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File metadata and controls

443 lines (291 loc) · 15.5 KB



This is the minimal configuration and assumes you loaded in the default roles described in the :ref:`defaults`. You can also define your own roles as described in the :ref:`more-configuration`.


The Archiefvernietigingscomponent must be connected to an instance of Open Zaak.

  1. Navigate to the Archiefvernietigingscomponent admin.

  2. Configure the credentials for the Zaken API (so the Archiefvernietigingscomponent can access the Zaken API):

    1. Navigate to API Autorisaties > Services
    2. Click Service toevoegen.
    3. Fill out the form:
      • Label: Open Zaak - Zaken API
      • Type: Select the option: ZRC (Zaken)
      • API root url: For example:
      • Client ID: For example: avc-demo
      • Secret: Some random string. You will need this later on!
      • Authorization type: Select the option: ZGW client_id + secret
      • OAS: URL that points to the OAS, same URL as the API root url with /schema/openapi.yaml added to it for example:
      • User ID: Same as the Client ID
      • User representation: For example: Archiefvernietigingscomponent
    4. Click Opslaan.
  3. Repeat the steps above for the Catalogi API and the Documenten API. Make sure to use the same Client ID and Secret for each of them.

    For the Catalogi API, also fill in Extra configuration with:

    {"main_catalogus_uuid": "<the UUID of your main catalog>"}
  4. Add the Selectielijst API:

    1. Navigate to API Autorisaties > Services
    2. Click Service toevoegen.
    3. Fill out the form:
      • Label: Open Zaak (public) - Selectielijst API
      • Type: Select the option: ORC (Overige)
      • API root url:
      • Authorization type: Select the option: No authorization
      • OAS:
    4. Click Opslaan.

Open Zaak

  1. Navigate to the Open Zaak admin.
  2. Configure the credentials for the Archiefvernietigingscomponent (so the Archiefvernietigingscomponent can access the various Open Zaak APIs):
    1. Navigate to API Autorisaties > Applicaties
    2. Click Applicatie toevoegen.
    3. Fill out the form:
      • Label: Archiefvernietigingscomponent
      • Heeft alle autorisaties: Checked
      • Client ID: The same as configured in the Archiefvernietigingscomponent.
      • Secret: The same as configured in the Archiefvernietigingscomponent.
    4. Click Opslaan.

More configuration


This part of the configuration documentation is aimed at (functional) administrators.

The Archiefvernietigingscomponent supports run-time configuration for maximum flexibility to make it fit your environment. This does also mean that a fresh installation is empty and not useful without any configuration.

The configuration interface is available on, where should be replaced by your actual domain.

Accounts, roles and permissions


The Archiefvernietigingscomponent has a simple permission system, consisting of the following permissions:

can start destruction

Someone who can start destruction is allowed to create destruction lists. A person with this permission will see a list of their own destruction lists on their landing page, and a button to create a new list.

can review destruction

Someone with this permission can be assigned as a reviewer for a destruction list. On their landing page, they see an overview of all the destruction lists where they were once assigned as a reviewer. They can suggest changes/exemptions on destruction lists back to the destruction list author.

can view case details

Someone with this permission is allowed to view more details about a case. This could be part of the review process or destruction list creation process.


Navigate to Authenticatie en authorisatie > Rollen to manage roles. Roles define a set of permissions. An application user can have one role.

Typical example roles would be:

  • record manager:
    • can start destruction: yes
    • can review destruction: no
    • can view case details: yes
  • process owner:
    • can start destruction: no
    • can review destruction: yes
    • can view case details: yes
  • archivist:
    • can start destruction: no
    • can review destruction: yes
    • can view case details: no

You can create as many roles as you want and name them as you see fit.

There is a fixture to load default roles.

.. tabs::

    .. group-tab:: Docker

       .. code:: shell

          $ docker-compose exec web src/ loaddata default_roles

    .. group-tab:: Python

      .. code:: shell

          $ source env/bin/activate
          $ python src/ loaddata default_roles

This adds 4 :ref:`roles` in the application: process owner, archivist, record manager and functional administrator. Process owner, archivist and record manager are described :ref:`here <roles>`, while the functional administrator is a role with all the permissions of the three roles above combined.


