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Welcome to Mautic's developer documentation


Work is ongoing bringing over some of the content from the old documentation, which you can find at Mautic Developer Portal. Please see the Mautic Dev Docs Issues if you'd like to help with completing this work.

Welcome to the Mautic Developer Documentation. The documentation broadly covers building custom Plugins for Mautic which extends its features, building custom Themes, and how to integrate applications outside of Mautic using the REST API.

This documentation has multiple versions for different releases of Mautic starting from Mautic 4.x - the switcher is in the bottom left which allows you to change between versions.

Submitting code to Mautic

Development is open and available to any member of the Mautic community. All fixes and improvements happen through pull requests to the code on Mautic's GitHub Repo. This code is open source and publicly available.

Read all about contributing to Mautic as a Developer in the Mautic Developer Contribution Guide.

Read more about Mautic's Mautic Code Governance and the Mautic Project Governance model.

Your code must follow the Symfony coding standards. You can find details about where Mautic deviates from these standards documented in the /plugins/mautic_vs_symfony section.

Where to get help

The first place to ask for support is on the Developer Forum - this is where the Product Team monitors, and where most developers look out for posts they can assist with. There is also a Commercial forum if you have paid opportunities or are looking for work.

General development chatter also happens in #dev on Mautic Slack, and anything to do with contributing - including the weekly Open Source Friday contribution sprints - happen in #t-product.

New major releases also have a dedicated space for discussion - for example #mautic-5 and #mautic-6.

Several areas on the Community Portal could be of interest, including Community Portal Roadmap and the Community Portal Product Team.

Supporting Mautic

There are several ways to support Mautic other than contributing with code.

  1. Help with testing bugs and features using Gitpod in the browser - head to the Mautic Tester Docs
  2. Help with improving the documentation on this site, and the Mautic End User Docs.
  3. Contribute to Mautic with other skills
  4. Become a Become a Member of Mautic
  5. Support Mautic on Open Collective

development-environment/getting_started development-environment/how_to_install_with_ddev development-environment/setup development-environment/environments

themes/getting_started themes/grapesjs themes/legacy themes/forms themes/system

form_hooks/getting_started form_hooks/general_hooks form_hooks/validation_hooks form_hooks/response_hooks

webhooks/getting_started webhooks/example_scripts webhooks/events/index

marketplace/getting_started marketplace/listing marketplace/allowlist_what_and_why marketplace/best_practices

plugins/getting_started plugins/autowiring plugins/mautic_vs_symfony plugins/dependencies plugins/structure plugins/config plugins/event_listeners plugins/installation plugins/data plugins/translations plugins/continuous-integration plugins/from-4-to-5

components/api components/cache components/campaigns components/categories components/channels components/config components/contacts components/core components/emails components/forms components/forms_advanced components/integrations components/ip_lookups components/landing_pages components/maintenance components/points components/queue components/reports components/security components/tracking_script components/translator components/ui

rest_api/assets rest_api/campaigns rest_api/categories rest_api/contacts rest_api/fields rest_api/notifications rest_api/reports rest_api/text_messages

Indices and tables

  • genindex
  • modindex
  • search