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Niantic changed API #621

OlesZadorozhnyy opened this issue Aug 3, 2016 · 93 comments

Niantic changed API #621

OlesZadorozhnyy opened this issue Aug 3, 2016 · 93 comments


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Niantic changed API an hour ago. That is why application doesn't work

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it was only a matter of time...sigh lol now we are all really left blinded

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xMetuZx commented Aug 3, 2016


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mangantj commented Aug 3, 2016

@pocketq10 Does not mean this app will not work. Just a change to the api.

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kringon commented Aug 3, 2016

They most likely found a way to detect non-clients and instead of blocking their requests, they are sending empty responses

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mg6101 commented Aug 3, 2016


This is how you change the scan timing to change the default scan time of once every 5 seconds to once every 10 seconds. Anything faster than 10 seconds will not show Pokemon. Either shrink your radius to compensate or run multiple instances with multiple PTC logins at appropriate time offsets.

This no longer works. :(

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@mangantj app will start work but like kringon said empty responses

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damn not again

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mg6101 commented Aug 3, 2016

Damn. Looks like they changed quite a bit on the API side. All scanning is broken. :(

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@mg6101 So you can't fix it by scan timing, huh? ;)


@EternisRequiem nope. changed the scan time in config.ini, and no dice. Until we figure out the API changes the app will be down.

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For information for you dev-type-people that can actually make the things:
Thank you Pokemongodev Reddit

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The switching to 5-10 seconds method does not work anymore :(

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ghost commented Aug 3, 2016

This sucks. I'm not spending another cent on this crap game.

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It's really sad that Niantic chose to go down this path. They'll find out the hard way when people stop playing and buying stuff from the store because they're bored out of their mind from catching Pidgy and Capterpie all day.

Instead of being Pokécops, why not incorporate a usable tracker that actually works? I wouldn't mind a little sonar circle that shows up on the map to show you the general direction a Pokemon is. They don't even have to show you it's name, just color code the common ones with a green ring and the rare ones with a red ring.

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ShiroTora commented Aug 3, 2016

so this error i get is bcuz it dont work anymore ?

well i quit this pokemon go game if they keep acting like this,

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majuss commented Aug 3, 2016

@ShiroTora it seems like a different error. But the app wouldn't work even if it launches so no big deal. I will also quit if they are going to block every scanner...

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@majuss Same. My friends and I are no longer playing the game until the scanners come back online, and if they never do, then we have to sadly let go of Pokémon GO. This is what happens when a company other than Nintendo gets to make a Pokémon game...

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as far as i readed , they have a dynamic api, that change when they detect a scanner, OR its a encrypted signal witch make the prog/app sends empty data instead

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Shogunz1 commented Aug 3, 2016

You know, PG is being released in Brazil/Mexico right now...where the Olympics are getting ready to start. Could be another system-wide fart.

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Changing the API might not be just to block 3rd party applications. There are many legitimate reasons to update the API. We'll see once the community has figured it out.

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Shogunz1 commented Aug 3, 2016

Everyone just needs to calm themselves.. this time tomorrow there will undoubtedly be a fix for this and all will be well in the world again.

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Thanks Obama!

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Shogunz1 commented Aug 3, 2016


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tinarazzburton commented Aug 3, 2016

Is there a proper forum for discussing this app or is this it? This had been the best pokescanning app I tried, by far. I'm curious if there is another that is more popular than this. At this point, I'd like to see all of them join forces to try to deal with Niantic's tomfoolery. Horrible company. The game has wasted potential.

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kringon commented Aug 3, 2016

Looks like they are working on a fix for the sources: NecronomiconCoding/NecroBot@35339c3

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I can't code for the life of me, so I just wanted to say thanks to all of the people who are working endlessly to get this app functional again. I've tried many other apps, but they include opening up a terminal(don't know what that is) and copying and pasting code, and getting a program to make your computer a server(???)... Then more code to paste into places that I don't know(??????). It's sufficient to say that this app is mine and many others only hope.

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Shogunz1 commented Aug 3, 2016

I'm definitely donating if it gets back up.

