CERN_news_story](figures/CERN_news_story.png)](] .center[(CERN, 2020)] ]

Large community adoption followed (2020 on)

.center[ .width-95[community-adoption] ]

Extending and visualization: cabinetry


  • .bold[pyhf] focuses on the modeling (library not a framework)
  • Leverage the design of the .bold[Scikit-HEP ecosystem] and close communication between pyhf dev team and cabinetry lead dev Alexander Held
  • .bold[cabinetry] designs & steers template profile likelihood fits
  • Uses pyhf as the inference engine
  • Provides common visualization for inference validation ] .kol-2-3[ .center.width-50[cabinetry_logo] .center.width-100[cabinetry_plots]

.center[Alexander Held, ATLAS SUSY Workshop 2021] ]

Core part of IRIS-HEP Analysis Systems pipeline

.center[ .width-65[analysis-systems-scope] ]

  • .large[Analysis Systems pipeline: deployable stack of experiment agnostic infrastructure]
  • .large[Accelerating fitting (reducing time to .bold[insight] (statistical inference)!)] (pyhf + cabinetry)
  • .large[An enabling technology for .bold[reinterpretation]] (pyhf + RECAST)

Browser native ecosystem as of April 2022


<iframe src="" width="100%" height="500px" ></iframe> ]

.center[Pyodide CPython port to WebAssembly/Emscripten powering JupyterLite kernel]

Browser native ecosystem as of April 2022


.center[Pyodide CPython port to WebAssembly/Emscripten powering JupyterLite kernel]

Browser native ecosystem as of April 2022


.center[Pyodide CPython port to WebAssembly/Emscripten powering JupyterLite kernel]

Browser native ecosystem as of April 2022


.center[Pyodide CPython port to WebAssembly/Emscripten powering JupyterLite kernel]

Enabling full web apps with PyScript


.center[Future software/statistics training, web applications, schemea validation enabled with Pyodide and PyScript]

Enabling full web apps with PyScript


.center[Future software/statistics training, web applications, schemea validation enabled with Pyodide and PyScript]

Enabling full web apps with PyScript


.center[Future software/statistics training, web applications, schemea validation enabled with Pyodide and PyScript]

HEPData support for HistFactory JSON and more


.center.width-100[hepdata-histfactory-tweet] ] .kol-5-7[
.center.width-100[hepdata-histfactory-badge] ]

.center[Published HistFactory probability models get own DOI (future: model render, interactivity)]



  • .large[Library for modeling and .bold[accelerated] fitting]
    • reducing time to insight/inference!
    • Hardware acceleration on GPUs and vectorized operations
    • Backend agnostic Python API and CLI
  • .large[Flexible .bold[declarative] schema]
    • JSON: ubiquitous, universal support, versionable
  • .large[Enabling technology for .bold[reinterpretation]]
    • JSON Patch files for efficient computation of new signal models
    • Unifying tool for theoretical and experimental physicists
  • .large[Growing use community across .bold[all of HEP]]
    • Theory and experiment
  • .large[Project in growing .bold[Pythonic HEP ecosystem]]

.center.width-100[[![pyhf_logo](](] ]

class: middle


Thanks for listening!

Come talk with us!

.large[] ] .grid[[ .width-90[scikit-hep_logo] ][
.width-90[pyhf_logo] ][

.width-100[iris-hep_logo] ] ]

class: end-slide, center


Why is the likelihood important?


