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CliMan - argument parsing once more

I've been very irritated with CLI argument parsers as a whole. The usually are based on some existing api that poorly interfaces with javascript and have poor typescript support.

After yet another CLI app that I had to quickly write for a customer I noticed that I used most of my time fighting with the argument parsing library (it was commander). I got furious seeing the wasted time, set down with a pen and sketched out my own argument parser.

Is it any better? It's up to you to decide. I know that I will use from now on.

Key features:

  • no dependencies
  • compact and lightweight
  • written in typescript for typescript (but can be used without problems with regular javascript)
  • entire CLI structure defined in a single JSON
  • everything documented with no hidden features that you have to search the source code to find

Features in general

  • git style commands with options hierarchy
  • default values
  • mandatory options
  • fixed position parameters (optional, repeatable)
  • option / parameter parsers / validators
  • auto-generated help


The library is controlled by a single JSON object defining the entire CLI structure. The main object used in this config is a CliCommand object. There are two types of CliCommand objects:

  1. ActionCommands with fixed position parameter definitions and a single callback function
  2. SubCommands with an array of CliCommand (Sub or Action) objects

A detailed description of the CliCommand object structure and it's child objects can be found in the sections below.

CliCommand object

Field Type Description
name string The command name
help? string Short command description displayed in auto-generated help
extendedHelp? string Longer command description displayed when help is requested for this specific command
options? CliOption[] An array with command option definitions
commands CliCommand[] (SubCommand only) An array with child commands
parameters? CliParameter[] (ActionCommand only) An array with fixed position parameter definitions
handler Function (ActionCommand only) Callback called when all command arguments are successfully parsed and matched to this command.

ActionCommand handler

Command handlers are called with parameter values passed as arguments. An additional argument is added at the end being the options object. The option object is a dictionary with all parsed options. To demonstrate this on an example:

	name: "example"
	options: [{name: "optionName"}]
	parameters: [{name: "param1"}, {name: "param2"}]
	handler: (param1: string, param2: string, options: {optionName?: string}) => {
		/* do stuff */

CliOption object

Field Type Description Exclusive with
name string The option full name in camel case ("fullName" matches --full-name) -
symbol? string The option symbol ("f" matches -f) -
help? string Option description displayed in auto-generated help -
boolean? boolean Make the option a boolean flag - it does not expect any value and it's default value is set to false. repeatable, parser, default, required, valueName
required? boolean If a required option is not provided by the user an error will be reported. default, boolean, handler
repeatable? boolean The option can be provided multiple times, the resulting value is an array. boolean, default, handler
valueName? string The value name that will be displayed in auto-generated help boolean
default? string Default value for the option. If a parser is defined it will be applied to this value as well. boolean, required, repeatable
parser? Function A parser function for this option values. Takes one argument being the raw value, can return any value. Returning null indicates parsing error. Multiple data parsers are predefined under CliMan.parsers.*. boolean
handler? Function Parsing will end after encountering this option. If option is boolean one argument of CliCommand[] type is passed to the handler with the current command stack. If option was not boolean then the first argument is the option value and the second is the command stack. Useful for implementing stuff like --help or --version. required, default, repeatable

When using the library with typescript the mutual field exclusions are checked during compilation time via the type system. There are no runtime checks implemented and an invalid configuration can lead to unexpected behavior.

Command stack

Command stack is passed as the last argument to option handlers. It represents the current parser state and is useful mostly for generating help with It simply is an array of all commands encountered in the input during parsing.

CliParameter object

Field Type Description Exclusive with
name string Parameter name, used only for the auto-generated help and error messages -
help? string Parameter description displayed in auto-generated help -
repeatable? boolean The parameter can be repeated any amount of times but at least one value must be provided. Use the optional flag to change that. The parameter is passed to the command handler as an array. Can be only set for the last parameter. default
optional? boolean The parameter can be omitted. Optional parameters are initialized to undefined. After an optional parameter all following parameters have to be optional or have a default value. default
default? string Default value for the parameter. A parameter with a default value is automatically made optional. When a parameter with a default value is omitted the provided value (processed by the parameter parser if present) is passed to the command handler. optional, repeatable
parser? Function A parser function for this parameter. Takes one argument being the raw value, can return any value. Returning null indicates parsing error. Multiple data parsers are predefined under CliMan.parsers.*. -

No runtime checks are implemented for verifying parameter configuration consistency. An invalid configuration can lead to unexpected behavior.

