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Introduction to the command line

This one-hour workshop introduces the basics of interacting with a computer using Bash (the Bourne Again Shell). You may have heard the terms "command line", "terminal", "console", "shell", "interactive prompt", "git-bash", etc. These all refer to using the keyboard to control your computer by typing commands.

The material for this workshop is based on a UofT Coders lesson and the Software Carpentry Unix Shell lesson.

Preparation: To follow along with this workshop on your own computer, you will need to have bash installed. For Linux and Mac users, bash is included as part of the operating system. In OSX, it can be accessed with terminal.

For Windows users, I recommend git bash, which is packaged with git (a common version control system). Follow the instructions here to install git bash. Another option is Cygwin. As of August 2016, the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) provides access to most command line tools provided by Ubuntu. See here for instructions to enable/install the WSL.

Workshop goals

After this workshop, you will have learned:

  • what Bash is and when and why to use it
  • how to navigate your computer from the command line using commands like pwd, cd, and ls
  • how to work with files from the command line using commands like cat, cp, mv, mkdir, and rm
  • handy commands for working with files like wc, head, tail, history, and the wildcard character *
  • using "pipes" to combine commands and > to redirect output
  • where to get more information and help
  • time permitting: cut, sort, and uniq

Why use the command line?

At a high level, computers do four things:

  • run programs
  • store data
  • communicate with each other, and
  • interact with us

Computers can interact with us in many different ways, such as through a keyboard and mouse, touch screen interfaces, or using speech recognition systems. While touch and voice interfaces are becoming more commonplace, most interaction is still done using traditional screens, mice, touchpads and keyboards.

The graphical user interface (GUI) is the most widely used way to interact with personal computers. We give instructions (to run a program, to copy a file, to create a new folder/directory) with the convenience of a few mouse clicks. This way of interacting with a computer is intuitive and easy to learn, but it can become slow and frustrating if we want to repeat similar actions many times. For example, if we want to copy the third line of each of a thousand text files and paste them into a single file, using the traditional GUI approach of clicks will take several hours to do this.

This is where we take advange of the shell - a command-line interface to make such repetitive tasks automatic and fast. It can take a single instruction and repeat it as is or with some modification as many times as we want.

Typing instructions to the computer might at first seem counterintuitive and unnecessarily difficult, but there are several advantages to learning how to do this.

Advantages of text-based communication with your computer

  • Repetitive tasks can be automated. Like in the example above, text-based commands will make it easy for us to repeat the same process many times.

  • Familiar tasks can be done very quickly. Think about learning a language: in the beginning it's nice to look things up in a dictionary (or a menu in a graphical program), and slowly string together sentences one word at a time. But once we become more proficient in the language and know what we want to say, it is easier to say or type it directly, instead of having to look up every word in the dictionary first.

  • Text-based interfaces are less resource-intensive and faster to develop than GUIs, which means some programs you might want to use don't have a GUI at all. Graphical components of programs require more resources from your computer to be run, and they also take more work to create in the first place. Many powerful programs are written without a graphical user interface (which makes it faster to create these programs) and to use these programs you often need to know how to use a text interface. For example, many of the best data analysis and machine learning packages are written in Python or R, and you need to know a bit about these languages to use them. Even if the program or package you want to use is in a different language, much of the knowledge you gain from understanding one programming language (like Bash) can be transferred to others. In addition, most powerful computers that you can log into remotely might only give you a text interface to navigate the computer with.

  • A record of text commands facilitates reproducibility. It is much easier to automate and reproduce / repeat any task once you have all the instructions written down. Compare being shown how to perform a certain analysis in spreadsheet software, where the instructions will be "first you click here, then here, then here...", with being handed the same workflow written down in several lines of codes which you can analyse and understand at your own pace.

