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A GUI for Django ORM. Build custom queries and display results. Targets sys admins and capable end users who might not be able to program or gain direct interactive shell access.

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3.0 has been released which features a rewritten user interface! For the old see the 2.x branch.

3.0 Changes

  • Frontend redone in angular and material design
  • Async report status
  • Requires Django 1.7 and Django Rest Framework 3.0. Users of older versions should continue to use the 2.x branch instead. I will continue to accept pull requests for 2.x however new features will be added only in 3.x
  • Responsive
  • API built with DRF - in theory you could impliment your own frontend
  • Property fields must now be explicity allowed in settings

Why a frontend redesign?

The older frontend featured jquery functions that inserted raw copy and pasted html code and even had a name vs field_name reversal bug. This rewrite will help with maintainability and adding new features. Also it's a lot faster since you never need to reload the page. If you'd prefer a non angular front-end your pull request is welcome.

That said the django 1.7 and rest framework 3.0 requirements are tough and I plan to maintain 2.x for awhile.


If you customized the html template this will certainly break it. Instructions for customization coming soon. I'd suggest just running the app as is or with a simple menu bar over top.

  1. Ensure you are on the latest 2.x branch first and run south migrations.
  2. Run django 1.7 migrations ./ migrate

There's actually no schema changes at all - but you'll want to be in sync with the 1.7 migrations as that is the future.

What's next

  • Or filtering
  • More Testing

What is Django Report Builder?


  • Add filters
  • Add display fields
  • Preview and create xlsx reports
  • Very simple security, user must have change or "view" permission to view reports. Unprivileged users can still build reports and see database schema.
  • Model properties (thanks yekibud)
  • Support for django-custom-fields
  • Support for django-hstore
  • Export to Report global admin action
  • Optional asynchronous report generation



We've included a fig.yml file for use with fig. There's also a demo project so you can start using report builder right now without touching any python code. Once you have fig installed just run fig up. Populate the database with fig run --rm web ./ migrate. You may want to edit fig.yml to comment/uncomment the django-report-utils line. Report utils is a seperated library with common reporting functions. If you want to hack on report utils too just clone the repo in a sibling directory.


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