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Apart from reckless, the libraries or logging techniques that are benchmarked here are:

  • fprintf. This uses the standard stdio string formatting and calls fflush() after each call.
  • std::fstream. This uses an std::fstream object and streams std::flush after each log line.
  • spdlog. This is closest to reckless in its design goals. It tries to be very fast, and offers an asynchronous mode. See notes below on how it is used in the benchmark.
  • pantheios is often seen recommended as a good library with high performance. The author describes it more as a “logging API” that lets you plug in different libraries at the back end. However, it offers some stock back ends, and I suspect that most people use these built-in facilities. I use the “simple” frontend and the “file” backend.
  • No operation. This means that the log call is ignored and no code is generated apart from the timing code. For the scenarios that measure individual call timings, this gives us an idea of how much overhead is added by the measurement itself. For the scenarios that measure total execution time, this lets us compare the execution time to what it is when logging occurs at all.

How to read the benchmarks

When you make claims about performance, people expect that they are backed up with measurements. But it is important to realize that your use case and constraints can have a big impact on how performance is measured and, consequently, what results you get. For example, reckless allows you to pass raw pointers to the background thread even though they may no longer be valid by the time they are written to disk. This can improve performance but can lead to strange crashes if you make mistakes. Other logging libraries usually prepare the log string at the call site, which avoids the risk of using a dangling pointer but increases call latency. This is an intentional design tradeoff, and no two alternatives can be compared without considering what those tradeoffs are.

For reckless the following assumptions were made, and the benchmarks were developed according to those assumptions:

  • It is important to minimize the risk of losing log messages in the event of a crash.
  • It is OK to trade some precision in floating-point output for added performance.
  • We are concerned with the impact of actual logging, not of logging calls that are filtered out at runtime (say, debug messages that are disabled via some compile-time or run-time switch). We expect to produce many log messages in production environments and not just in debug mode. It is too late to enable log messages post-mortem.
  • We care enough about performance that we will accept the risk for dangling pointer references. Note that I do not think this will be a problem in practice, but I still thought it is significant enough to at least point out. You should be OK as long as you never use a raw pointer to dynamically allocated or stack-allocated memory in your log call. Pointers to global objects are usually fine, and so are string literals. For dynamically allocated strings you should use e.g. std::string.

Another factor that I care about is that latency should be kept at a stable, insignificant level. If the write buffer is very large then the user may experience sudden hangs as the logger suddenly needs to flush large amounts of data to disk. The output-buffer size in reckless is configurable and could be set very large if desired, but the default size is 8 KiB. This is large enough to fit a modern disk sector (4 KiB) while still leaving some room to grow.

In the benchmark made by the spdlog author, the asynchronous queue is at least 50 MiB in size, in order to fit all log messages without having to flush. The measurement does not include log setup and teardown. In other words, it only measures time for pushing log entries on the asynchronous queue and not the time for flushing all those messages to disk. This is fine, if:

  • You can afford a large memory enough buffer that it will never run out of space (but keep in mind that if you make it too large, disk swapping can occur and nullify your gains).
  • Your process is long-running and you trust that the data will eventually get written to disk.
  • It is OK to lose a large number of log messages in the event of a crash.

But since the constraints are different in this benchmark, the spdlog buffer size was set to roughly 8 KiB (128 entries), and the file sink was put in force-flush mode to ensure that messages are written early instead of being kept around indefinitely in the stdio buffer. This corresponds to the behavior of reckless, which flushes whenever it can and defaults to an 8 KiB buffer size.

The Pantheios performance article shows performance both when logging is turned on and off. It claims that “Pantheios is 10-100+ times more efficient than any of the leading diagnostic logging libraries currently in popular use.” I’m not sure that this can be concluded from the charts at all, but in the event that it can, it applies only when logging is turned off. For this benchmark I have only tested Pantheios for the case when logging is turned on. Again, the Pantheios developers have clearly set different goals with their benchmarks than I do here.

On a similar notion, for stdio and fstream the file buffer is flushed after each write. Note that in all libraries tested, flushing means sending the data to the OS kernel, not actually writing to disk. Sending it to the kernel is enough to ensure that the data will survive a software crash, but not an OS crash or power loss.

The specifications of the test machine are as follows:

  • Intel i7-3770K CPU at 3.5 Ghz with 4 CPU cores. Hyper-threading and SpeedStep is turned off.
  • Western Digital Black WD7501AALS 750GB mechanical disk.
  • 8 GiB RAM.
  • gcc 4.8.4.
  • Linux kernel 3.14.14.

For the scenarios that measure individual call timings, measurements were made according to the article “How to Benchmark Code Execution Times on Intel IA-32 and IA-64 Instruction Set Architectures” by Gabriele Paoloni. To avoid problems with unsynchronized time-stamp counters across CPU cores, each measured thread is forced to run on a specific CPU core by setting the thread affinity.

For tests that only measure total execution time, std::chrono::steady_clock is used.

