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Developers Guidelines of

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Developer Guidelines of Combat Pathing Revolution

This article would instructs you on how to utilize Combat Pathing Revolution (refers as CPR) to produce customizable combat AI pathing data for npcs melee combat. Article comes with several sections below:

Descriptions of Variables

In order to implement a dynamic and highly customizable AI pathing feature, CPR using graph variables (A.K.A Animation Variables) to store the AI data that using to control the melee combat pathing AI for npc during the combat gameplay. CPR using these graph variables to override those core data that controlled the AI pathing, therefore with CPR, each npc in game now could has a completely unique pathing dataset as it owned which is a great different to the vanilla "single global value assign to everyone".

Before we go detail, one thing have to mention is that you don't need to consider the weapon length distance when assiging all of those CPR distance variables, the weapon length will be added automactilly from skse plugin end when computing the final result.

Below are the actions that NPC would perform during combat pathing and the CPR graph variables could be used to control these actions:


NPC would sprinting forward to approach the current combat target if distance to the target is beyond its combat advance outer radius, while the distance is between the combat advance outer radius and combat advance inner radius, npc would then advances at normal speed to approach the target. Here are the graph variables that can be used to control this action:

  • CPR_EnableAdvanceRadius: boolean variable, set the value to true to enable the override of vanilla combat advance radius data with CPR data, reset the value to false to keep everything working as vanilla.
  • CPR_InnerRadiusMin: float variable, its value represents the minimum inner radius value that the actor identify during pathing. The variable value should be greater than zero.
  • CPR_InnerRadiusMid: float variable,this value represents the medium inner radius value that the actor identify during pathing. The variable value should be greater than CPR_InnerRadiusMin.
  • CPR_InnerRadiusMax: float variable, its value represents the maxnium inner radius value that the actor identify during pathing. The variable value should be greater than CPR_InnerRadiusMid.
  • CPR_OuterRadiusMin: float variable, it value represents the minimum inner radius value that the actor identify during pathing. The variable value should be greater than CPR_InnerRadiusMin.
  • CPR_OuterRadiusMid: float variable, it value represents the medimum inner radius value that the actor identify during pathing. The variable value should be greater than CPR_InnerRadiusMid and CPR_OuterRadiusMin.
  • CPR_OuterRadiusMax: float variable, it value represents the maximum inner radius value that the actor identify during pathing. The variable value should be greater than CPR_InnerRadiusMax and CPR_OuterRadiusMid.

The formula to get the real in time combat advance radius value is as following:

  • If NPC want make offensive:
InnerRadius = CPR_InnerRadiusMin + (CPR_InnerRadiusMid - CPR_InnerRadiusMin) * (1 - offensiveRatio)

OuterRadius = CPR_OuterRadiusMin + (CPR_OuterRadiusMid - CPR_OuterRadiusMin) * (1 - offensiveRatio)
  • If NPC is defensive:
InnerRadius = CPR_InnerRadiusMid + (CPR_InnerRadiusMax - CPR_InnerRadiusMid) * defensiveRatio

OuterRadius = CPR_OuterRadiusMid + (CPR_OuterRadiusMax - CPR_OuterRadiusMid) * defensiveRatio


Npc would perform back off(the short distance retreating) when it consider itself too close to it combat target. CPR introduced these graph variables to provide more customized in the backoff action:

  • CPR_EnableBackoff: boolean variable, set the value to true to enable the override of vanilla backoff data with CPR data, reset the value to false to keep everything working as vanilla.

  • CPR_BackoffMinDistMult: float variable, Backoff would only trigger when:
    combatTargetDistance < InnerRadius * CPR_BackoffMinDistMult

  • CPR_BackoffChance: float variable, it value represents the possibility that npc performs backoff.


