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API Design for Libraries


Chris McDonough, Agendaless Consulting


X/X/2013 (PyCon 2013)

Chris McDonough, Agendaless Consulting

Who Am I

  • Bad Perl hacker until Python. Came to Python via Zope in 1999. Worked at Digital Creations (aka Zope Corporation) until 2003. Now a consultant with Agendaless Consulting.
  • Primary author of: Pyramid web framework, Supervisor UNIX process control system, Deform form system, Repoze collection of middleware, and other unmentionables. Contributor to Zope, WebOb, and other OSS projects.


  • If you follow these guidelines, your library will be useful for other people in both the scenarios you expect and in ones you don't.
  • The importance of these guidelines increases along with the number of users whom will depend upon your library. The more people whom use your library, the more likely it is that some of them will try to use your library in unexpected ways. Ex: someone will want to create two separate applications that use your library in the same process.

Why People Make Bad Libraries

  • Library authors sometimes do the wrong things for the right reasons.
  • Incorrect assumptions of how people will need to use the library they're developing.
  • Optimistic perception of what tradeoffs are acceptable for the sake of convenience.
  • Skewed perception of "cleanliness".

Differences: Libs, Frameworks, Apps

  • Library: maintains none or little of its own state, no or few callbacks.
  • Framework: no or little state, but lots of callbacks. Some frameworks mutate or require global state (IMO inappropriately). A web framework instance is often fed to a global mainloop, but that doesn't mean it should use globals with abandon. Even then if the framework doesn't use global state, with a little care, two framework instances can live in the same process (e.g. a multiplexer for a "composite" application where each app serves from a prefix).
  • Application: maintains lots of state, can use global state with abandon.
  • It's not discrete, it's a gradient.

Convenience != "Cleanliness"

  • The assumption: "clean" == "is maximally convenient for the case i presume this code is going to be used in"
  • The reality: "clean" == "maximally understandable; without surprises or exceptions".
  • The fewer limiting assumptions made by the library, the fewer surprises it will have and the more understandable it will be.
  • Ex: thread-local state management doesn't work in async systems without magical intervention.

I Care About Your Feelings

  • During this talk, I call out antipattern examples from actual projects (including my own).
  • If I use code from one of your projects as an antipattern example, it doesn't mean I don't like you.
  • This talk is impossible to give without showing negative examples. I'm lazy and the best negative examples are those that already exist.

#1: Global State is Precious

  • Avoid the mutation of global (module-level) state when your library is imported.
  • Avoid requiring that other people mutate global state to use your library. Ex: telling people to set an environment variable or call a function which mutates global state to use your library
  • If your library mutates global state when it's imported or you tell people to mutate global state to use it, it's not really a library, it's kinda more like an application.

OK at Module Scope

  • An import of another module or global.
  • Assignment of a variable name in the module to some constant value.
  • The addition of a function via a def statement.
  • The addition of a class via a class statement.
  • Control flow which may handles conditionals for platform-specific handling or failure handling of the above.
  • Anything else will usually end in tears.


  • Antipatterns from the Python standard library: logging, multiprocessing, mimetypes.

atexit Registration During Import

Importing multiprocessing from the standard library causes an atexit function to be registered at module scope:


def _exit_function():

# ... elided ...

for p in active_children():
if p._daemonic:

info('calling terminate() for daemon %s', p._popen.terminate()

# .. elided ...


atexit Registration During Import (2)

From logging module:


_handlerList = [] # mutated by logging.getLogger, etc

import atexit

def shutdown(handlerList=_handlerList):
for h in handlerList[:]:

# ...


Why is This Bad?

  • It's unexpected. Registration of an atexit function is a mutation of global state that results solely from an import of a module, whether or not you actually use any APIs from the module. Your program will behave differently at shutdown if you cause multiprocessing or logging to be imported, or if you import a third-party module that happens to import one of them (you might not even know).
  • It's unnecessary. both multiprocessing and logging need to manage global state. But neither really needs to register an atexit function until there's any nondefault state to clean up.