Via Authenticatie en authorisatie > Gebruikers you can manage individual users known to the system. You can perform administrative actions such as:

  • assigning a role to a user
  • filling out their name/e-mail address
  • (re)setting their password


The Archiefvernietigingscomponent admin interface and frontend support logging in through ADFS-backed single sign on (SSO).

ADFS 2012 and 2016, and Azure AD are supported. See the ADFS config guides for documentation on how to configure ADFS itself.

The ADFS configuration can be found under Admin > Configuration > ADFS Configuration.


The Archiefvernietigingscomponent does not store, synchronize or copy case data. All data is retrieved through the Zaken, Catalogi and Documenten API. As such, these services need to be configured.

Navigate to Configuratie > Services and add the details for your environment.


Archiefvernietigingscomponent supports multiple services of the same type.

Catalogi API

The Archiefvernietigingscomponent uses the Catalogi API to provide filter options based on "zaaktype".

Add a service of the type ZTC, and make sure to fill out:

  • API root URL: the API base URL of the service.

  • Extra configuration: a JSON object with the main catalogue ID, e.g.:

    {"main_catalogus_uuid": "09a4ae7a-98a3-4178-9559-b22b76cad3db"}
  • Client ID: the client ID for your "application" that was registered with the Catalogi API-serving application.

  • Secret: the Secret for your "application" that was registered with the Catalogi API-serving application.

  • Authorization type: ZGW-client_id + secret

  • OAS: URL to the API schema, normally this is API root URL + schema/openapi.yaml.

  • NLX url: optional NLX outway-URL if the service is to be consumed over the NLX network.

Zaken API

The Zaken API is used to retrieve the zaken matching the archiving terms. They are the objects that are eventually destroyed by this application.

Add a service of the type ZRC. The configuration steps for the Catalogi API apply here, with the exception of "Extra configuration" - this is not required.

Documenten API

Cases ("zaken") almost always have relations to documents. If the case is being destroyed, documents related to it (and no other cases) also need to be destroyed. For that purpose, the Archiefvernietigingscomponent needs access to the Documents API.

Add a service of the type DRC. The configuration steps for the Catalogi API apply here, with the exception of "Extra configuration" - this is not required.

Selectielijst API

The steps to configure a service to a Selectielijst API are the same as those for the Documenten API, except that the type of service is ORC.

Why is the Selectielijst API needed?

When a list is destroyed, a report of destruction is generated with references to all the cases that were destroyed. This report contains the following fields:

  1. Unieke kenmerk: the identificatie field of a case
  2. Beschrijving: the omschrijving field of a case
  3. Looptijd: the number of days between the enddatum and startdatum field of a zaak.
  4. Vernietigings-Categorie selectielijst: the nummer field of the selectielijstProcestype of the zaaktype.
  5. Toelichting: the name of the destruction list
  6. Opmerkingen: the comment in the latest approval review from the archivaris (user with a role with permissions to review the destruction, but not to start the destruction or view case details).
  7. Reactie zorgdrager: the comment in the latest approval review from the process eigenaar (user with a role with permissions to review the destruction and review case details, but not to start the destruction).

In order to retrieve the data for point 4., a service to a Selectielijst API needs to be configured. Otherwise this field will be left empty in the report.

Required scopes

The Catalogi, Zaken and Documenten API enforce authorization checks. For the correct functioning of the Archiefvernietigingscomponent, it needs the following scopes:

Zaken API

  • zaken.lezen: used to display detail information
  • zaken.geforceerd-bijwerken: used to change archiving parameters for exemptions
  • zaken.verwijderen: used to destroy selected cases

Catalogi API

  • catalogi.lezen: used to fetch available case-types

Documenten API

  • documenten.lezen: used to display case detail information
  • documenten.verwijderen: used to destroy documents as part of the case destruction

Besluiten API

  • besluiten.lezen: used to display case detail information
  • besluiten.verwijderen: used to delete "besluiten" as part of the case destruction

Archive configuration

The Archiefvernietigingscomponent only offers cases of which the archive action date has passed, to prevent destruction of cases before their scheduled archiving. This is annoying for testing purposes, so the Archiefvernietigingscomponent supports specifying the "current date".

