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74 lines (46 loc) · 1.25 KB

File metadata and controls

74 lines (46 loc) · 1.25 KB


Thanks for contributing ! Here is some guidelines to make your life easier during the development process.


First you need to download the sources of the project from Github.

git clone

For development purposes, you can install the package in editable mode with the development requirements. Note: this project uses pipenv as a package manager.

make install-dev

Then, enter in the virual environment.

make shell

Debug mode

You can launch Gibica in debug mode to see internal components.

gibica script.gbc --debug

Syntax checking

You can check the syntax using flake8 :

make lint

Type checking

If you used annotations to do static Python type checking with mypy :

make type

Test coverage

You can run the coverage with the following command :

make test


The documentation of the project can be found under the directory ./docs/_build/html.

To rebuild the configuration, you can use the following command :

make doc

Version bumping

To update the version of the project, just run the following command according to the nature of the change.

bumpversion [ major | minor | patch ]