Periodic calls

Periodic calls performance chart


In this scenario we simulate a single-threaded program that makes regular calls to the log, but not so often that the buffer is anywhere near filling up. Other than logging, the disk is not busy doing anything. It is the most forgiving scenario, but probably also very common in interactive applications. The two asynchronous libraries predictably perform much better than the synchronous ones, since they do not have to wait for the I/O calls. They also have a more stable execution time. If we zoom in on the asynchronous libraries we get a better idea of the measurement overhead.

Periodic calls performance chart for asynchronous libraries

The average call latencies relative to reckless are as follows:

Library Relative time IQR
  nop |          0.05 | 0.00

reckless | 1.00 | 0.46 spdlog | 1.60 | 0.08 stdio | 19.09 | 0.18 fstream | 20.18 | 0.21 pantheios | 33.10 | 0.27

Call burst

Call burst performance chart


This scenario stresses the log by generating messages as fast as it can, filling up the buffer. The plot is zoomed in so we can see data for all the libraries. At first sight the asynchronous alternatives appear to perform well, but there are now spikes that appear when the buffer fills up and the caller has to wait for data to be written, effectively causing synchronous behavior. These spikes in fact go as far as 750 000 ticks for reckless, and 25 000 000 ticks for spdlog. By applying a moving average we get a better idea of the overall performance:

Call burst performance chart with moving average

Spdlog performs well until the buffer fills up, but then it stalls waiting for the buffer to be emptied to disk. After that it comes out as the slowest performer, followed by pantheios. It can now be seen that reckless is still on the best performer on average, but it is clear that it stalls each time the buffer fills up.

It should be noted that while reckless has been profiled and optimized to handle this situation as gracefully as it can, it is far from an ideal situation. In general, if your buffer fills up due to a sporadic burst of data then you should consider enlarging the buffer.

The average call latencies relative to reckless are:

Library Relative time IQR
  nop |          0.01 | 0.0010 |

reckless | 1.00 | 0.0041 | fstream | 1.54 | 0.0263 | stdio | 1.76 | 0.0182 | pantheios | 4.23 | 0.0628 | spdlog | 16.82 | 0.0041 |

Disk I/O

Disk I/O performance chart


In this scenario the disk is put under load by interleaving the log calls with heavy disk I/O. 256 log entries are produced while writing 4 GiB of raw data to a set of files. Somewhere around iteration 75 (i.e. after writing about 1.2 GiB) the disk buffer appears to fill up, causing increased write latency in the kernel. Reckless can hide this by allowing logging to continue while the writes are in process, and then combining all outstanding writes into a single I/O operation.

The average call latencies relative to reckless are:

Library Relative time IQR
  nop |          0.02 |  0.00

reckless | 1.00 | 0.35 spdlog | 9.08 | 3.51 stdio | 11.39 | 2.41 fstream | 14.64 | 6.20 pantheios | 759.70 | 13.28

Mandelbrot set

Mandelbrot image



The mandelbrot scenario tries to emulate a slightly more realistic situation by performing a CPU-intensive workload and logging information about it. It computes a 1024x1024-pixel section of the mandelbrot set and logs statistics about each pixel produced. In other words, it produces about one million log lines over the course of 5 to 50 seconds of computation time, depending on the number of CPU cores taking part in the computation

Bar chart showing total running time

The chart above shows the average total running time over 100 runs with the various alternatives, where “nop” does not perform any logging. The code is trivally parallelizable and is written to compute chunks of the image in several threads. Each separate worker thread writes to the log individually.

I have difficulty explaining these charts fully, and hope that someone with a better understanding will check out the benchmark code and help with some insights. The benchmarks that use reckless perform better than the benchmarks that perform no logging at all. In other words, doing more work is taking less time. It gives me an eerie feeling of similarity to Stephen King’s Mrs. Todd’s Shortcut. My hypothesis is that the short interruptions to push data on the log queue is enough to give the CPU cache time to prepare for the next batch of pixels. I do not think there is a measurement error, since the measurement itself is very simple (one timestamp at the beginning and one at the end, then print the difference). Since the data is based on 100 separate runs a random fluke is not likely.

Bar chart showing total running time

If we chart just the difference from the “nop” case then we get the above result. The error bars show the interquartile range (IQR). For each worker thread added the overhead decreases, because multiple CPU cores are cooperating to schedule log messages. However, with 4 worker threads the overhead increases significantly for both of the asynchronous alternatives. This can be explained by the fact that there is no CPU core available for the background thread to perform its work.


Based on the different scenarios I think I can say with some confidence that, given the use case and constraints outlined in the introduction, reckless will perform significantly better. The advantage is smaller when the log is heavily loaded, but reckless still remains the best performer. For more typical loads, the speed advantage over a simple fprintf can be a factor of 20. Coupled with its relative ease of use and similarity to plain fprintf calls (yet type-safe behavior), it should be enough to make reckless a serious contender when you decide on which logging library to use.