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File metadata and controls

80 lines (61 loc) · 4.53 KB


2.1.0 - Monday, 21/09/2015

  • Added an appId query param to the web socket. This can be set through the Myo.connect(APP_ID) command and is stored at Myo.defaults.app_id. This app id is to help Thalmic track usage stats from different apps and to help us a bit with reporting if there's issues. If no appId is provided it will default to com.myojs.default, so this change won't break current applications using Myo.js

2.0.2 - Tuesday, 21/07/2015

  • Added the ability to pass false to .off() to remove all events

2.0.1 - Tuesday, 21/07/2015

  • Left out .requestBatteryLevel() during the v2 overhaul

2.0.0 - Wednesday, 08/07/2015

  • Dramatically changed the way Myo.js creates myo instances. No more code needed! The library will create the instances for you as they are paired.
  • Hiding the need for the developer to worry about the Myo index value in Myo Connect. Myo.js now uses mac addresses as the main form of Myo id
  • Renamed Myo.initSocket() to Myo.connect() and added Myo.disconnect() to close the web socket
  • Renamed Myo.options to Myo.defaults
  • Removed myo.timer()
  • Fixed myo.setLockingPolicy() and moved it onto the core object Myo, since it controls the locking policy for all Myos.
  • Simplified the myo.unlock() command. Now takes a single boolean parameter to toggle betwen doing a timed unlock or a held unlock.
  • Pose events now implicitly call .unlock(true) while held and .unlock() on release, if locking policy is standard. This mimics the behaviour of most other Myo apps.
  • Removed rest from being a pose
  • Removed edges from pose events. Added _off events to replace it. eg. fist and fist_off, pose and pose_off
  • Adding events for when the socket is ready and when the socket has closed. ready and socket_closed respectively
  • Now tracking battery level on the Myo instance. myo.batteryLevel
  • Added .off() to the core Myo object to turn off global events.
  • now returns the Myo instance for chaining.
  • Now tracking warmup state on the myo instance. myo.warmupState
  • Fires event of warmup_completed when the myo has fully warmed up.
  • bluetooth_strength event now emits a percentage.
  • Added a rssi event that emits the dBm of the bluetooth signal.
  • Created a methods object on the Myo library to let developers add custom functions to myo instances. This object will be used as the prototype of all myo instances.
  • Modifed the parameters on the Myo.create() call. It's also now not needed, but leaving it exposed for other add-ons to use.
  • Added a myo.synced flag to easily see which myos are synced with an arm or not.

1.5.0 - Thursday, 19/03/2015

  • Added a Myo.onError function you can overwrite which will trigger if Myo.js can't make a connection with Myo Connect.
  • Creating mutliple instances of a myo with the same id won't clobber connection information now.
  • Adding a new status event that gets triggered for any non-pose, non-IMU, and non-EMG event from the Myo. Useful for debug windows. This will also future-proof the library if new Myo Connect events get added.
  • On connect Myo.js now merges in all values from the data packet into the myo object. This is to future-proof additional properities Myo Connect may return.
  • The catch-all event * now doesn't modify the arguments object.

1.4.0 - Tuesday, 03/03/2015

  • Moved repo and npm module over to ThalmicLabs
  • Improved the doc structure (again)
  • Moved the existing issues over
  • Updated the locking policy (thanks andrebower!)
  • Added better quaternion math (thanks freehaha!)

1.3.0 - Sunday, 08/02/2015

  • Better doc structure
  • Merged in BrianHeese's pull request for the locking policy change (thanks!)

1.2.0 - Friday, 19/12/2014

  • Added raw EMG support!
  • Added a new EMG example
  • Happy Holidays!

1.1.2 - Friday, 05/12/2014

  • Added a second data parameter to most events
  • Added a nice example showing off graphing IMU data and event streams
  • Removed the empty Myo.ui stuff

1.1.1 - Thursday, 04/12/2014

  • Renamed arm_recognized event to arm_synced
  • Renamed arm_lost event to arm_unsynced
  • Updated Myo.options.api_version to 3 to work with the newly released firmware.

1.1.0 - Monday, 17/11/2014

  • Renamed Myo.start() to Myo.initSocket()
  • Myo.js now tries to create the socket when you create Myo instances. This allows developers to modify Myo.options before the socket is created. Useful for controlling API versions.
  • Added error handling messages on the socket.
  • Updated Myo.options.api_version to 2 to work with the newly released firmware.