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PCH and Xcode 6 #11

kenji21 opened this issue Nov 17, 2014 · 7 comments

PCH and Xcode 6 #11

kenji21 opened this issue Nov 17, 2014 · 7 comments


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kenji21 commented Nov 17, 2014

Just created a new project with Xcode 6, and there are no more a pch include (manually added,

To include Source/Utilities/MJGAvailability.h and see if I use newer call than supported OS on top of all header files (which is a nice tool to not miss such a bug).

This issue is not really one but more a question about this "missing feature" from Xcode, as I don't know much about objc modules (which tend to suppress pch utility) : do the manual add of a pch is still valuable ?

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kenji21 commented Nov 17, 2014

A nice introduction about modules :

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My availability macros don't work since modules. You can turn off modules, but that's not really a very good idea.

We'll just need to petition Apple for a feature that allows us to catch the use of unavailable code!

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kenji21 commented Oct 12, 2015

@mattjgalloway the clang option exists : -Wpartial-availability. But is not available in "apple clang".

It has been added a while :

Created bugreport 23066340

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kenji21 commented Oct 27, 2015

Ok, the only thing to do is to replace CFAvailability.h within xcode SDKs and put your macros inside.

Just tested and it works with modules (changing deployment target make error appearing/disappearing correctly).

Not fan of "patching" Xcode internals... but it is too important : I don't want to push an App on the Store with a newer API call unchecked.

Simply pasted your code in /Applications/ after these lines :

   41 // This section is for compilers targeting iOS which support attribute_availability_with_message
   43 #define CF_AVAILABLE(_mac, _ios) __attribute__((availability(ios,introduced=_ios)))
   44 #define CF_AVAILABLE_MAC(_mac) __attribute__((availability(ios,unavailable)))
   45 #define CF_AVAILABLE_IOS(_ios) __attribute__((availability(ios,introduced=_ios)))
   46 #define CF_DEPRECATED(_macIntro, _macDep, _iosIntro, _iosDep, ...) __attribute__((availability(ios,introduced=_iosIntro,deprecated=_iosDep,message="" __VA_ARGS__)))
   47 #define CF_DEPRECATED_MAC(_macIntro, _macDep, ...) __attribute__((availability(ios,unavailable)))
   48 #define CF_DEPRECATED_IOS(_iosIntro, _iosDep, ...) __attribute__((availability(ios,introduced=_iosIntro,deprecated=_iosDep,message="" __VA_ARGS__)))

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kenji21 commented Oct 27, 2015

Also had to do this for iPhoneSimulator.

Updated the bugreport with same info which is still opened.

Patched a little to have a clearer message :
screen shot 2015-10-27 at 21 53 46

Also renamed your macro (to voluntary break previous usage of them).

Made a simple script to install it (keeping original header in same folder, with .orig extension) :


set -x

XCODE_PATH=$(xcode-select -print-path)
PLATFORMS="iPhoneOS iPhoneSimulator"


    if [ ! -f "${AVAIL_FILE}.orig" ];
        mv ${AVAIL_FILE} ${AVAIL_FILE}.orig

    cp CFAvailability-hacked.h ${AVAIL_FILE}


Here is the full header :

/*  CFAvailability.h
    Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.


#include <TargetConditionals.h>

#include <Availability.h>

// Even if unused, these must remain here for compatibility, because projects rely on them being included.
#include <AvailabilityMacros.h>

#ifndef __has_feature
#define __has_feature(x) 0
#ifndef __has_attribute
#define __has_attribute(x) 0
#ifndef __has_extension
#define __has_extension(x) 0

// The arguments to these availability macros is a version number, e.g. 10_6, 3_0 or 'NA'
// To use a deprecation message with the macro, add a string as the last argument.
#if __has_feature(attribute_availability_with_version_underscores) || (__has_feature(attribute_availability_with_message) && __clang__ && __clang_major__ >= 7)
// This section is for compilers targeting OS X which support attribute_availability_with_message

#define CF_AVAILABLE(_mac, _ios) __attribute__((availability(macosx,introduced=_mac)))
#define CF_AVAILABLE_MAC(_mac) __attribute__((availability(macosx,introduced=_mac)))
#define CF_AVAILABLE_IOS(_ios) __attribute__((availability(macosx,unavailable)))
#define CF_DEPRECATED(_macIntro, _macDep, _iosIntro, _iosDep, ...) __attribute__((availability(macosx,introduced=_macIntro,deprecated=_macDep,message="" __VA_ARGS__)))
#define CF_DEPRECATED_MAC(_macIntro, _macDep, ...) __attribute__((availability(macosx,introduced=_macIntro,deprecated=_macDep,message="" __VA_ARGS__)))
#define CF_DEPRECATED_IOS(_iosIntro, _iosDep, ...) __attribute__((availability(macosx,unavailable)))