Why Is This Bad (Cont'd)?

  • It's convenient until your process shutdown starts spewing errors that you can't figure out at unit test exit time. Then it's pretty damn inconvenient. Example: seemingly random error message at shutdown time if you attempt to use the logging.Handler class independent of the rest of the framework (see next slide).

Globals Mutation From Constructor

Mutating a global registry as the result of an object constructor (again from logging).


_handlers = {} #repository of handlers

class Handler(Filterer):
def __init__(self, level=NOTSET):

# .. elided code ... _handlers[self] = 1 _handlerList.insert(0, self) # .. elided code ..

Globals Mutation From Constructor (2)

From asyncore (at least it lets you choose the map):


socket_map = {}

class dispatcher:
def __init__(self, sock=None, map=None):
if map is None:

self._map = socket_map


self._map = map

if sock:

# .. set_socket mutates the map ... self.set_socket(sock, map)

What's Wrong With This?

  • Side effect of globals mutation makes out-of-context reuse of the class more difficult than necessary.
  • You can't make an instance without mutating global state.
  • If you really must do this, create an alternative "application" API for instance construction which constructs an instance and then mutates a global, but let the library be just a library.
  • Makes unit testing hard (need to clean up module global state).

Funcs Called for Side-Effects

Users of the logging module are encouraged to do this:


import logging logging.basicConfig() logging.addLevelName(175, 'OHNOES')

Calls for Side-Effects (2)

mimetypes module maintains a global registry:


import mimetypes mimetypes.init() mimetypes.add_type('text/foo', '.foo')

What's Wrong with This?

  • The logging and mimetypes APIs encourage users to mutate external global state by calling APIs that have return values that nobody cares about (the APIs are called only for side effects).
  • Introduces responsibility, chronology, and idempotency confusion. Who is responsible for calling this? When should they call it? Can it be called more than once? If it is called more than once, what happens when it's called the second time?

What's Wrong (Cont'd)

  • logging maintains a global registry as a dictionary at module scope. Calling basicConfig() is effectively a structured monkeypatch of logging module state. Same for addLevelName. Logging classes know about this global state and use it. The mimetypes module API maintains a global registry too. Same deal.

Alternatives to Mutable Globals

  • All of these packages could choose not manage any global (module-scope) state at all, and encapsulate all state in an instance. This has downsides.
  • Downside for multiprocessing: its API won't match that of threading. Downside for logging: streams related to the same handler might interleave. Downside for mimetypes: might need to reparse system mimetype files.

Alternatives (Cont'd)

  • In general, however, no globals in library code is the best solution. You can always create the library code such that it mutates no global state, but then, as necessary, create a convenience application module/API which integrates the library stuff and manages global state on behalf of its users. This makes the library code reusable, and if someone wants to build an alternate set of convenience APIs, they can.


This method of turning your code inside out is the secret to solving what appear to be hopelessly state-oriented problems in a purely functional style. Push the statefulness to a higher level and let the caller worry about it. Keep doing that as much as you can, and you'll end up with the bulk of the code being purely functional. --

#2: Configuration at Module Scope

  • Settings at module scope, requiring monkeypatching to change.
  • Or configuration systems which tell the user to make a Python module available for the library to import.


logging and Django.


From the logging package:


# #raiseExceptions is used to see if exceptions during handling should be #propagated # raiseExceptions = 1

What's Wrong With This?

  • Nothing, if it's only for the benefit/convenience of the library developer himself.
  • But if it's presence is advertised to users, it's pseudo-configuration; there's no way to change it without monkeypatching the module.
  • The setting is global. No way to use separate settings per process.

Inversion of Configuration Control



# Django settings for mysite project.



# ('Your Name', ''),


What's Wrong With This?

  • The library/framework itself wants to import settings from this module.
  • But the author of the settings code also usually wants to import stuff from the library/framework.
  • Extremely high likelihood of circular import problems (framework imports settings, settings imports framework).
  • The settings are global. No way to use separate settings per process.
  • Better: suggest non-Python configuration so likelihood of circular import problems is reduced. Configuration parsing can be done at startup time, in a nonglobal place, allowing multiple usages of the library per process.