NPC could perform circling movement around its combat target during close range combat. CPR has introduced min and max distance restriction for circling, in order to make combat circling acts more like the way in modern action game:

  • CPR_EnableCircling: boolean variable, set the value to true to enable the override of vanilla combat circling data with CPR data, reset the value to false to keep everything working as vanilla.
  • CPR_CirclingDistMin: float variable, its value represents the necessary minimum distance between npc to it current combat target that allow to perform circling movement. Only when the distance to the combat target is greater than this value, NPC would intend to perform circling. The variable value should be greater than CPR_InnerRadiusMin to work as intended.
  • CPR_CirclingDistMax: float variable, its value represents the maximum distance between npc to it current combat target that allow to perform circling movement. Only when the distance to the combat target is less than the value, NPC would intend to perform circling. The variable value should be greater than CPR_CirclingDistMin.
  • CPR_CirclingAngleMin: float variable, its value represents the minimum angle the npc would moving around it current combat target when perform circling movement. The variable value should be greater than zero and less than 180.
  • CPR_CirclingAngleMax: float variable, its value represents the maximum angle the npc would moving around it current combat target when perform circling movement. The variable value should be greater than CPR_CirclingAngleMin and less than 180.
  • CPR_CirclingViewConeAngle: float variable, if the attacker's position is beyond the combat target's view cone angle by this value, the attacker would not perform any circle moving action. The vaild value is bewteen 0 to 360 in degree, I recommond simply set this value to 360 to break the vanilla limitaions of npc circling beheind it enemy unless you have special usage.

Be caution that npc won't perform circling if it has not Close Range - Dueling box checked in its combat style.


NPC could perform fallback during close range combat, how far the distance the npc would moving during a fallback is decided by its combat style fallback mult and CPR graph variables below:

  • CPR_EnableFallback: boolean variable, set the value to true to enable the override of vanilla combat fallback data with CPR data, reset the value to false to keep everything working as vanilla.
  • CPR_FallbackDistMin: float variable, its value represents the minimum fallback distance that the actor identify during fallback. The variable value should be at least greater than CPR_InnerRadiusMid to work as intended.
  • CPR_FallbackDistMax: float variable, its value represents the maximum fallback distance that the actor identify during fallback. The variable value should be at least greater than CPR_FallbackDistMin to work as intended.

    The formula to comput the actual fallback distance in game is as following:
FallbackDistance = CPR_FallbackDistMin + (CPR_FallbackDistMax - CPR_FallbackDistMin) * CombatStyleFallbackMult 
  • CPR_FallbackWaitTimeMin: float variable, its value represents the minimum waiting time the npc would waits in place after performed a fallback. ThIS variable value should be at least greater than zero to work as intended.
  • CPR_FallbackWaitTimeMax: float variable, its value represents the maximum waiting time the npc would waits in place after performed a fallback. ThIS variable value should be at least greater than CPR_FallbackWaitTimeMin to work as intended.

    The formula to comput the actual fallback wait time in game is as following:
FallbackWaitTime = CPR_FallbackWaitTimeMin + (CPR_FallbackWaitTimeMax - CPR_FallbackWaitTimeMin) * CombatStyleFallbackMult 

Be caution that npc would won't perform fallback if it has not Close Range - Dueling box checked in its combat style.

Debugging In Game

To debug combat pathing AI, firstly be sure that the cell you are in has proper navmesh created. AI would not pathing correctly in the cell that without navmesh even in vanilla.
A convenience way to set and test CPR pathing data for npc during gameplay is using console command batch files. CPR has provided three command batch files to satisfy the demand of debugging:

  • "MaxsuCPR_Enable.ini": Run this batch file would enable and set up CPR pathing data for an npc, and override its vanilla combat pathing data with CPR graph variable.
  • "MaxsuCPR_Disable.ini": Run this batch file would disable CPR pathing data effect on an npc, and restore its combat pathing back to vanilla.
  • "MaxsuCPR_Display.ini": Run this batch file would display all of the CPR graph variables value on the console screen.