  • High information-density summary of analysis
  • Almost everything we do in the analysis ultimately affects the likelihood and is encapsulated in it
    • Trigger
    • Detector
    • Combined Performance / Physics Object Groups
    • Systematic Uncertainties
    • Event Selection
  • Unique representation of the analysis to reuse and preserve ] .kol-1-2.width-100[

    likelihood_connections ]

HistFactory Template: systematic uncertainties


  • In HEP common for systematic uncertainties to be specified with two template histograms: "up" and "down" variation for parameter $\theta \in \{\textcolor{#0495fc}{\vec{\eta}}, \textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\vec{\chi}} \}$
    • "up" variation: model prediction for $\theta = +1$
    • "down" variation: model prediction for $\theta = -1$
    • Interpolation and extrapolation choices provide .bold[model predictions $\nu(\vec{\theta},)$ for any $\vec{\theta}$]
  • Constraint terms $c_{j} \left(\textcolor{#a3130f}{a_{j}}\middle|\textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\theta_{j}}\right)$ used to model auxiliary measurements. Example for Normal (most common case):
    • Mean of nuisance parameter $\textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\theta_{j}}$ with normalized width ($\sigma=1$)
    • Normal: auxiliary data $\textcolor{#a3130f}{a_{j} = 0}$ (aux data function of modifier type)
    • Constraint term produces penalty in likelihood for pulling $\textcolor{#9c2cfc}{\theta_{j}}$ away from auxiliary measurement value
    • As $\nu(\vec{\theta},)$ constraint terms inform rate modifiers (.bold[systematic uncertainties]) during simultaneous fit ] .kol-3-7[ .center.width-70[systematics] .center[Image credit: Alexander Held] ]

Full likelihood serialization...

.center[...making good on 19 year old agreement to publish likelihoods]

.center.width-90[ likelihood_publishing_agreement ]

.center[(1st Workshop on Confidence Limits, CERN, 2000)]

.bold[This hadn't been done in HEP until 2019]

  • In an "open world" of statistics this is a difficult problem to solve
  • What to preserve and how? All of ROOT?
  • Idea: Focus on a single more tractable binned model first

JSON Patch for signal model (reinterpretation)

.center[JSON Patch gives ability to .bold[easily mutate model]] .center[Think: test a .bold[new theory] with a .bold[new patch]!] .center[(c.f. Lukas Heinrich's RECAST talk from Snowmass 2021 Computational Frontier Workshop)]
.center[Combined with RECAST gives powerful tool for .bold[reinterpretation studies]]


.center.width-100[measurement_cartoon] .center[Signal model A] ] .kol-3-5[

.center.width-100[signal_reinterpretation] ] .kol-1-5[

.center.width-100[reinterpretation_cartoon] .center[Signal model B] ]

Probability models reserved on HEPData

  • pyhf pallet:
    • Background-only model JSON stored
    • Hundreds of signal model JSON Patches stored together as a pyhf "patch set" file
  • Fully preserve and publish the full statistical model and observations to give likelihood
    • with own DOI! .width-20[DOI]

.kol-3-5[ .center.width-100[HEPData_likelihoods] ] .kol-2-5[
.center.width-85[carbon_tree_likelihood_archive] ]

...can be used from HEPData

  • pyhf pallet:
    • Background-only model JSON stored
    • Hundreds of signal model JSON Patches stored together as a pyhf "patch set" file
  • Fully preserve and publish the full statistical model and observations to give likelihood
    • with own DOI! .width-20[DOI]


API Example: Hypothesis test


$ python -m pip install pyhf[jax,contrib]
$ pyhf contrib download 1Lbb-pallet
import json
import pyhf

pyhf.set_backend("jax")  # Optional for speed
spec = json.load(open("1Lbb-pallet/BkgOnly.json"))
patchset = pyhf.PatchSet(json.load(open("1Lbb-pallet/patchset.json")))

workspace = pyhf.Workspace(spec)
model = workspace.model(patches=[patchset["C1N2_Wh_hbb_900_250"]])

test_poi = 1.0
data =
cls_obs, cls_exp_band = pyhf.infer.hypotest(
    test_poi, data, model, test_stat="qtilde", return_expected_set=True
print(f"Observed CLs: {cls_obs}")
# Observed CLs: 0.4573416902360917
print(f"Expected CLs band: {[exp.tolist() for exp in cls_exp_band]}")
# Expected CLs band: [0.014838293214187472, 0.05174259485911152,
# 0.16166970886709053, 0.4097850957724176, 0.7428200727035176]