// This section is for compilers targeting iOS which support attribute_availability_with_message

#define CF_AVAILABLE(_mac, _ios) __attribute__((availability(ios,introduced=_ios)))
#define CF_AVAILABLE_MAC(_mac) __attribute__((availability(ios,unavailable)))
#define CF_AVAILABLE_IOS(_ios) __attribute__((availability(ios,introduced=_ios)))
#define CF_DEPRECATED(_macIntro, _macDep, _iosIntro, _iosDep, ...) __attribute__((availability(ios,introduced=_iosIntro,deprecated=_iosDep,message="" __VA_ARGS__)))
#define CF_DEPRECATED_MAC(_macIntro, _macDep, ...) __attribute__((availability(ios,unavailable)))
#define CF_DEPRECATED_IOS(_iosIntro, _iosDep, ...) __attribute__((availability(ios,introduced=_iosIntro,deprecated=_iosDep,message="" __VA_ARGS__)))

//  MJGAvailability start
//  Created by Matt Galloway on 18/01/2012.
//  Copyright 2012 Matt Galloway. All rights reserved.

* Example usage:
*   If you want to see if you're using methods that are only defined in iOS 4.0 and lower
*   then you would use the following. Replace the __IPHONE_4_0 with whatever other macro
*   you require. See Availability.h for iOS versions these relate to.
* YourProjectPrefixHeader.pch:
*   #import "MJGAvailability.h"
*   // The rest of your prefix header as normal
*   #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
* For OSX, you also get the warnings:
* YourOSXPrefixHeader.pch
*   #import "MJGAvailability.h"
* If you want to suppress a single warning (i.e. because you know that what you're doing is
* actually OK) then you can do something like this:
*   UINavigationBar *navBar = self.navigationController.navigationBar;
*   if ([navBar respondsToSelector:@selector(setBackgroundImage:forBarMetrics:)]) {
*   #pragma clang diagnostic push
*   #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
*       [navBar setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"navbar_bg.png"] forBarMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault];
*   #pragma clang diagnostic pop
*   }
* Or you can use the handy macros defined in this file also, like this:
*   UINavigationBar *navBar = self.navigationController.navigationBar;
*   if ([navBar respondsToSelector:@selector(setBackgroundImage:forBarMetrics:)]) {
*       [navBar setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"navbar_bg.png"] forBarMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault];
*   }

#import <Availability.h>

#define API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wdeprecated-declarations\"") _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wdeprecated-implementations\"")
#define API_AVAILABILITY_END_IGNORE_TOO_NEW _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop")

#define __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW(x) __attribute__((deprecated(x))) __attribute__((weak_import))



#error You cannot ask for a soft max version which is less than the deployment target

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__IPHONE_2_0 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from iOS 2.0, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__IPHONE_2_1 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from iOS 2.1, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__IPHONE_2_2 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from iOS 2.2, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__IPHONE_3_0 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from iOS 3.0, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__IPHONE_3_1 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from iOS 3.1, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__IPHONE_3_2 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from iOS 3.2, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__IPHONE_4_0 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from iOS 4.0, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__IPHONE_4_1 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from iOS 4.1, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__IPHONE_4_2 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from iOS 4.2, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__IPHONE_4_3 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from iOS 4.3, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__IPHONE_5_0 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from iOS 5.0, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__IPHONE_5_1 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from iOS 5.1, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__IPHONE_6_0 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from iOS 6.0, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__IPHONE_6_1 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from iOS 6.1, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__IPHONE_7_0 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from iOS 7.0, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__IPHONE_7_1 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from iOS 7.1, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__IPHONE_8_0 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from iOS 8.0, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__IPHONE_8_1 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from iOS 8.1, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__IPHONE_8_2 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from iOS 8.2, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__IPHONE_8_3 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from iOS 8.3, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__IPHONE_8_4 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from iOS 8.4, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__IPHONE_9_0 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from iOS 9.0, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__IPHONE_9_1 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from iOS 9.1, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#endif // end of #if defined(__IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED)



#error You cannot ask for a soft max version which is less than the deployment target

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__MAC_10_0 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from OS X 10.0, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__MAC_10_1 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from OS X 10.1, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__MAC_10_2 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from OS X 10.2, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__MAC_10_3 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from OS X 10.3, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__MAC_10_4 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from OS X 10.4, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__MAC_10_5 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from OS X 10.5, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__MAC_10_6 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from OS X 10.6, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__MAC_10_7 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from OS X 10.7, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__MAC_10_8 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from OS X 10.8, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__MAC_10_9 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from OS X 10.9, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__MAC_10_10 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from OS X 10.10, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#define __AVAILABILITY_INTERNAL__MAC_10_11 __AVAILABILITY_TOO_NEW("API only available from OS X 10.11, use API_AVAILABILITY_START_IGNORE_TOO_NEW macro to validate this API usage")

#endif // end of #if defined(__MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED)

// next redefinitions required since SDK 7
#include <CoreFoundation/CFAvailability.h>
#define CF_AVAILABLE(_mac, _ios) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_##_mac, __IPHONE_##_ios)

//  MJGAvailability end


// This section is for OS X or iOS, and compilers without support for attribute_availability_with_message. We fall back to Availability.h.