Naming convention

All command, parameter and option names should be provided in camel case. They will be automatically converted to hyphen-separated names for matching CLI options and for the auto-generated help.

Auto-generated help

The library generates detailed usage help based on the configuration. The help messages are generated per command.

Help structure

usage: {root command name} {sub-command name} {...} {current command name} {parameter definition} {...}

{command help}

{command extended help}

#if SubCommand
  {command name} : {parameter definition} {...}
  {parameter name}: {parameter help}

Required options:
  {option definition}: {option help}

  {option definition}: {option help}

Inherited options ({sub-command name}):
  {option definition}: {option help}


Global options:
  {option definition}: {option help}

Note: Required options are combined from all sub-commands in the current path and displayed together

Parameter definitions

The format of the auto-generated parameter definitions has been described below:

Parameter definition description
[{name}={default}] parameters with a default value
[{name}] optional parameter
[{name}]+ repeatable optional parameter
<{name}>+ repeatable non-optional parameter
<{name}> "normal" parameter

Option definitions

The format of the auto-generated option definitions has been described below:

Option definition description
-{symbol}, --{name} <{valueName}={default}> option with a default value
-{symbol}, --{name} <{valueName}> non boolean option without a default value
-{symbol}, --{name} boolean option
-{symbol}, --{name} <valueName>, + repeatable option

Note: valueName when not provided defaults to VALUE

Invoking help

By default help is displayed

  1. After a parse error
  2. When parsing ends on a sub-command

A classic -h / --help can be easily implemented by adding a boolean option to the root command with as its handler.

	name: "help",
	symbol: "h",
	help: "display help and exit",
	boolean: true,


Exported types

  • CliCommand
  • CliOption
  • CliParameter

These types have been described in detail in the Configuration section above.

(Class) CliParseError

Extends standard Error. Error object thrown by the parser after encountering a parsing error. In addition to the error message an additional public member path: CliCommand[] is added to the error object. It contains the command stack and can be used to generate help using

This error is thrown only from the runNoWrapper CliMan member function. Other run functions automatically catch this error, display the error message and generate help.

(Class) CliMan

The main class of this library.

Static members

run(config[, args])

  • config: CliCommand configuration JSON (described in on of the sections above)
  • args?: string[] command argument array. If not provided process.argv.slice(2) is used.

A do-it-all convenience function. Creates a CliMan object and calls the run function.

help(path[, returnAsString])

  • path: CliCommand[] the command stack to generate the help for
  • returnAsString?: boolean when true help is returned as a string, otherwise it is displayed using

Generate the help message based on a command stack.


Some most common data parser functions bundled with the library to use with parameter / options values.

  • integer accepts decimal integer values, returns number
  • number accepts any decimal values, returns number
  • json accepts valid JSON strings, returns the parsed object
  • range(min: number, max: number, integer?: boolean) accepts decimal values in the <min, max) range, returns number; integer can be set to allow only integer values.
  • regex(re: RegExp, group?: number) accepts only values matching the provided RegExp object. By default returns the input string, but a chosen regex group can be return by providing the group number.
  • enum(...values: string[]) accepts only inputs matching one of the provided values, returns the input string

Public members


  • config: CliCommand configuration JSON (described in on of the sections above)


  • args: string[] command argument array to use

Runs the parser. After encountering an parse error the error message is displayed and help is printed.


  • args: string[] command argument array to use

Runs the parser. After encountering a parse error CliParseError is thrown.

When parsing ends on a sub-command CliParseError is called with an empty message


import { CliMan } from "climan"{
	name: "httpd",
	help: "http server daemon",
	options: [
			name: "help",
			symbol: "h",
			help: "display help and exit",
			boolean: true,
			name: "port",
			symbol: "p",
			help: "port to listen on",
			default: "80",
			parser: CliMan.parsers.integer
			name: "interface",
			symbol: "i",
			help: "interface to listen on",
			default: "localhost"
	parameters: [{name: "fsRoot", help: "server filesystem root"}],
	handler: (fsRoot: string, options: {port: number, interface: string}) =>
		console.log(`serving files from ${fsRoot} on ${options.interface}:${options.port}`)

Running this example without any arguments results in:

$ node ./example
error: no value provided for required Parameter "fs-root"

usage: httpd <fs-root>

http server daemon

  fs-root : server filesystem root

  -h, --help                        : display help and exit
  -p, --port <value=80>             : port to listen on
  -i, --interface <value=localhost> : interface to listen on

See examples folder for more examples.