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On Air

A macOS app that helps other people at home know when you're in a meeting.

On Air runs in your status bar. It subtly turns from 🟢 green to 🔴 red when another nearby On Air user's microphone is in use.

How it works

On Air periodically takes a screenshot of your status bar to check for the presence of the orange 🟠 “Sensor Indicator” icon:

If the orange dot is there, your microphone is in use (even if it's muted) - indicating that you are in a meeting. On Air then updates the On Air icon on nearby Macs to show that you are in a meeting.


Download a notarized version of from the releases page. Or, compile it yourself from this repo's source code.


On Air only connects to nearby devices locally - your information is never sent to any third party server (including our own).


  • Most likely only works if English is set as the system language (see WindowInfoRecognizer)
  • Future versions of macOS could change how the Status Indicator dot works, resulting in On Air breaking
  • No unit tests at this time :(
  • UI state is represented as an injected singleton as I still haven't found a nice way to bind SwiftUI to a traditional view model yet. At least the core logic is entirely separated from the view this way... it works for a single-view-model app like this.


A macOS app that helps other people at home know when you're in a meeting.