#3: Avoid Convenience Features

  • Avoid convenience (magical) features such as thread local access until you've finished creating the inconvenient (nonmagical) version.
  • Expose the inconvenient version as a set of APIs.
  • Make the convenience features optional, through a separate set of APIs.
  • You can always add convenience to a library, you can never remove it.


  • Pylons and Flask.
  • Stacked object proxies / context locals.

Pylons' Stacked Object Proxies

Pylons offers importable request and response objects ("stacked object proxies"):


from pylons import request, response from pylons.controllers import BaseController

class Controller(BaseController):
def ok(self):
if request.params.get('ok'):

response.body = 'ok'


response.body = 'not ok'

return response

Flask's Context Locals

Flask has the same concept for its request:


from flask import request @app.route('/login', methods=['POST', 'GET']) def login(): error = None if request.method == 'POST': if valid_login(request.form['username'], request.form['password']): return log_the_user_in(request.form['username']) else: error = 'Invalid username/password'

What's Wrong With This?

  • Things that are not logically global (request and/or response) are obtained via an import.
  • Stacked object proxies / context locals are proxy objects that access a thread-local when asked for an attribute. Two levels of magic: a proxy and its retrieval of a concrete threadlocal. Nonmagical version is hidden away from you, at least in Pylons (request = self._py_object.request).
  • Encourages inappropriate coupling of non-web-context code to a web context (e.g. "model" modules start to import request).
  • Makes unit testing harder than it needs to be.


  • Design a framework so its users receive an argument (e.g. request) and suggest to them that they pass derivations (e.g. request.GET['first_name']) around. It's initially less convenient for consumers. It's usually also the right thing to do in library and framework code. Remember that people will want to use your stuff to compose larger systems, and your assumptions about environment may not fit there.
  • You can always create an (optional) convenience API that allows your library's consumers to elide the passing of state, but you can never remove a "mandatory" convenience feature from a library. It's a one-way street.

#4: Avoid Knobs on Knobs

  • A "knob" is often a replaceable component in a framework or library.
  • When that replaceable component itself offers a knob, this is the "knobs on knobs" pattern.

Pyramid Authentication Policy Knob

From pyramid, the use of an authentication policy knob:


from pyramid.authentication import AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy from pyramid.config import Configurator

GROUPS = {'fred':['editors']}

def groupfinder(userid, request):

return GROUPS.get(userid)

pol = AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy(callback=groupfinder) config = Configurator() config.set_authentication_policy(pol)

Why Is This Bad?

  • We're actually dealing with two separate frameworks.
  • There's the Pyramid configurator set_authentication_policy method, which accepts something that adheres to the "authentication policy interface" (the interface requires a number of methods). AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy implements this interface.
  • But AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy is also its own mini-framework, accepting a callback constructor argument, which must be a callable that accepts a userid and a request, and which must return a sequence of groups.

Why Is This Bad (Cont'd)?

  • People don't understand when or why to replace "the big thing" when there's a "little thing" inside the big thing that's also replaceable. The choice introduces indecision and confusion.
  • This was done with the intent of avoiding documentation that tells people to subclass AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy, preferring to tell them to compose something together by passing a callback function to the policy's constructor. But telling folks to subclassing AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy and to override e.g. a find_groups method in the subclass would probably be less confusing and more straightforward.

#5: Superclass Danger

  • Offering up superclasses "from on high" in a library or framework is often a bad idea (although not always).
  • Composition usually beats inheritance.

The Yo-Yo Problem

" ... occurs when a programmer has to read and understand a program whose inheritance graph is so long and complicated that the programmer has to keep flipping between many different class definitions in order to follow the control flow of the program..."

Yo-Yo Problem (Cont'd)


class Item(Base,

Resource, CopySource, Tabs, Traversable, Owned, UndoSupport, ):

"""A common base class for simple, non-container objects."""