#define CF_AVAILABLE(_mac, _ios) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_##_mac, __IPHONE_##_ios)
#define CF_DEPRECATED(_macIntro, _macDep, _iosIntro, _iosDep, ...) __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_##_macIntro, __MAC_##_macDep, __IPHONE_##_iosIntro, __IPHONE_##_iosDep)
#define CF_DEPRECATED_MAC(_macIntro, _macDep, ...) __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_##_macIntro, __MAC_##_macDep, __IPHONE_NA, __IPHONE_NA)
#define CF_DEPRECATED_IOS(_iosIntro, _iosDep, ...) __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_NA, __MAC_NA, __IPHONE_##_iosIntro, __IPHONE_##_iosDep)

#endif // __has_feature(attribute_availability_with_message)

// This section is for platforms which do not support availability
#define CF_AVAILABLE(_mac, _ios)
#define CF_AVAILABLE_MAC(_mac)
#define CF_AVAILABLE_IOS(_ios)
#define CF_DEPRECATED(_macIntro, _macDep, _iosIntro, _iosDep, ...)
#define CF_DEPRECATED_MAC(_macIntro, _macDep, ...)
#define CF_DEPRECATED_IOS(_iosIntro, _iosDep, ...)

// Older versions of these macros; use iOS versions instead
#define CF_DEPRECATED_IPHONE(_iosIntro, _iosDep) CF_DEPRECATED_IOS(_iosIntro, _iosDep)

// Enum availability macros
#if __has_feature(enumerator_attributes) && __has_attribute(availability)
#define CF_ENUM_AVAILABLE(_mac, _ios) CF_AVAILABLE(_mac, _ios)
#define CF_ENUM_DEPRECATED(_macIntro, _macDep, _iosIntro, _iosDep, ...) CF_DEPRECATED(_macIntro, _macDep, _iosIntro, _iosDep, __VA_ARGS__)
#define CF_ENUM_DEPRECATED_MAC(_macIntro, _macDep, ...) CF_DEPRECATED_MAC(_macIntro, _macDep, __VA_ARGS__)
#define CF_ENUM_DEPRECATED_IOS(_iosIntro, _iosDep, ...) CF_DEPRECATED_IOS(_iosIntro, _iosDep, __VA_ARGS__)
#define CF_ENUM_AVAILABLE(_mac, _ios)
#define CF_ENUM_DEPRECATED(_macIntro, _macDep, _iosIntro, _iosDep, ...)
#define CF_ENUM_DEPRECATED_MAC(_macIntro, _macDep, ...)
#define CF_ENUM_DEPRECATED_IOS(_iosIntro, _iosDep, ...)

// Enums and Options
#define __CF_ENUM_GET_MACRO(_1, _2, NAME, ...) NAME
#if (__cplusplus && __cplusplus >= 201103L && (__has_extension(cxx_strong_enums) || __has_feature(objc_fixed_enum))) || (!__cplusplus && __has_feature(objc_fixed_enum))
#define __CF_NAMED_ENUM(_type, _name)     enum _name : _type _name; enum _name : _type
#define __CF_ANON_ENUM(_type)             enum : _type
#if (__cplusplus)
#define CF_OPTIONS(_type, _name) _type _name; enum : _type
#define CF_OPTIONS(_type, _name) enum _name : _type _name; enum _name : _type
#define __CF_NAMED_ENUM(_type, _name) _type _name; enum
#define __CF_ANON_ENUM(_type) enum
#define CF_OPTIONS(_type, _name) _type _name; enum

/* CF_ENUM supports the use of one or two arguments. The first argument is always the integer type used for the values of the enum. The second argument is an optional type name for the macro. When specifying a type name, you must precede the macro with 'typedef' like so:

typedef CF_ENUM(CFIndex, CFComparisonResult) {

If you do not specify a type name, do not use 'typdef', like so:

CF_ENUM(CFIndex) {

// Extension availability macros

// Swift availability macro
#if __has_feature(attribute_availability_swift)
#define CF_SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE(_msg) __attribute__((availability(swift, unavailable, message=_msg)))


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kenji21 commented Oct 28, 2015

Moved the define back to MJGAvailability.h (because other devs would not have patched their xcode, and this macro have to be known) and using -imacro compile flag to inject them.
Just created a repo for this :

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kenji21 commented Jan 28, 2016

We'll just need to petition Apple for a feature that allows us to catch the use of unavailable code!

@mattjgalloway -Wpartial-availability is available in Xcode 7.3 beta 2 :-)

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