Python API Example: Upper limit

.kol-3-5[ .tiny[

$ python -m pip install pyhf[jax,contrib]
$ pyhf contrib download 1Lbb-pallet
import json
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pyhf
from pyhf.contrib.viz.brazil import plot_results

pyhf.set_backend("jax")  # Optional for speed

spec = json.load(open("1Lbb-pallet/BkgOnly.json"))
patchset = pyhf.PatchSet(json.load(open("1Lbb-pallet/patchset.json")))

workspace = pyhf.Workspace(spec)
model = workspace.model(patches=[patchset["C1N2_Wh_hbb_900_250"]])

test_pois = np.linspace(0, 5, 41)  # POI step of 0.125
data =
obs_limit, exp_limits, (test_pois, results) = pyhf.infer.intervals.upperlimit(
    data, model, test_pois, return_results=True

print(f"Observed limit: {obs_limit}")
# Observed limit: 2.547958147632675
print(f"Expected limits: {[limit.tolist() for limit in exp_limits]}")
# Expected limits: [0.7065311975182036, 1.0136453820160332,
# 1.5766626372587724, 2.558234487679955, 4.105381941514062]

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
artists = plot_results(test_pois, results, ax=ax)

] ]

.kol-2-5[ .center.width-100[upper_limit] ]

API Example: Extend with cabinetry

.kol-5-7[ .tiny[

import json
import cabinetry
import pyhf
from cabinetry.model_utils import prediction
from pyhf.contrib.utils import download

# download the ATLAS bottom-squarks analysis probability models from HEPData
download("", "bottom-squarks")

# construct a workspace from a background-only model and a signal hypothesis
bkg_only_workspace = pyhf.Workspace(
patchset = pyhf.PatchSet(json.load(open("bottom-squarks/RegionC/patchset.json")))
workspace = patchset.apply(bkg_only_workspace, "sbottom_600_280_150")

# construct the probability model and observations
model, data = cabinetry.model_utils.model_and_data(workspace)

# produce visualizations of the pre-fit model and observed data
prefit_model = prediction(model)
cabinetry.visualize.data_mc(prefit_model, data)

# fit the model to the observed data
fit_results =, data)

# produce visualizations of the post-fit model and observed data
postfit_model = prediction(model, fit_results=fit_results)
cabinetry.visualize.data_mc(postfit_model, data)

] ][ .center.width-90[cabinetry_SR_metsigST_prefit] .center.width-90[cabinetry_SR_metsigST_postfit] ]

Rapid adoption in ATLAS...


...and by theory



Ongoing work to interface CMS Combine



  1. F. James, Y. Perrin, L. Lyons, .italic[Workshop on confidence limits: Proceedings], 2000.
  2. ROOT collaboration, K. Cranmer, G. Lewis, L. Moneta, A. Shibata and W. Verkerke, .italic[HistFactory: A tool for creating statistical models for use with RooFit and RooStats], 2012.
  3. L. Heinrich, H. Schulz, J. Turner and Y. Zhou, .italic[Constraining $A_{4}$ Leptonic Flavour Model Parameters at Colliders and Beyond], 2018.
  4. A. Read, .italic[Modified frequentist analysis of search results (the $\mathrm{CL}_{s}$ method)], 2000.
  5. K. Cranmer, .italic[CERN Latin-American School of High-Energy Physics: Statistics for Particle Physicists], 2013.
  6. ATLAS collaboration, .italic[Search for bottom-squark pair production with the ATLAS detector in final states containing Higgs bosons, b-jets and missing transverse momentum], 2019
  7. ATLAS collaboration, .italic[Reproducing searches for new physics with the ATLAS experiment through publication of full statistical likelihoods], 2019
  8. ATLAS collaboration, .italic[Search for bottom-squark pair production with the ATLAS detector in final states containing Higgs bosons, b-jets and missing transverse momentum: HEPData entry], 2019

class: end-slide, center count: false

The end.