  • Encapsulation is almost never strictly honored when inheritance is used, so changes to a parent class will almost always break some number of existing subclasses that had implementers who weren't paying attention to the specialization interface when they originally inherited it.
  • The "specialization interface" of a superclass can be hard to document and it's very easy to get wrong.
  • The superclass may start simple, initially created to handle one or two particular cases of reuse via inheritance, but over time, as more folks add to its specialization interface, it will need to do more delegation, and may be required to become very abstract.

Codependency (Cont'd)

  • A potential maintainer of the superclass may need to gain a detailed understanding of the implementation of in-the-wild subclasses in order to maintain the superclass. When the superclass reaches a high level of abstraction, it may not be obvious what the purpose of the class is or why it's implemented as it is. This can scare off potential contributors.
  • The superclass may assume a particular state outcome from a combination of method calls. The expected outcome of such an operation is hard to explain and difficult for a subclass to enforce. It may need to change over time, breaking existing subclasses in hard-to-predict ways.
  • Subclasses may unknowingly coopt and change the meaning of superclass instance or class variables.



  • Subclasses which override methods used by other inherited methods (which are thus reliant on the behaviour and results of the overridden methods).
  • A subclass which extends inherited methods using super. Other inherited methods may rely on the extended method.

Smells (Cont'd)

  • A subclass which relies on or changes the state of key instance variables that are not part of the API.


  • Composition
  • Event systems


  • Instead of telling folks to override a method of a library superclass via inheritance, you can tell them to pass in an object to a library class constructor that represents the custom logic that would have otherwise gone in a method of a would-be subclass. The thing they pass to you is a "component".
  • When a library or framework uses a component, the only dependency between the library code and the component is the component's interface. The library code will only have visibility into the component via its interface. The component has no visibility into the library code at all.

Composition (Cont'd)

  • It's less likely that a component author will rely on non-API implementation details of the library than it would be if he subclassed a library parent class. The potential distraction of the ability to customize every aspect of the behavior of the system by overriding methods is removed.
  • A clear contract makes it possible to change the implementation of the library and the component with reduced fear of breaking the integration of the two.

Composition (Cont'd)

  • Good when a problem and interaction is well-defined and well-understood. If you're writing a library, this should, by definition, be true. But it can be limiting in circumstances where the problem is not yet well-defined or well-understood, like in requirements-sparse environments. Composition is "take it or leave it" customizability. It can be easier to use inheritance in a system where you control the horizontal and vertical. If you control the horizontal and vertical, you can always later switch from inheritance to composition once the problem is fully understood and more people begin to want to reuse your code.

Event Systems

  • Specialized kind of composition.
  • Instead of adding a on_modification method of a class, and requiring that people subclass the class to override the method, have the would-be-superclass send an event to an event system. The event system can be plugged into by system extenders as necessary.
  • This is more flexible than subclassing too, because there's more than one entry point to extending behavior: an event can be subscribed to by any number of prospective listeners instead of just one.
  • Can be a bitch to understand and debug due to action-at-a-distance.

When To Offer A Superclass

  • When the behavior is absolutely fundamental to the spirit and intent of the library or framework (e.g. ZODB's Persistent). Parent classes offered as slight variations on a theme (e.g. Django class-based views shipped as niceties) are not fundamental.
  • A superclass should almost always be abstract. When you inherit from a concrete parent class, you're usually inheriting from something that the author hasn't designed for specialization, and it's likely that neither you nor he will be clear on what the specialization interface actually is.

#6: First, Do No Harm

  • Offering decorators that change the call signature of the function or method they decorate.

#7: Avoid Requiring Imports for Side-Effects

  • Importing a module solely for its side effects (sqla declarative mode).


  • How convenience makes unit testing hard.
  • system testing vs unit testing, YAGNI/explicilt dependencies/quicker tests, test_spam only needs the 'spambayes_score' config value, not your entire django settings module (which you have to setup/clear after every test), can't run those tests in parallel