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File metadata and controls

40 lines (27 loc) · 1.68 KB


This is an experiment with using CLJS and Preact together. Most of the browser view engines for clojurescript rely on React, which is fine and dandy, but has become quite large, and is owned by Facebook, a company whose work I would rather not use.

Precog is extremely opinionated about:

  • You as the clojurescript app creator should only be creating function components, not class components
  • Rerender triggers should be managed by Preact Hooks
  • Your clojurescript components should behave like clojurescript as much as possible
  • Interop with JS components should be easy and lightweight.

This is still very much a work in progress. See the demo for examples.

If you're interested in collaborating, drop me a line and I'll work on getting some documentation for a development environment up and going.


(ns demo.main
   [precog.main :as precog :refer [html use-atom]]))

(defn my-form [{:keys [initial]}]
  (let [input (use-atom initial)]
    (html [:form
           [:input {:onInput (fn [e] (reset! input (.. e -target -value)))
                    :value @input}]])))

(defn render []
  (precog/render (html [my-form {:initial "foo"}])
                 (js/document.getElementById "app"))

Hiccup Precompilation

Precog has its own (super-basic right now) hiccup interpreter, which is precompiled at the clojurescript compilation stage. There is no conversion of props from kebab-case to camelCase.


in addition to requiring preact/hooks yourself and using them, precog also provides use-atom and use-lens hooks for a more clojure-like experience. The use-atom hook is hacky and might go away.