To run the batch file, simply selcet an npc in the console then enter command like this:

bat "MaxsuCPR_Enable.ini"

Methods for Implementing

So after debugged in game you now have a "MaxsuCPR_Enable.ini" file that stored the CPR pathing data for the npc, next step you need to apply these CPR data as a playable content into the game. Below are the practical methods you can use to do that:

Via animation annotations:

Using annotations is a suitable method to implement if your CPR pathing dataset is designed for a specific attack moveset. There are five instructions that can be annotated to set up CPR data for an actor:

  1. Active the advance data on the actor:
    These console commands in "MaxsuCPR_Enable.ini":

    SetAnimGraphVar CPR_EnableAdvanceRadius  1
    SetAnimGraphVar CPR_InnerRadiusMin 90
    SetAnimGraphVar CPR_InnerRadiusMid 110    
    SetAnimGraphVar CPR_InnerRadiusMax 300
    SetAnimGraphVar CPR_OuterRadiusMin 300
    SetAnimGraphVar CPR_OuterRadiusMid 500
    SetAnimGraphVar CPR_OuterRadiusMax 1000

    would be equal to annotation:

  2. Active the backoff data on the actor:
    These console commands in "MaxsuCPR_Enable.ini":

    SetAnimGraphVar CPR_EnableBackoff  1
    SetAnimGraphVar CPR_BackoffMinDistMult 0.85
    SetAnimGraphVar CPR_BackoffChance 0.95

    would be equal to annotation:

  3. Active the circling data on the actor:
    These console commands in "MaxsuCPR_Enable.ini":

    SetAnimGraphVar CPR_EnableCircling 1
    SetAnimGraphVar CPR_CirclingDistMin 90
    SetAnimGraphVar CPR_CirclingDistMax 1200
    SetAnimGraphVar  CPR_CirclingAngleMin 90
    SetAnimGraphVar  CPR_CirclingAngleMax 120
    SetAnimGraphVar  CPR_CirclingViewConeAngle 360

    would be equal to annotation:

  4. Active the fallback data on the actor:
    These console commands in "MaxsuCPR_Enable.ini":

    SetAnimGraphVar CPR_EnableFallback 1
    SetAnimGraphVar CPR_FallbackDistMin 200
    SetAnimGraphVar CPR_FallbackDistMax 500
    SetAnimGraphVar CPR_FallbackWaitTimeMin 2.0
    SetAnimGraphVar CPR_FallbackWaitTimeMax 3.0

    would be equal to annotation:

  5. Disable all the CPR data on the actor and restore everything back to vanilla:
    This annotation would be equal to console commands:

    SetAnimGraphVar CPR_EnableAdvanceRadius 0
    SetAnimGraphVar CPR_EnableBackoff  0
    SetAnimGraphVar CPR_EnableCircling 0
    SetAnimGraphVar	CPR_EnableFallback 0

Animations that could be used to active or disable these CPR instructions for a moveset could be those weapon draw/sheathe animations. The "CPR Patched Animations Pack" I patched did so. Here are the name of those weapon draw/sheathe animations you can use for:

1hm_equip.hkx - One handed sword draw
1hm_unequip.hkx - One handed sword sheathe
dag_equip.hkx - Dagger draw
dag_unequip.hkx - Dagger sheathe
axe_equip.hkx - One handed axe draw
axe_unequip.hkx - One handed axe sheathe
mac_equip.hkx - Mace draw
mac_unequip.hkx - Mace sheathe
h2h_equip.hkx - Fits draw
h2h_unequip.hkx - Fits sheathe
2hc_equip.hkx - Two handed sword draw
2hc_unequip.hkx - Two handed sword sheathe
2hw_equip.hkx - Two handed warhammer/battleaxe draw
2hw_unequip.hkx - Two handed warhammer/battleaxe sheathe

Simply annotate your CPR.EnableAdvance, CPR.EnableBackoff, CPR.EnableCircling, CPR.EnableFallback instructions inside the weapon equip hkx file, while annotate the CPR.DisableAll inside the wepon unequip hkx file.

Via Papyrus Scrips:

To Be Done