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This library provides some simple functions from guava

Module guava_preconditions


checkArgument(expression: bool, errorMessageTemplate: Optional[str] = None, *errorMessageArgs: Any) ‑> None : Ensures the truth of an expression involving one or more parameters to the calling method.

checkElementIndex(index: int, size: int, desc: str = None) ‑> int : Ensures that index specifies a valid element in an array, list or string of size size.

checkNotNull(reference: Optional[~T], errorMessageTemplate: str, *errorMessageArgs: Any) ‑> ~T : Ensures that an object reference passed as a parameter to the calling method is not null.

checkPositionIndex(index: int, size: int, desc: str = None) ‑> int : Ensures that index specifies a valid position in an array, list or string of size size.

checkPositionIndexes(start: int, end: int, size: int) ‑> None : Ensures that start and end specify a valid positions in an array, list or string of size size, and are in order.

checkState(expression: bool, errorMessageTemplate: str = None, *errorMessageArgs: Any) ‑> None : Ensures the truth of an expression involving the state of the calling instance, but not involving any parameters to the calling method.


IllegalArgumentException(*args, **kwargs) : Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

### Ancestors (in MRO)

* builtins.Exception
* builtins.BaseException

IllegalStateException(*args, **kwargs) : Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

### Ancestors (in MRO)

* builtins.Exception
* builtins.BaseException