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Climate Challenge Hackathon

Make Homeoffice Great Again


The problem your project solves Due to the various CoVid-19 measures implemented worldwide, global emissions from surface transport fell by –36% or –7.5 (–5.9 to –9.6) MtCO​ d​by 7 April 2020 in comparison to the 2​ previous year (1). CoVid-19 has thus been named as the digitization driver for home office, which is a significant part of surface transport (ca. 20%). We want to make sure that companies will not return to business as usual and continue to enable their employees to work remotely. The reduction of personal CO2 emissions alone has shown to be not sufficient for the general public to adopt measures. Thus, we are convinced that solely personal benefits, in our case saving money and time by staying at home, would have the potential to be used by a wider audience. Based on a survey by ​Greenpeace (2020)​we estimate the potential of home office in Germany to 4.8 mil tonnes per year which is around 3% of Germany's surface transport emissions.


  • Python Notebook as iPython
  • Report/Paper as PDF
  • Presentation as PDF
  • Watch the Presentation on YouTube


+-- Code
|   +-- Notebooks                        
|   |    +-- get_data_eval_days.ipynb
|   +-- Scripts                        
|   |    +--
|   |    +--
|   |    +--
|   +-- Data                      
|   |    +-- apple_map.csv     # big data - apple traffic data
|   |    +-- forecast.csv      # weather forecast data
|   |    +-- schedule_df.csv   # have we already scheduled for this week
|   |    +-- worldcities.csv   # select your city
|   +-- Auth             
|        +-- credentials.json  # to be downloaded from you    
|        +-- secrets.txt       # type in the three auth variables  
+-- Images
+-- Final_Report.pdf   
+-- Final_Presentation.pdf                    
+-- environment.yml                    
+-- .gitignore    


Create the conda environment:

    conda env create -f environment.yml

if you dont create and environment, install this:

    pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib
    pip install streamlit

Follow these steps:

  1. Go to

  2. Then click the button at Step 1: "Enable the Google Calendar API"

  3. Download only the "credentials.json" and put it into the Auth folder.

Calendar ID
  1. Go to your Google Calendar, click on the settings for your preferred calendar and scroll down until you see Calendar-ID

  2. Take this Calendar-ID and paste into the CALENDAR_ID variable of the secrets.txt.

Embedd Google Calendar
  1. In the same Google Calendar settings page copy the iframe src. But only the string after src=

  2. Copy this src string into IFRAME variable of the secrets.txt.

Weather feature API
  1. Go to sign up and free account and copy paste the API token into the WEATHER_API variable of the secrets.txt.
 CALENDAR_ID example =

 IFRAME src example =

 API_KEY example = "30d90blablablabla78d09e6d00"

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository, to get our Notebooks, Presentation and Project Report.
git clone
  1. After you pasted into the secrets.txt the three necessary authentication strings you are ready to go.

  2. Go into the project folder and then into Scripts, so that you see the and run this:

    streamlit run
  1. You will be asked to log in with your Google Account. This is good. Log in, the token will be created in the Auth folder and the WebApp is running.

  2. Enjoy and save the world!

See it working


When you click the button Create Scheduler for next week, an entry in the Data/scheduler_df.csv will be created for the upcoming week. For that reason you cannot create multiple events for the upcoming week. If you wanna re-do the event adding, just go into the scheduler_df.csv and set the True to False.

Run the Notebook

    cd/you_cloned_repo_location/Notebooks jupyter notebook


Just pull the repo, if you wanna change sth you can ask :)




MIT license, just don't repackage it and call it your own please! Also if you do make some changes, feel free to make a pull request and help make things more awesome!


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