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4. Supported types

4. Supported types

4.1. List of supported types and conversion

This is a list of supported types and how they are converted between C++ and Wren. Not everything can be mapped exactly (for example, integers are casted into doubles), so there are some compromises.

C++ type Wren type Return value from Any
signed char (int8_t) number (64-bit float) .as<int8_t>()
unsigned char (uint8_t) number (64-bit float) .as<uint8_t>()
signed short (int16_t) number (64-bit float) .as<int16_t>()
unsigned short (uint16_t) number (64-bit float) .as<uint16_t>()
signed int (int32_t) number (64-bit float) .as<int32_t>()
unsigned int (uint32_t) number (64-bit float) .as<uint32_t>()
signed long long (int64_t) number (64-bit float) .as<int64_t>()
unsigned long long (uint64_t) number (64-bit float) .as<uint64_t>()
float number (64-bit float) .as<float>()
double number (64-bit float) .as<double>()
char number (64-bit float) .as<char>()
char[N] string Not possible to get raw char array from Wren, use std::string
char* string Not possible to get raw char pointer from Wren, use std::string
std::string string .as<std::string>()
std::shared_ptr<T> T or null .as<T>() or .as<T*>() or .shared<T>()
T (custom types) foregin class of T .as<T>() (if copy is supported) or .as<T*>() or .as<T&>() or .shared<T>()

4.2. Unsupported types

C++ type Reason
std::unique_ptr<T> How would it work if you want to get std::unique_ptr<T>& ? Not possible to implement.
std::queue<T> Can't iterate over the elements without modifying the queue itself.

4.3. STL Containers

The following std containers are supported and will be converted to a Wren type. Read the [11. STL containers]({{< ref "" >}}) section to understand more about STL containers and how to use them.

{{< hint warning >}} Warning

By default the following STL containers below will be converted to a native type. If you add/bind any of these containers (except optional or variant) as a foregin class via vm.module(...).klass<std::vector<int>>("VectorInt") then that type will no longer be treated as a native type. Only the type you have registered, for example std::vector<int> will be treated as such, other types of the same container, for example std::vector<float> will still be treated as a native list.

Whether the STD container is converted a Wren native list/map or into a Wren foreign class is checked at runtime.

Read the [11. STL containers]({{< ref "" >}}) section to understand how it works. {{< /hint >}}

C++ type Wren type Return value from Any
std::variant<A, B, C> A or B or C .as<A or B or C>() or .as<std::variant<A, B, C>>()
std::optional<T> T or null .as<T>() (only if not null) or .as<std::optional<T>>()
std::vector<T> native list of T .as<std::vector<T>>()
std::list<T> native list of T .as<std::list<T>>()
std::deque<T> native list of T .as<std::deque<T>>()
std::set<T> native list of T .as<std::set<T>>()
std::unordered_set<T> native list of T .as<std::unordered_set<T>>()
std::map<std::string, T> native map of T .as<std::map<std::string, T>>()
std::unordered_map <std::string, T> native map of T .as<std::unordered_map <std::string, T>>()