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majuss commented Aug 3, 2016

@joshuacane just type terminal into the spotlight if you are under os x. Every scanner software makes your computer a server... running scanners from terminal is faster, saves ressources and is very easy to automate with multiple accounts. So the reality is, there is no real reason for a GUI app.

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HuXu77 commented Aug 3, 2016

Fixes are going up, just need to integrate with this app MobBotTeam/PokeMobBot@eb1c6ab

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RvdHNL commented Aug 4, 2016

Found this:

API stopped accepting requests from any sources which are not the actual client. The API needs a value "unknown 6", this value was already in the API in previous versions, but now the server is validating it. Only the actual client can create a valid "unknown6". We dont actually 100% know that it is indeed "unknown6" that is being validated, but it would make sense since its a big piece of data which isnt recreateable.
It is not as easy as locating where any updates made changes because the unknown6 was already being calculated and sent in previous versions but not validated by the server.
It doesnt really matter exactly what values go into the unknown6. CRACKING/bruteforcing the code is impossible because the key alone wouldnt do it. We need to get to the piece of code that makes "unknown6". The key and the way to calculate unknown6 is somewhere within the code and were trying to find it.
We are trying to locate where the app calculates unknown6 in order to be able to recreate out own valid unknown6's. If we do that we have a working API again.
This is hard because parts of the code are not easily accessible. We need people that can decompile and document parts of the code!
Please keep the talking only about the API, no personal lives, let the programmers do their job.
Again were not looking for theories on how unknown6 is created, what values go in it. We will 99% sure only get a working API if we locate and understand the code creating unknown6.
Latest so:

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blonkpuff commented Aug 4, 2016


You personally don't need to scan all over the world, no, but think from the perspective of the app. It would have to scan wherever the current user is and wherever the current user travels and start building its guess on where pokemon always spawn. That would be something it has to work out over several scans of the area.

Right now the app probably just takes in data from the pokego servers and displays it to you along with time remaining, if it's lured, etc. But you're now asking it to store the location of every pokemon it finds in memory and compare that to the future spawns it finds to the database it's already compiled and further decide when they intersect enough that it becomes a defined spawn point. Then it has to adjust its scans to only hit those areas. That procedure would apply to everyone using that app and all I mean is when you consider adding all that functionality to an app that's currently just doing call/display and a bit of filtering...that's a lot to ask of the devs!

I haven't picked through the api myself to know what it's all delivering. I'm sure the devs could come up with a prediction algorithm given enough time if they knew enough. In such a case it's probable the that the clues you're putting together would very much help such an algorithm function isolate spawnpoints, (just like the Turing machine used "Hail Hitler" as a fixed key to decipher the rest of the axis power messages in WWII when they found out it was included at the end of every transmission!)

But yeah, I guess I'm saying is it worth it for the devs to program when they aren't getting paid and when a complicated predict feature might not only take a ton of time but also might make itself more suspicious?

Edit: @RvdHNL

Well there you go, devs know what to seek out already and that's a good sign. Niantic made an api change that authenticates the actual app so they just need to reverse engineer unknown6 and mimic it.

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pill0ws commented Aug 4, 2016

Well I wasnt suggesting a predict feature, merely suggesting if orientation was available information that it could be valuable. It would only ever be available though once a pokemon had been revealed by the scanner. I certainly am not suggesting new features, just throwing out ideas from the observation I made playing with the scanner for hours. I am going to stop talking though, these guys seem to be hard at work and I dont want to create anymore noise. If anyone is interested I could organize all the info I saved, it was just copypasta from the Apps feedback but includes coords and despawn times for lots of things and a ton of Snorlax

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So... why does allegedly work? I can't get it to change location for the life of me, however :P haha But it's something people can use in the interim. It's crowdsourced by people with the ios app apparently?

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Josp1337 commented Aug 4, 2016 is fake and is not accurate !

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Several people on reddit stated that it was working for them (and it is because of the crowdsourced nature of it)

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Looks like someone got it?!

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It (allegedly) works because Niantic can't do anything to block that. As I understand it it works by people reporting pokemon they find to a 3rd party site, no? That can't be regulated by their app. Trade off would be crappy reliability and no real sense for despawn times.

