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Matthew Orres edited this page Jan 20, 2018 · 1 revision

Thanks for considering helping out and contributing. Open source software is made great by the fact that the source code is open to all, and an unlimited number of people can jump in and help where they can.

That being said, as the project owner and sole developer, I cannot be expected to implement a new feature that you need just because you need it. If you have a great idea - great! Please plan to help out and do some development! I work on this project in my own time, and it's something that is quite scarce at times, so I prioritize features quite heavily.

If you're unsure of where to start, or are not familiar with the tools, languages and patterns I use - please reach out! I am happy to help if you're interested in learning, and I am even more compelled to do so if you mean to leverage your new knowledge to help other humans! :)

If you can't or won't contribute code, but have a great idea - I want that too! Submit an issue on the project and I'll mark it as a feature request. I continually maintain a backlog of features and improvements, and will re-prioritize constantly in order to develop the "next best thing".

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