The shell

The Shell is a program which runs other programs rather than doing calculations itself. Those programs can be as complicated as climate modeling software and as simple as a program that creates a new directory. The simple programs which are used to perform stand-alone tasks are usually refered to as commands. The most popular Unix shell is Bash, (the Bourne Again SHell — so-called because it’s derived from a shell written by Stephen Bourne).

When the shell is first opened, you are presented with a prompt, indicating that the shell is waiting for input. It might have some text about your computer and your user identity, and it probably ends with a $ symbol. Sometimes bash commands are written down as $ ls (for example): you don't have to type the $, only the command itself (ls).

The prompt:


Let's try a command: ls lists the contents of the current directory.


If you type a command that Bash doesn't recognize, you'll get an error message: ks: command not found.


Navigating files and directories

Stuff on your computer is organized into files and folders (also called directories). You might be used to navigating through your filesystem using a navigator application and clicking on directory icons; we can do an equivalent thing from the command line.

First, the command pwd (print working directory) tells us where we are in the filesystem.


The output you see will likely be different depending on your operating system. We're all likely in our home directory, where terminal or Git Bash opens by default.

ls lists the files and directories inside the current directory. We can add flags or options to commands to modify their behaviour: try adding -F and see if you notice what changes about the output.

ls -F

In general, a Bash command begins with the command name (ls), is followed by a list of options that begin with - or -- (-F), and ends with arguments.

We can add an argument to ls that specifies which directory we want ls to look in. Try the following commands and see what they do.

ls -a
ls Downloads
ls -F Downloads
ls -F -a /
ls -Fa /
ls *.txt

The flag -a stands for "all": ls -a shows all files and directories, even hidden ones. The hidden directory .. is shorthand for the parent directory, and the hidden directory . is shorthand for the current directory.

The character * is a wildcard - it matches any character. The command ls *.txt will list any file that ends in .txt, since * matches anything that comes before. This is handy if you're looking for something and you know a bit about it, like that it ends in .jpg or starts with a, for example.

ls has many options - we've just seen two. To get more information about a command, you can use the option --help, which will print out the manual page for the command.

ls --help

Another way to access the manual page is with man, which stands for manual:

man ls

It's possible that only one of these two will work depending on your environment.


What does ls do when used with the -l option? What about if you use both the -l and the -h option?

pwd and ls tell us about where we are and what's there, but we can also move around through our filesystem. The command cd (change directory) is how to do this.

cd Downloads

What if we want to go back up one level? We might try using the name of the higher directory:

cd madeleine # or whatever your home directory is called

But this gives an error: bash: cd: madeleine: No such file or directory.

Path names are relative: commands like cd and ls try to relate file and directory names to ones that can be seen from the current location. We have a few options to go up one level:

  1. Specify the full path
cd /home/madeleine
  1. Use the shortcut .. to go up one level

.. is shorthand notation for the parent directory, the directory that contains the current directory.

cd Downloads
cd ..
  1. Use the shortcut - to go back to the previous directory

- is shorthand for "the directory we were in last," which in this case also happens to be the directory above us.

cd Downloads
cd -
  1. Use the shortcut ~ to go to the home directory

'~' is shorthand for the home directory, which in this case is where we want to go.

cd Downloads
cd ~

All of these options have the same result in our case where we want to go from a directory below the home directory back to home. But if we were somewhere else, they wouldn't necessarily be equivalent.


Starting from /Users/amanda/Desktop/data, which of the following commands could Amanda use to navigate to her home directory, which is /Users/amanda?

Hint: play around with these choices on your own computer by creating and navigating to a folder called data on your desktop using the following commands:

cd Desktop

mkdir data

cd data

Remember that cd - will take you back to the previous directory after each trial solution you use, and that pwd will show you where you are to check if it worked.

  1. cd .
  2. cd /
  3. cd /home/amanda
  4. cd ../..
  5. cd ~
  6. cd home
  7. cd ~/Desktop/data/../..
  8. cd
  9. cd ..

Handy tip: tab completion

Whenever you're typing in your terminal, you can hit Tab to auto-complete a command, filename, or directory name. If there's only one possibility, it will auto-complete; if there are more than one, hitting Tab a second time will show all the possibilities.

cd Des # and hit "Tab"

Handy tip: up-arrow

Hitting the up arrow key will fill in the most recent command you've run. Hitting Enter will run it again. Hitting up more than once will cycle back in time through all the previous commands you've run.

Working with files

We've seen how to navigate our computer using commands, and now it's time to actually make some changes.

Let's work on the Desktop so that we're all in the same place.

cd ~/Desktop

The command mkdir makes a directory in the current working directory. We'll make a directory called 'thesis'.

mkdir thesis

You could also create a directory using whatever file navigator you're used to, and it would turn out exactly the same.

Now let's go into the thesis directory and create a file.

cd thesis
touch intro.txt

The command touch will either update the timestamp of a file that exists, or create a new file if the filename you give as an argument doesn't exist yet.

The file intro.txt is blank, which we know because we just made it and haven't done anything to it. In general, how can you tell if a file is empty? There are many ways, and we'll see more that could be applied to this question as we go.

ls -lh intro.txt

The flag -l stands for long, and it causes ls to display more information about a file: the permissions, user information, size, and time information. The flag -h stands for human-readable: it converts the file size from just bytes to human-readable sizes like KB or MB. Using ls -lh tells us that the file intro.txt has size 0.

Another way to see if a file is empty is to check directly what's inside it. The command cat (concatenate) will print the contents of a file to the screen.

cat intro.txt

There's no output because the file is empty.

You can copy a file using the command cp. The first argument to cp is the filename you want to copy, and the second argument is the name of the destination file.

cp intro.txt intro_v1.txt

The command mv moves a file to a new location or filename. Since renaming is fundamentally the same thing as moving, you can use mv to rename files.

mv intro_v1.txt intro_backup.txt

With mv and cp, you can specify different paths for the filenames. In this example, supplying a destination directory but not a filename will tell mv to re-use the same filename.

mv intro_backup.txt ../
ls ../


Suppose that you created a plain-text file in your current directory to contain a list of the statistical tests you will need to do to analyze your data, and named it: statstics.txt After creating and saving this file you realize you misspelled the filename! You want to correct the mistake; which of the following commands could you use to do so?

  1. cp statstics.txt statistics.txt
  2. mv statstics.txt statistics.txt
  3. mv statstics.txt .
  4. cp statstics.txt .

The command rm will remove the file whose name you supply as the argument. Be careful: this is not reversible! The file will be deleted forever, bypassing the recycling bin. If you do want a bit more warning, however, you can use the flag -i, which will ask for confirmation before removing the file.

touch test.txt
rm test.txt

touch test.txt
rm -i test.txt

Handy tip: setting an alias

You can define an alias for any command that redefines what happens when you type something. If you want the command rm to always ask for confirmation, for example, you can set an alias that runs rm -i every time you type rm by running the command alias rm="rm -i". Running the command alias is not permanent: this alias will last only as long as your current terminal window is open. If you want to set an alias permanently, you can do this by editing your bash configuration file, which is beyond the scope of today's material. This blog post has more information about modifying your bash configuration, and this one has step-by-step instructions.

Working with the contents of a file

We've seen how to create, delete, move, copy, and rename files and directories. Now we'll learn some commands for working with and analyzing the contents of files.

First, a handy command that shows you the most recent commands you've run in reverse chronological order:


Using history is a great way to quickly make a task reproducible - if you've been trying different things and you find the one that works, you can find it back again using history. Better yet, you can redirect the output of a command from the screen to a file, and doing this with history saves the command history to a file.

history > history.txt

The symbol > tells Bash to take the output of the first command and send it to a file.

Now we have a file called 'history.txt' that contains the output of the history command. Let's have a look at the contents of this file.

cat history.txt

cat is great for seeing what's in a file, but if the file is very big, cat will still try to print the entire thing. Two commands that are very helpful for getting a taste of a file without a huge amount of output are head and tail.

head history.txt
tail history.txt

Both of these commands have an option -n that specifies the number of lines to return:

tail -n 20 history.txt

A command I use a lot is wc, word count, which returns the number of lines, words, and characters in a file.

wc history.txt

wc has options to turn off and on each of its outputs: wc -l just returns the number of lines in the file.

wc -l history.txt

Combining commands using pipes

Much of the power of Bash comes from combining a few commands to make powerful pipelines. To do this, there's one more operation to learn: the pipe.

cat history.txt | tail

The vertical bar | is a pipe: it tells Bash to take the output of the first command and use it as the input to the next command. Remember that tail takes a file as its argument; now it's taking the output of cat history.txt in place of a filename. The result here is the same as tail history.txt, which means we probably don't need to use a pipe in this example. But it can be very useful to skip intermediate steps sometimes: for example, instead of saving history.txt, we could have directly piped history into the command tail to see the most recent commands we've run.

history | tail

You can combine multiple pipes in a chain as long as you want.

history | head | wc -l


Which line of history.txt will be returned by the following command?

cat history.txt | head -n 5 | tail -n 1

A practical example: counting your most frequent Bash commands

Let's combine what we've learned so far with a few new commands to do something useful: figure out which Bash commands we used most often. We already have a file history.txt which has the ~2000 most recent Bash commands in it, so we'll use this file to do our analysis.

head history.txt

history.txt has several columns: the first column is a number that gives the order in which each command was run, and the second column is the command itself. But we don't want to know all the specific options and arguments of each time we ran ls, we want to count just ls by itself. We can think of there being at least three columns: the first with the command number, the second with the command, and the third with options and arguments.

My second all-time favourite Bash command is cut: cut cuts columns in a file by a delimiter that you specify, and you can return one or more of the resulting columns by itself.

cat history.txt | cut -d' ' -f4

-d specifies which character delimits the columns; here it's a space character. -f4 tells cut to return the 4th column. It's the 4th column and not the 2nd because it looks like there's a few extra whitespace characters that cut is counting as their own columns. You might need to change the number by trial and error until you get a list of just commands, the output we want.

Next, we want a list of all the unique commands and how many times they appear. There's a command uniq that can do just that!

cat history.txt | cut -d' ' -f4 | uniq

But wait: some commands are still showing up multiple times. It turns out that uniq only collapses repeated lines if they are adjacent: if you have the sequence ls, cd, ls, uniq will still return all three. We need an intermediate step where we sort all the commands using the command sort.

cat history.txt | cut -d' ' -f4 | sort | uniq

That's more like it! To count how many times each command turns up, we can add the flag -c to uniq:

cat history.txt | cut -d' ' -f4 | sort | uniq -c

A final pipe to sort will arrange these in order:

cat history.txt | cut -d' ' -f4 | sort | uniq -c | sort

sort by itself sorts based on the first character; we can add the -n flag to sort by the numeric value of each line.

cat history.txt | cut -d' ' -f4 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

If you wanted, you could save this output to a file as a record of your command use:

cat history.txt | cut -d' ' -f4 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n > common_commands.txt

Where to get help

When you're getting familiar with the command line, it can be hard to know what's possible and where to get help. It's not that easy to make an irreversible error, so a good way to learn is to try things. If you're wondering how to do something in particular, a Google search for your question, like "Bash how to get the second column of a text file", will usually return a StackOverflow page with the same or similar question. There's usually more than one way to do something, and it's up to you which methods you end up being comfortable with.

If you'd like a more in-depth tutorial, I recommend Software Carpentry's Bash lesson. This workshop is based on the Software Carpentry material, but there's much more in the online notes than we had time to cover today.

A few useful things we didn't cover