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@blonkpuff It's people using PokemonGo++, so an edited app that I assume takes data they're seeing and then sends it off, so it ends up being reliable and with proper respawn timers, allegedly. (This is what people keep reporting)

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^Ah interesting, I wonder if Niantic is onto that yet. As you said though the location marker seems stuck?

@IsExtant IsExtant mentioned this issue Aug 4, 2016
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so did they fix it ? or is there still no app/prog that can track ?

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Well, I am a 1337 h4x0r and I say FUCK NIANTIC!

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Sht12 commented Aug 4, 2016

Noobie Question: Do i have to download a new version of the PoGo Map application whenever there is an update? or Is there just an update file..

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i know how you feel, i finay started going outside with my bike to catch pokemon arround me in a radiius of 10km, right now im back locked up in my room thinking what to do , these scanners where rly helpfull, without a tracker it is worthless to spot rare pokemon unless you sit all day with a pokestop with lure, but thats same as sitting in my room in front of my laptop waiting for a solution, so i can go outside again, i never was an outsider, i always played lots online games on laptop , right now this pokemon go stuff is going trough my head , i cant even focus in the online games i normaly play

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ShiroTora commented Aug 4, 2016

don't know if you readed, -=niantic encrypted the api=-, so all scanners/maps won't work for time being
maby never again, if they use this system that chhange api key everytime, i play since a week so if i quit i won't lose much, it was a great experiance, but i feel bad for the players that play since start of pokemon go

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My guess is Unknown generation must call function to get the UDID, flash ID, time, position, etc from the device. Might be a good starting point to look inside the binaries.

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sushab commented Aug 4, 2016

@ ShiroTora
ues the game is totally boring like this. The radar apps, made the 'hardcore' scene interesting; knowing spawn times, spawn locations, getting there on time, while competing, in the real world. Now it just feels like the only ALLOWED way of playing is casual/noob/child play.

Niantec servers around the world should have no problem taking the loads (maybe not the first week ok launch), it almost feels like NIANTEC is seriously expecting to have complete monopoly of the product and related/periferal services, which these days is highly unrealistic and seems to suggest that Niantec are more administrators than programmers which doesn't bode well for the future in terms of the so needed new game modes and new content.

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What kills me is my pokedex is at 140. I just need a porygon and Chansey! I have seen several Chansey but miss took them for Clifable grr. Scanner has shown Chansey several times... just need Porygon then done after that! Now its just up to bling luck...

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well i am on 107/151 pokemon, i rly want to get more , also a question since i dont play that long yet, just a week, should i lvl the pokemon 1st before evolution or can i direct evolve them without any side effects ?

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Where is the dev thread? I'd like to follow it, not people comparing the size of their poke dicks.

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HuXu77 commented Aug 4, 2016

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pcecere commented Aug 4, 2016

@muntedfish nobody here cares about your Porygon.

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what i don't understand why would niantic ask pokevision and others to stop there sites if there just going to do what they did with the mapping apps and programs?

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pill0ws commented Aug 5, 2016

Not sure I get that question, Are you asking why Niantic would want to remove a site that offers a service that they themself intend on offering? or are you asking why would they bother contacting Pokevision when they planned on breaking everything anyways? I'd say the answer to the first question is pretty obvious. The second question, because Pokevision was HUGE in no time at all. When and if workarounds for their security measures arise, it would easily explode onto the scene with a name that is already well known. By asking Pokevision to stop, they can be sure that the next time this happens they will only have to deal with a 10CP Squirtle and not a 3kCP Blastoise. Sure the Squirtle would evolve quickly, but the Blastoise is already a contender. It's easier to just revive the Blastoise than evolve another, they want that advantage

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ok gotcha makes sense. ty

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I've been using Go Radar for the past few days and it seems reliable enough. My only issue is that it doesn't always show the pokémon that appear on my in app radar. The location of pokémon that do appear on Go Radar are pretty accurate in both time and location. I've managed to catch enough bulbasaurs for a venusaur today because of the app. As good as it is, it's still not as good as this app.

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Shogunz1 commented Aug 6, 2016

Which app? I type in Go Radar and it gives me a million different ones lol.

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I'm closing this as the latest fix addresses the issue.

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