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Low Level Primitives

maximecb edited this page Nov 19, 2014 · 8 revisions

Higgs provides a way to call directly into low-level IR primitives the JIT compiler understands (see source/ir/ops.d). These are the building blocks from which the JS runtime library is built.

Word/type manipulation primitives

  • $ir_make_value
  • $ir_get_word
  • $ir_get_type

Type tag tests

  • $ir_is_int32
  • $ir_is_int64
  • $ir_is_float64
  • $ir_is_string
  • $ir_is_rope
  • $ir_is_object
  • $ir_is_array
  • $ir_is_closure
  • $ir_is_refptr
  • $ir_is_rawptr
  • $ir_is_const

Type conversion

  • $ir_i32_to_f64
  • $ir_f64_to_i32

Integer arithmetic

  • $ir_add_i32
  • $ir_sub_i32
  • $ir_mul_i32
  • $ir_div_i32
  • $ir_mod_i32

Bitwise operations

  • $ir_and_i32
  • $ir_or_i32
  • $ir_xor_i32
  • $ir_lsft_i32
  • $ir_rsft_i32
  • $ir_ursft_i32
  • $ir_not_i32

Floating-point arithmetic

  • $ir_add_f64
  • $ir_sub_f64
  • $ir_mul_f64
  • $ir_div_f64
  • $ir_mod_f64

Higher-level floating-point functions

  • $ir_sin_f64
  • $ir_cos_f64
  • $ir_sqrt_f64
  • $ir_ceil_f64
  • $ir_floor_f64
  • $ir_log_f64
  • $ir_exp_f64
  • $ir_pow_f64

Integer operations with overflow handling

  • $ir_add_i32_ovf
  • $ir_sub_i32_ovf
  • $ir_mul_i32_ovf
  • $ir_lsft_i32_ovf

Integer comparison instructions

  • $ir_eq_i32
  • $ir_ne_i32
  • $ir_lt_i32
  • $ir_gt_i32
  • $ir_le_i32
  • $ir_ge_i32
  • $ir_eq_i8

Pointer comparison instructions

  • $ir_eq_refptr
  • $ir_ne_refptr
  • $ir_eq_rawptr
  • $ir_ne_rawptr

Constant comparison instructions

  • $ir_eq_const
  • $ir_ne_const

Floating-point comparison instructions

  • $ir_eq_f64
  • $ir_ne_f64
  • $ir_lt_f64
  • $ir_gt_f64
  • $ir_le_f64
  • $ir_ge_f64

Load instructions

  • $ir_load_u8
  • $ir_load_u16
  • $ir_load_u32
  • $ir_load_u64
  • $ir_load_i8
  • $ir_load_i16
  • $ir_load_f64
  • $ir_load_refptr
  • $ir_load_rawptr
  • $ir_load_funptr

Store instructions

  • $ir_store_u8
  • $ir_store_u16
  • $ir_store_u32
  • $ir_store_u64
  • $ir_store_i8
  • $ir_store_i16
  • $ir_store_f64
  • $ir_store_refptr
  • $ir_store_rawptr
  • $ir_store_funptr
  • $ir_store_mapptr

Unconditional jump

  • $ir_jump

Branch based on a boolean value

  • $ir_if_true

Test if a closure is an instance of a given function and branch based on the result This instruction is used for conditional inlining

  • $ir_if_eq_fun

Implements JS function calls. Makes the execution go to the callee entry. Pushes arguments and a return address on the stack.

  • $ir_call

Call with an array of arguments (used by Function.prototype.apply)

  • $ir_call_apply

Call a primitive function by name (note: the second argument is a cached function reference)

  • $ir_call_prim

Pops the callee frame (size known by context)

  • $ir_ret

Throws an exception, unwinds the stack

  • $ir_throw

Access visible arguments by index

  • $ir_get_arg

Special implementation object/value access instructions

  • $ir_get_obj_proto
  • $ir_get_arr_proto
  • $ir_get_fun_proto
  • $ir_get_global_obj
  • $ir_get_heap_size
  • $ir_get_heap_free
  • $ir_get_gc_count

Allocate a block of memory on the heap

  • $ir_heap_alloc

Trigger a garbage collection

  • $ir_gc_collect

Create a link table entry associated with this instruction

  • $ir_make_link

Set the value of a link table entry

  • $ir_set_link

Get the value of a link table entry

  • $ir_get_link

Compute the hash code for a string and try to find the string in the string table

  • $ir_get_str

Create a new closure from a function's AST node

  • $ir_new_clos

Load a source code unit from a file

  • $ir_load_file

Evaluate a source string in the global scope

  • $ir_eval_str

Print a string to standard output

  • $ir_print_str

Get a string representation of a function's AST

  • $ir_get_ast_str

Get a string representation of a function's IR

  • $ir_get_ir_str

Format a floating-point value as a string

  • $ir_f64_to_str

Format a floating-point value as a string (long)

  • $ir_f64_to_str_lng

Get the time in milliseconds since process start

  • $ir_get_time_ms

Load a shared lib

  • $ir_load_lib

Close shared lib

  • $ir_close_lib

Lookup symbol in shared lib

  • $ir_get_sym

Call C function in shared lib

  • $ir_call_ffi
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