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File metadata and controls

133 lines (80 loc) · 4.05 KB




  • Python 3.10 or newer
  • Django 3.2+
  1. Install from PyPI using pip:

    pip install zgw-consumers
  2. Add zgw_consumers and simple_certmanager to the INSTALLED_APPS setting.

  3. Run python src/ migrate to create the necessary database tables

  4. Configure django-simple-certmanager correctly


In the Django admin, you can create:

  • Service instances to define your external APIs.
  • NLXConfig configuration for your NLX outway.

Using ape-pie to interact with your service

From a service, you can construct an :class:`ape_pie.APIClient` instance (which is nothing more than an extension to the :class:`requests.Session` object).

from zgw_consumers.client import build_client
from zgw_consumers.models import Service

my_service = Service.objects.get(api_root="")
client = build_client(my_service)

with client:
    # The preferred way to use the client is within a context manager

The resulting client will have certificate and authentication automatically configured from the database configuration.


By default, :func:`zgw_consumers.client.build_client` will return an instance of an :class:`zgw_consumers.nlx.NLXClient`, which will take care of rewriting URLs. You can customize this behavior by using the client_factory argument.

If you want to customize how configuration is extracted from the :class:`zgw_consumers.models.Service`, you can make use of the :class:`zgw_consumers.client.ServiceConfigAdapter` directly.

Constructing an OpenAPI 3 client with the legacy client

.. deprecated:: 0.28.x

    The legacy client is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release.

    You also need to install the extra ``zds-client``:

    .. code-block:: bash

        pip install zgw-consumers[zds-client]

From a service, you can construct a :class:`zds_client.client.Client` instance which is driven by the API schema. There are two common scenario's:

If you know upfront which service you need to consume

Example snippet:

from zgw_consumers.models import Service

my_service = Service.objects.get(api_root="")
client = my_service.build_client()
resource = client.retrieve("resource", uuid="6d166c39-74bf-4cf4-903d-f99fbb1670ac")

If you are given a resource URL and need the appropriate client

In this situation, you don't necessarily know upfront which service you will need, since the resource URL may be from various services. You can obtain the service and/or client directly based on the URL and the best api_root match:

from zgw_consumers.models import Service

client = Service.get_client(resource_url)
resource = client.retrieve("resource", url=resource_url)

Obtaining the authentication details

Similar to :meth:`Service.get_client <zgw_consumers.models.Service.get_client>`, you can also invoke :meth:`Service.get_auth_header <zgw_consumers.models.Service.get_auth_header>`:

from zgw_consumers.models import Service

auth = Service.get_auth_header(resource_url)

Data model

Use zgw_consumers.api_models.base.factory to turn raw JSON responses into instances of domain models:

from zgw_consumers.api_models.base import factory
from zgw_consumers.api_models.zaken import Zaak

results = client.list("zaak")["results"]

return factory(Zaak, results)

It works for both collections and scalar values, and takes care of the camelCase to snake_case conversion.

You can also define your own data models, take a look at the zgw_consumers.api_models package for inspiration.