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File metadata and controls

171 lines (106 loc) · 5.6 KB



There are a couple of pre-requisites

  1. conda
  2. BCL-convert
  3. A running parkour instance with API access.

To install dissectBCL, first clone the repository:

git clone
cd dissectBCL

next create the conda environment. By default this will be named dissectBCL

conda env create -f env.yml --name dissectBCL

or if you have mamba installed:

mamba env create -f env.yml --name dissectBCL

activate the environment and pip install dissectBCL

conda activate dissectBCL
pip install .

The next task is to prepare the contaminome database. These files will get downloaded so make sure to run the command on a node that has internet access. Note that the contaminome.yml file is included in the repository. Note that it takes a while to create this database, and that you need quite a lot of memory. The final footprint of this database is around 20GB.

contam -c contaminome.yml -o /path/to/folder

Next task is to set up the ini file. A template is provided in the repository (dissectBCL.ini). It is necessary that all variables are filled in appropriately. By default the pipeline expects this ini file to be available under:


Although you can always override this location using the executable.

NB: if you are running Parkour, the config file will contain a plaintext password, so set permissions appropriately!


Starting the pipeline is as simple as:


or with a custom configfile location:

dissect -c /path/to/dissectBCL.ini

Note that to run persistently on a server, dissect should be run from tmux or using nohup dissect &. All other customisations have to happen in the ini file. Once running, the pipeline will check every hour. Forcing a check can be done by killing the HUP:

killall -HUP dissect


Say a flow cell has been processed. A first point of entry would be to look at the email received:

  • All samples have good 'actual' vs. 'requested' ratios (~=1)?
  • what's the percentage of undetermined reads?
  • what are the top unknown barcodes?
  • how are we doing on space?
  • are the kraken2 organism and parkour organism the same?

Next, have a look at the multiqc files (1 per project). These get copied over into config[Dirs][bioinfoCoreDir]. Important here are:

  • phred scores
  • read composition
  • detailed kraken2 report

If everything looks fine, touch fastq.made into the lane folders and let BigRedButton do its job.

We assume that end users can access the files in the periphery by group rights, not with user rights. 'releasing' data in this case just chmod to 750. The folders in the periphery can be released by running:

wd40 rel

in the outlane folders. once this is done, the end user can be notified using


Barcode issues

Often, the biggest issues encountered will be wrong barcodes. An indication of this can be:

  • low actual vs requested ratios
  • high undetermined indices

Entry points here would be the email received, cross-referenced with outlanefolder/Reports/Top_Unknown_Barcodes.csv and outlanefolder/demuxSheet.csv You could get additional information by running

wd40 diag

Identify what (and if) changes can be made, backup the generated demuxSheet, and make changes accordingly. After the changes have been made in the demuxSheet:

  • remove the project/FASTQC folders in the periphery
  • remove the project/FASTQC folders in the outlane folder(s)

remove all the flags:

  • analysis.done
  • bclconvert.done
  • communication.done
  • fastq.made
  • postmux.done
  • renamed.done

and rerun dissectBCL. Note that an existing demuxSheet in the folder won't be overwritten, allowing you to jump in.

Issues with Parkour verification

In this case (which is rare as it's caused by changing the certificate provider and it is not commonly listed), the certificate issuer is not recognized as dissect throws this error:

requests.exceptions.SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='parkourURL', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: 
/api/analysis_list/analysis_list/?flowcell_id=XXXXXXXXX (Caused by SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate 
verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1007)')))

then, the new certificate needs to be added in the system (i.e. for CentOS 7, copying it to /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ and run "update-ca-trust").

Finally, the cert field under the parkour header in the configuration file needs to point to the file copied in the anchors directory.

Other issues

It can happen that the pipeline just crashes. A point of entry there would be to have a look at the log files. These are written per flowcell. The folder in which these are written is specified in the ini file config[Dirs][flowLogDir]. Warnings in the log file usually correspond to what module is invoked, and Info tags show what is actually being done. Cross-referencing this information with the code can give you information on where to start debugging.