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The CLI interface




ongc is the command line interface to used to browse ONGC database data. It can be used to query data about an object or to build up lists based on some parameters.



The nearby command allows to list objects in proximity of given J2000 coordinates. If the ouput exceed 20 objects, the user can choose to view the list in a pager.

The coordinates must be expressed in the form HH:MM:SS(.SS) +/-DD:MM:SS(.S)

ongc nearby [options] RA DEC


Right Ascension in the form HH:MM:SS(.SS)


Declination in the form +/-DD:MM:SS(.S)

--radius INTEGER

It's the radius ot the search, expressed in arcmin. If it's not provided, the search is made with a default value of 60'.

--catalog [all|NGC|IC]

Allows to list only objects from NGC or IC catalog. By default the search will ouput all objects.


The neighbors command allows to list objects in proximity of another object. If the ouput exceed 20 objects, the user can choose to view the list in a pager.

ongc neighbors [options] NAME


The identifier of the object. It can be the main identifier (NGC or IC id) or one of the alternative identifier.

--radius INTEGER

It's the radius ot the search, expressed in arcmin. If it's not provided, the search is made with a default value of 30'.

--catalog [all|NGC|IC]

Allows to list only objects from NGC or IC catalog. By default the search will ouput all objects.


The search command allows to build up a list of objects with specific parameters. The different options can be combined to perform a very granular search.

If the ouput exceed 20 objects, the user can choose to view the list in a pager.

ongc search [options]

--catalog [all|NGC|IC]

Allows to list only objects from NGC or IC catalog. By default the search will ouput all objects.

--type TEXT

Allows to list only objects of specific kinds. It accepts multiple comma separated values of the object types listed in the OpenNGC guide.

--constellation TEXT

Allows to list only objects within some constellations boundaries. It accepts multiple comma separated values. Use IAU 3-letter form.

--minsize FLOAT

Allows to list only objects with a major axis greater or equal than the specified value expressed in arcmin.

--maxsize FLOAT

Allows to list only objects with a major axis lower than the specified value expressed in arcmin.

It will also include all objects with an unknown major axis value.

--uptobmag FLOAT

Allows to list only objects with B-Mag brighter than the specified value.

--uptovmag FLOAT

Allows to list only objects with V-Mag brighter than the specified value.

--minra TEXT

Allows to list only objects with a Right Ascension greater than the specified value. It accepts an input in the form HH:MM:SS(.SS)

--maxra TEXT

Allows to list only objects with a Right Ascension lower than the specified value. It accepts an input in the form HH:MM:SS(.SS)

--mindec TEXT

Allows to list only objects with a Declination greater than the specified value. It accepts an input in the form +/-DD:MM:SS(.S)

--maxdec TEXT

Allows to list only objects with a Declination lower than the specified value. It accepts an input in the form +/-DD:MM:SS(.S)

-n, --named TEXT

Allows to search an object by its common name (or part of it).

-N, --withname

Allows to list only objects with a common name.

-O, --out_file FILENAME

Outputs the results to a file rather than to the terminal.

-I, --include_fields field_1,field_2,...,field_n

Combined with -O it will produce a csv file with the requested fields added to the results output. The name field is always included. Other available fields are: type | ra | dec | const | majax | minax | pa | bmag | vmag | jmag | hmag | kmag | sbrightn | hubble | parallax | pmra | pmdec | radvel | redshift | cstarumag | cstarbmag | cstarvmag | messier | ngc | ic | cstarnames | identifiers | commonnames | nednotes | ongnotes.


The separation command returns the apparent angular separation between two objects.

ongc separation OBJ1 OBJ2


The identifier of the object. It can be the main identifier (NGC or IC id) or one of the alternative identifier.


The identifier of the object. It can be the main identifier (NGC or IC id) or one of the alternative identifier.


The stats command shows some information about the database in use.

ongc stats


The view command allows to gather information about a specific object.

ongc view [options] NAME

Without options, prints a brief description of the object composed by the main identifier used in ONGC database, the object type and the constellation where the object is located.


The identifier of the object. It can be the main identifier (NGC or IC id) or one of the alternative identifier.

-D, --details

Prints all the available information about the object.

The output is rendered in a table suited to be viewed in a 80cols terminal.


If you find bugs in ongc (or in the man page), please feel free to file a bug report or a pull request: