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File metadata and controls

368 lines (224 loc) · 14.6 KB

Additions and adjustments to builtin-functions

.. decorator:: on_click(custom_id=None)

    A decorator with which you can assign a function to a specific :class:`Button` (or its custom_id).

    .. important::
        The Function this decorator attached to must be an coroutine (means an awaitable) and take the same parameters as a :class:`on_raw_button_click`

    .. _button_click-parameters:

    :param custom_id: If the :attr:`custom_id` of the Button could not use as an function name or you want to give the function a different name then the custom_id use this one to set the custom_id.
    :type custom_id: Optional[:class:`str`]

    .. _button_click-example:


    .. code-block:: python

        # the Button
        Button(label='Hey im a cool blue Button',
                custom_id='cool blue Button',

        # function that's called when the Button pressed
        @client.on_click(custom_id='cool blue Button')
        async def cool_blue_button(i: discord.Interaction, button):
            await i.respond('Hey you pressed a `cool blue Button`!', hidden=True)

    :raise TypeError: The coroutine passed is not actually a coroutine.

.. decorator:: on_select(custom_id=None)

    A decorator with which you can assign a function to a specific :class:`SelectMenu` (or its custom_id).

    .. important::
        The Function this decorator attached to must be an coroutine(means an awaitable) and take the same parameters as a :class:`on_raw_selection_select`!

    .. _on_select-parameters:

    :param custom_id: If the :attr:`custom_id` of the :class:`SelectMenu` could not use as an function name or you want to give the function a different name then the custom_id use this one to set the custom_id.
    :type custom_id: Optional[:class:`str`]

    .. _on_select-example:


    .. code-block:: python

        # the SelectMenu
                        select_option(label='Female', value='Female', emoji='♀️'),
                        select_option(label='Male', value='Male', emoji='♂️'),
                        select_option(label='Trans/Non Binary', value='Trans/Non Binary', emoji='⚧')
                        ], placeholder='Choose your Gender')

        # function that's called when the SelectMenu is used
        async def choose_your_gender(i: discord.Interaction, select_menu):
            await i.respond(f'You selected `{select_menu.values[0]}`!', hidden=True)

    :raise TypeError: The coroutine passed is not actually a coroutine.


.. function:: on_button_click(interaction, button)

    This Event will be triggered if a Button, that is attached to a Message wich is in the internal Cache, is pressed.

    :param interaction: The `Interaction <./interaction.html#Interaction>`_-object with all his attributes and methods to respond to the interaction
    :type interaction: :class:`discord.Interaction`
    :param button: The `ButtonClick <./interaction.html#ButtonClick>`_ if the message is ephemeral else `Button <./components.html#Button>`_. (this is also in the first parameter under ``component``).
    :type button: Union[:class:`Button`, :class:`ButtonClick`]

    .. _on_button_click-example:


    .. code-block:: python

        async def on_button_click(interaction: discord.Interaction, button):
            await interaction.respond('Hey you pressed an Button!', delete_after=10)

.. function:: on_raw_button_click(interaction, button)

    This Event will be triggered if a Button, that is attached to **any** Message of this Bot is pressed.

    :param interaction: The :class:`discord.Interaction` that contains all information about the Interaction.
    :type interaction: :class:`discord.Interaction`
    :param button: The `ButtonClick <./interaction.html#ButtonClick>`_ if the message is ephemeral else `Button <./components.html#Button>`_. (this is also in the first parameter under ``component``).
    :type button: Union[:class:`Button`, :class:`ButtonClick`]

    .. _on_raw_button_click-example:


    .. code-block:: python

        async def on_raw_button_click(interaction: discord.Interaction, button):
            await interaction.respond('Hey you pressed an Button!', delete_after=10)

.. function:: on_selection_select(interaction, select_menu)

    This Event will be triggered if a :class:`SelectMenu`, that is attached to a Message of this Bot wich is in the internal Cache, is used.

    .. _on_selection_select-example:


    .. code-block:: python

        async def on_selection_select(interaction: discord.Interaction, select_menu):
            await interaction.respond(f'Hey {} you select {", ".join(select_menu.values)}!', hidden=True)

.. function:: on_raw_selection_select(interaction, select_menu)

    This Event will be triggered if a :class:`SelectMenu`, that is attached to **any** Message of this Bot is used.

    :param interaction: The `Interaction <./interaction.html#Interaction>`_ that contains all information about the Interaction.
    :type interaction: :class:`discord.Interaction`
    :param select: The `SelectionSelect <./interaction.html#SelectionSelect>`_ if the message is ephemeral else `SelectMenu <./components.html#SelectMenu>`_  but with the :attr:`values` wich contains a list of the selected options. (this is also in the first parameter under ``component``).
    :type select: Union[:class:`SelectMenu`, :class:`SelectionSelect`]

    .. _on_raw_selection_select-example:


    .. code-block:: python

        async def on_raw_selection_select(interaction: discord.Interaction, select_menu):
            await interaction.edit(f'Hey {} you select {", ".join(select_menu.values)}!', hidden=True)

This has the same methods as a normal message as well except for a change to the :meth:`send` method.

.. classmethod:: send(**kwargs)

    .. _abc-messageable-send-parameters:

    These are the parameters that have been added by this, the others are still present and can be seen in the docs of

    :param components: A List of components that should send with the Message these can be either in `ActionRow <./components.html#actionrow>`_'s or in :class:`list`'s.
    :type components: Optional[List[Union[List[Button, SelectionSelect], ActionRow[Button, SelectionSelect]]]]
    :param embeds: A List of up to 10 :class:`discord.Embed`'s that should send with the Message.
    :type embeds:  Optional[List[discord.Embed]]

This class has also the decorators for custom_id's as the normal :class:`discord.Client` Class.

.. decorator:: commands.Cog.on_click(custom_id=None)

    This works like the :meth:`discord.Client.on_click` decorator of the :class:`discord.Client` but it give ``self`` (The Cog-Class) as the 1. Parameter.


    .. code-block:: python

        # The Button
        Button(label='Hello', custom_id='my_button')

        #The decorator
        async def my_button(i: discord.Interaction, button):
            await i.respond('Hey you pressed a Button!')

.. decorator:: commands.Cog.on_select(custom_id=None)

    This works like the :meth:`discord.Client.on_select` decorator of the :class:`discord.Client` but it give ``self`` (The Cog-Class) as the 1. Parameter.


    .. code-block:: python

        # The SelectMenu
                       SelectOption('The 1. Option', '1', 'The first option you have', '1️⃣'),
                       SelectOption('The 2. Option', '2', 'The second option you have', '2️⃣')
                   ], placeholder='Select a Option')

        #The decorator
        async def select_decorator_example(i: discord.Interaction, select_menu):
            await i.edit(content=f'You choice was the {select_menu.values[0]}. Option. 😀')


This has the same attributes as a normal message but one is added in addition

.. attribute:: components

    A Optional[List[:class:`ActionRow`]] containing the components of the message.

.. attribute:: all_components

    Returns all :class:`Button`'s and :class:`SelectMenu`'s that are contained in the message

    .. note::
        This is equal to:
        .. code-block:: python

            for action_row in self.components:
                for component in action_row:
                    yield component

    :yields: Union[:class:`Button`, :class:`SelectMenu`]

.. attribute:: all_buttons

    Returns all :class:`Button`'s that are contained in the message

    .. note::
        This is equal to:
        .. code-block:: python

            for action_row in self.components:
                for component in action_row:
                    yield component

    :yields: :class:`Button`

.. attribute:: all_select_menus

    Returns all :class:`SelectMenu`'s that are contained in the message

    .. note::
        This is equal to:
        .. code-block:: python

            for action_row in self.components:
                for component in action_row:
                    if isinstance(component, SelectMenu):
                        yield component

    :yields: :class:`SelectMenu`

This has the same methods as a normal message but one is added in addition.

.. method:: edit(**kwargs)

    This takes the same parameters as the normal :func:`edit` function except for two added parameters.

    .. _discord-message-edit-parameters:

    :param components: A List of components that should replace the previous ones these can be either in `ActionRow <./components.html#actionrow>`_'s or in :class:`list`'s.
    :type components: Optional[List[Union[List[:class:`Button`, :class:`SelectMenu`], ActionRow[:class:`Button`, :class:`SelectMenu`]]]]
    :param embeds: A list of up to 10 :class:`discord.Embed`'s to replace the previous ones(This is also usable for normal Messages).
    :type embeds: Optional[List[:class:`discord.Embed`]]


.. function:: styled_timestamp(timestamp, style)

    A small function that returns a styled timestamp for discord, this will be displayed accordingly in the Discord client depending on the :attr:`style` specified.

    Timestamps will display the given timestamp in the user's timezone and locale.

    :param timestamp: Union[`datetime.datetime <>`_, :class:`int`]
        The timestamp; A :class:`datetime.datetime` object or an already completed timestamp.

    :param style: Optional[Union[:class:`TimestampStyle`, :class:`str`]]
        How the timestamp should be displayed in Discord; this can either be a :class:`TimestampStyle` or directly the associated value.

        :default: :class:`TimestampStyle.short`


    .. code-block:: python

        async def time(ctx):
            await ctx.send(discord.utils.styled_timestamp(, discord.TimestampStyle.long))


This is located in discord.enums but i place it here

The Styles you could use for the :attr:`style` of a :class:`styled_timestamp`

See also in the Discord-Documentation

.. attribute:: short_time
't' Short Time imgs/short_time.png
.. attribute:: long_time
'T' Long Time imgs/long_time.png
.. attribute:: short_date
'd' Short Date imgs/short_date.png
.. attribute:: long_date
'D' Long Date imgs/long_date.png
.. attribute:: short
'f' Short Date/Time imgs/short.png
.. attribute:: long
'F' Long Date/Time imgs/long.png
.. attribute:: relative
'R' Relative Time imgs/relative.png
.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 3
   :caption: Contents:

Indices and tables