Navigate to Configuratie > Archiveringsconfiguratie to specify the "current date".

Theme settings

You can easily change the colors, logo and footer texts to match the ones from your organizaton.

Navigate to Configuration > Thema configuratie to configure the theme.

Setting the domain

In the admin, under Configuratie > Websites, make sure to change the existing Site to the domain under which the Archiefvernietigingscomponent will be deployed.

Automatic emails

The system administrator can decide to configure automatic emails to be sent to the reviewers and/or the record manager. This can be done through the admin, under Configuratie > Automatische emails

If there are already automatic emails present, they can be edited. There are three types of automatic emails:

  • Review required: for when a reviewer has a destruction list to review.
  • Changes required: for when a record manager needs to process the feedback form a reviewer.
  • Report available: for when a destruction report is sent to the archivist.

A custom email subject and email body can be configured for each type of email. If no automatic emails are present in the admin in Configuratie > Automatische emails, then no emails will be sent.

To load default automatic emails, a fixture is present. This can be loaded with the following command (from the archiefvernietigingscomponent/ directory):

.. tabs::

    .. group-tab:: Docker

       .. code:: shell

          $ docker-compose exec web src/ loaddata default_emails

    .. group-tab:: Python

      .. code:: shell

          $ source env/bin/activate
          $ python src/ loaddata default_emails

A few variables can be used in the email body. These are:

  • {{ user}}: it will be replaced with the full name (first name and last name) of the user receiving the email.
  • {{ municipality }}: it will be replaced with the name of the municipality sending the email.
  • {{ list }}: it will be replaced with the name of the destruction list.
  • {{ link_list }}: it will be replaced with the link to the destruction list.
  • {{ link_report }}: it will be replaced with the link to where the PDF of the destruction report can be downloaded.


In order to use the variable {{ municipality }}, the municipality name needs to be configured under Configuratie > Email configuratie.


The variable {{ link_report }} can only be used in the email of type "Report available".

Standard review answers

When a reviewer asks for changes to a destruction list, they can choose from a drop down the reason why they are asking for changes. These reasons can be configured in the admin under Reviews > Standard review aantwoorden and then Standard review aantwoorden toevoegen. Both the text and the order in which these reasons will appear in the dropdown can be configured. Once you have added multiple reasons in the admin, you can use the up and down arrows on the right (see screenshot below) to change the order.

Reorder standard reasons

To load in default reasons, the fixture default_review_answers can be loaded as follows:

.. tabs::

    .. group-tab:: Docker

       .. code:: shell

          $ docker-compose exec web src/ loaddata default_review_answers

    .. group-tab:: Python

      .. code:: shell

          $ source env/bin/activate
          $ python src/ loaddata default_review_answers

This feature will load the following reasons (in this order):

  • Zaken die van belang zijn voor de huidige bedrijfsvoering/nog andere lopende zaken.
  • Zaken die bij een vastgestelde Hotspot behoren.
  • Zaken met een uniek karakter.
  • Bijzondere gebeurtenissen.
  • Beeldbepalende, karakteristieke, bijzondere objecten.
  • Samenvattingen van gegevens.
  • Belangrijke burgers en functionarissen.
  • Bescheiden die vervangen wat door een calamiteit verloren is gegaan.
  • Precedenten: individuele zaken die leiden tot algemene regels.
  • Bescheiden waarbij de vernietiging de logische samenhang zou verstoren.

Audit trails

In version 1.0, the templates used for the audit trail have been renamed. Their extension was changed from .txt to .html. A management command was added to change the template name in all existing logs. This can be executed as follows:

.. tabs::

    .. group-tab:: Docker

       .. code:: shell

          $ docker-compose exec web src/ convert_log_templates

    .. group-tab:: Python

      .. code:: shell

          $ source env/bin/activate
          $ python src/ convert_log_templates