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How to Build and Deploy this Project

You will need:

  • A working git installation
  • Access to GitHub that allows you cloning of public repositories
  • A working and somewhat current maven installation (tested with Maven 3.2.3)


  • A working Fortify installation

Install the Fortify Maven plugin

  • Go to $FORTIFY_HOME\Samples\advanced\maven-plugin
  • Run mvn clean install

Developer build

Get the repository from github

If you are building on Windows, configure git to checkout Windows style line endings and commit Unix-style line endings:

git config --global core.autocrlf true 

Checkout the master branch from GitHub to a first directory:

git clone


git clone

Checkout the master branch from GitHub to a second directory (optional, but handy to modify the GitHub pages without switching branches):

git clone jaas-site -b gh-pages


git clone jaas-site -b gh-pages

For first-time git users: configure a default identity for git (stored in ~/.gitconfig):

git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global

Or configure a specific identity on a per-repository level (stored in /.git/config)

git config "Your Name"
git config

Make your changes

See for pointers on how to contribute.

Make sure that all new and updated files have the correct license header

Add / update the license header to all files

mvn license:update-file-header

To create the project license file

mvn license:update-project-license

Run the Maven build

Option 1: Build instructions when running the Fortify SCA scan from the Fortify Workbench

  • Make sure that everything builds without errors and warnings and is always ready for a release build!
  • Run mvn clean package (this will create the target folder and resolve + copy all dependencies and sources)
  • Use the audit workbench, and create a new project in "advanced" mode:
    • Set the target SDK to 1.7
    • Exclude:
      • All unit test directories
      • All target directories
    • Include:
      • The main source directories
      • The target/dependency-sources source directories
    • Set as classpath directory
      • All target/classes directories
      • All target/dependency directories
    • Unset as classpath directory
      • All target/test-classes directories
    • Make sure that all of the standard rulepacks are enabled
    • Set filters:
      • Show all issues that may have security implications
      • Show all code quality issues
      • Application is a J2EE web application
      • Application is executed with elevated privileges
  • Run the Fortify scan, and make sure to update the translation
  • Run mvn clean install site -P release from the project root (the 'release' profile is optional, see below)

For release builds, all SCA scans must pass without errors and Fortify 'Quick View' must be clean.

If you get an error message about missing dependencies during site building (e.g. JavaDoc warnings), you forgot to also do an install when building the site.

Option 2: Build instructions when running the Fortify SCA scan from Maven

Make sure that everything builds without errors and warnings and is always ready for a release build!

mvn clean install site -P fortify,release -DFORTIFY_VERSION=4.20
mvn -P fortify -DFORTIFY_VERSION=4.20
  • The 'release' profile is optional for developer builds. It uses strict static code analysis settings, and any pushed code must pass the strict SCA settings of the 'release' profile.
  • For release builds, all SCA scans must pass without errors and Fortify 'Quick View' must be clean.
  • If you get an error message about missing dependencies during site building (e.g. JavaDoc warnings), you forgot to also do an install when building the site.

Commit changes to git and push

See ( for hints on how to commit and what to include in commit messages.

Release build

Set a release version:

mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=1.0
mvn versions:commit

Build the release bits and site, and push the release bits to Maven Central staging

Using the "release" profile is mandatory, and the Fortify 'Quick View' must be clean.

The "codesigning" profile is mandatory, as the bits will not be accepted by the upstream repository without a signature.

mvn clean deploy site -P fortify,release,codesigning -DFORTIFY_VERSION=4.20
mvn -P fortify -DFORTIFY_VERSION=4.20

For automated builds on a single-user machine, it is okay to specify the passphrase of the GPG signing key:

mvn clean deploy site -P fortify,release,codesigning -Dgpg.passphrase=keyPassphrase -DFORTIFY_VERSION=4.20
mvn -P fortify -DFORTIFY_VERSION=4.20

Stage the site

mvn site:stage
  • Check that the information is correct
  • Check that the site was built correctly and that intra-project links work

Push the site to Github

  • Copy the staging folder to the "gh-pages" branch in the correct version folder (e.g. `[...]/docs/1.0/]
  • Commit and push, using "Release 1.0 documentation" as the commit message
  • Update the project start page with a link to the new documentation, and make sure that the link works
  • Check if the site looks okay on GitHub pages

Promote the bits from the staging area to Maven Central

Go to the Sonatype staging repo and promote the build.

Commit release version change to git and tag

mvn clean
git status
git add . -A
git commit -m "Release 1.0 prep"
git tag -a 1.0 -m "Release 1.0"

Set a SNAPSHOT Version (increment of current release version number):

mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=1.1-SNAPSHOT
mvn versions:commit
git status
git add . -A
git commit -m "1.1 SNAPSHOT prep"

Push to GitHub

git push