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Vue/Sinatra boiler

a boiler built with Vue (client) and Sinata (server).

The server uses faye-websockets and maps connected sockets to logged in users via a token passed to the connect request. It includes Github oAuth, ActiveRecord, a Crud generator for sinatra, and a server-push library to alert clients of DB updates.

The client uses Vuex, a redux-like library with mutations/actions/store and such. Since this type of thing generally requires a lot of boiler, there's a Crud generator here too. It uses webpack to compile NPM deps, coffeescript, sass, and slim code into Javascript objects that can be run from the client. Webpack has built-in hot reloading and runs the front-end as a static server for development.

Out the box, this boiler provides a basic collaborative Todo app with 3-way data binding. In other words, any connected clients will see the todo list update in realtime, even if the action was called by a different client. Anyone can see the todos list, but only authenticated users can update/destroy/create.


see (the backend is on heroku)

How to run

  1. First of all, make sure you have at least the current LTS version of Node (right now it's 6.10.0), Ruby 2.3 or newer, and a Unix environment.

  2. clone the repo and change the origin to something beloning to you (or fork)

     git clone
     cd vue-sinatra-boiler
     git remote set-url origin<username>/<repo>.git
  3. Create a new oAuth account on Github developer console

  4. Configure the server

     cd server
     bundle install
     bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate
     cp .env.example .env
     nano .env # add the Github credentials here
  5. Start the server

     bundle exec thin start
  6. Configure the client

     cd ../client
     npm install
  7. Start the client

     npm run dev
  8. Visit the app at localhost:8080

source code overview


Some important concepts to keep in mind:

  • all the coffee, slim, and sass files get compiled into bundle.js which is loaded by index.html
  • the slim-lang-loader used by webpack is somethin I authored. It allows .slim files to be passed through the HTML loader to become strings in Javascript.
├── ------------------ The core of the client side code, required by
├── components --------------------- Contains a folder for each component (some are omitted here)
│   ├── ---------- Manifest of components - requires each component
│   ├── navbar --------------------- Each component has two files:
│   │   ├── ----------   coffee file for module definition
│   │   └── navbar.slim ------------   slim file for HTML template
│   ├── root ----------------------- Layout component that is always visible (along with navbar)
│   │   ├──
│   │   └── root.slim
│   └── todos
│       ├──
│       └── todos.slim
├── Gemfile ------------------------ Ruby deps for client (it's only slim)
├── Gemfile.lock
├── index.html --------------------- Entry point of the app, served statically
├── lib
│   ├── --------- A generator for Vuex mutations/actions and server-push listeners
│   ├── --- Helper methods for $.put and $.delete
│   ├── -------------- Client side router
│   ├── store
│   │   ├── --------- Vuex actions make requests to server, and then commit mutations with the response
│   │   ├── ------- Atomic actions to change the client state
│   │   └── ----------- Initial client state
│   └── --------------- Vuex store is available to all components
├── ------------------ Loaded by webpack.config.js, this the entry point of the client code.
├── package.json
├── style
│   └── app.sass ------------------- Not really used here but set up for hot reloading
└── webpack.config.js -------------- Webpack configuration


for more in-depth docs see sinatra_sockets

├── ---------------------- Entry point to server, run by "bundle exec thin start"
├── crud_generator.rb -------------- Sinatra plugin to generate CRUD routes for a resource
├── db
│   ├── migrate
│   │   └── 20170312215739_create_todos.rb
│   └── schema.rb
├── Gemfile ------------------------ Server dependencies
├── Gemfile.lock
├── models.rb ---------------------- ActiveRecord models (only Todo for now)
├── Rakefile ----------------------- Loads tasks from sinatra-activerecord
├── server_push.rb ----------------- Module which can be included in models to push updates to clients
├── server.rb ---------------------- Core of the Server, definition of Sinatra app
└── ws.rb -------------------------- The websocket API


First of all, you should decide what the production urls are going to be for the front-end and server. Then do a search and replace in the codebase for the following strings:

  • (replace with your server url) _used by client for wss:// and https://
  • (replace with your front-end host only, not including path) used by server for CORS

The front end is easy to deploy to Github pages or another host like that.

  1. cd client
  2. npm run deploy - this will generate client-dist/prod-bundle.js
  3. commit changes
  4. sh push_client_dist_to_gh_pages will push the client-dist/ folder to the gh-pages branch of whatever origin the repo points to.

The server includes a Procfile so it's easy to deploy to heroku.

  1. heroku create --app <some app name>
  2. sh push_server_to_heroku
  3. heroku run rake db:migrate
  4. use heroku config:set to copy over the GitHub credentials in .env
  5. Make sure to re-configure the Github application on their developer console so that it redirects to https://<your url>/auth/github/callback


Extract the Crud generators and server push into their own libraries

Why does refreshing the demo twice cause a logout?


If you are interested in using this boiler but are having a hard time making sense of it, I'll be happy to help if you reach out to


a full stack boiler with Webpack, Coffeescript, Slim, Vue/Vuex, URL history, Sinatra, websockets, github oAuth, server-push, and crud generator







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