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164 lines (117 loc) · 10.4 KB

File metadata and controls

164 lines (117 loc) · 10.4 KB

Change log

Represents the NuGet versions.


  • Fixed: Issue 57 fixed. The redundant ?? null for the property set on an entity with a reference data collection has been removed.
  • Fixed: Tidied up the entity code-gen for the Equals method.


  • Enhancement: Generate a new ModelBuilderExtensions.AddGeneratedModels to simplify the adding of the generated models to the ModelBuilder (Entity Framework).


  • Fixed: Code-gen templates updated to correct additional warnings identified by FxCop. Where no direct fix, or by intention, these have been explicitly ignored.


  • Fixed: Code-gen templates updated to correct warnings identified by FxCop. Where no direct fix, or by intention, these have been explicitly ignored.


  • Enhancement: PropertyConfigLoader updated to default the DateTimeTransform, StringTransform and StringTrim enum selections to the new UseDefault value.


  • Enhancement: Added Config.EventSubjectRoot attribute used by the DataSvc code generation that provides the root for the event name by prepending to all event subject names.


  • Enhancement: The DataSvc code generation updated to use the new Event methods as existing have been obsoleted.
  • Enhancement: Added Property.WebApiQueryStringConverter attribute to enable Type to string conversion for writing to and parsing from the query string.
  • Enhancement: Shortcut added where the Type attribute for the Property element starts with RefDataNamespace. (e.g. Type="RefDataNamespace.Gender") and the corresponding RefDataType attribute is not specified it will default to string.
  • Enhancement: Shortcut added where the DataConverter attribute for the Property element ends with {T} (e.g. DataConverter="ReferenceDataNullableGuidIdConverter{T}") and the corresponding IsDataConverterGeneric attribute is not specified the {T} will be removed and the IsDataConverterGeneric will default to true.
  • Enhancement: Added Operation.AuthRole and Entity.AuthRole attributes to enable ExecutionContext.IsInRole(role) checking.


  • Fixed: Fix to include the Beef namespace for the ReferenceDataProvider.PrefetchAsync capability.


  • Fixed: Fix for ReferenceDataProvider.PrefetchAsync to leverage the new ExecutionContext.FlowSuppression.


  • Fixed: Fix for EntityData code generation; DataName was not always being output where using Database.
  • Enhancement: Added Config.EventActionFormat to control the formatting of the event action text.


  • Fixed: Fix for EntityDataSvc code generation; internal caching was being accidently skipped for custom operation types.


  • Enhancement: Added code-generation templates and configuration for gRPC support.


  • Fixed: A null reference would occur where using a custom operation type and the resulting value is null. Code generation has been amended to support nullable return types (e.g. Person?) to allow.


  • Enhanced: Added IEquatable<T> implementation to the entity code generation. Enables support for full property, sub entity and collection equality Equals checking and GetHashCode calculation.


  • Enhancement: Code generation enhanced to support new approach to OData.
  • Enhancement: New Entity.JsonSerializer attribute added to control the entity/property serializer used. Currently supports None or Newtonsoft.


  • Fixed: ReferenceDataData code generation for Cosmos DB was generating invalid code where the entity had addtional properties which has been corrected.
  • Fixed: ReferenceDataServiceAgent and ReferenceDataAgent code generation where a RefDataNamespace is defined.
  • Enhancement: Updated all dependent NuGet packages to their latest respective version.


  • Upgrade: Upgraded the project to .NET Standard 2.1 (compatible with .NET Core 3.1).
  • Enhancement: Tool updated to execute asynchoronously. Both CodeGenConsole and CodeGenConsoleWrapper have breaking change; Run has been removed, replaced with RunAsync.
  • Enhancement: The templates where database access is performed have been updated to leverage the new asynchronous methods. All previous synchronous access has been removed.
  • Enhancement: All C# templates (e.g. Entity_cs.xml) have been updated to support nullable reference types (
  • Enhancement: The entity code-generation (Entity_cs.xml) will output all reference types as nullable unless overridden explicitly for a Property element using Nullable="true|false".


  • Fixed: Code-gen of corresponding reference data text (xxxText) was being incorrectly output where the property supported multiple values (RefDataList="true").


  • Fixed: Code-gen of the data access for Cosmos will default the CosmosEntity attribute where not specified.
  • Fixed: Code-gen for a custom DataSvc was incorrectly outputting an OnAfterAsync method invocation; see Avanade#15.



  • Fixed: ISNULL for IsDeleted in OrgUnit permission check for Get and Update stored procedures.


  • Fixed: Reference Data Controller code-gen now uses StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase for the string comparison.
  • Fixed: Entity Framework model code-gen uses property expressions versus property names as strings.
  • Fixed: Introduced FxCop Analysis to Beef.CodeGen.Core; this version represents the remediation based on the results.


  • Fixed: Manager code-gen output fixed where OperationType="GetColl" and ManagerCustom="true"; a comma is now placed between the parameters correctly.


  • Fixed: Entity code-gen updated to override AcceptChanges and TrackChanges to support change tracking through the entity object graph. There are required changes within Beef.Core to enable.


  • Added: Code-gen of the data access for Cosmos adds a new method _onDataArgsCreate that is invoked each time a CosmosDbArgs is created.


  • Added: Code-gen attribute RefDataText=true|false has been added to Config, Entity and Property elements. Where set to true for a reference data value a corresponding property xxxText will be created. This will only be populated during serialization when ExecutionContext.IsRefDataTextSerializationEnabled is set to true.
  • Fixed: Optimised the reference data Controller code-gen including corresponding ETag value.


  • Fixed: Incorrect end-point generated for Reference Data Service Agent.


  • Fixed: Consolidated the /ref and /ref/codes endpoints into /ref. Supports list of names as per previous, as well as the new specified entity+code, within the query string.


  • Added: Reference data updated to support multiple run-time providers, versus the previous single only. A new IReferenceDataProvider enables a provider to be created. The underlying code-gen templates have been updated to enable.
  • Fixed: Code-gen for the database where IsDeleted is used will perform ISNULL(IsDeleted, 0) = 0 to check for null or zero as not-deleted.


  • Fixed: Optimisations made to the entity code generation for reference data so that internal operations use the property serialization identifier (SID); otherwise, was resulting in unecessary reference data loads.


  • Fixed: Database merge statements updated to include AND EXISTS (...) for a WHEN MATCHED to avoid updates where column data has not changed.


  • Fixed: Code-gen Entity.DataCosmosMapperInheritsFrom not generating correctly.


  • Fixed: Code-gen Entity.DataCosmosValueContainer not generating correctly. Added support for Operation.DataCosmosValueContainer to override.
  • Fixed: Code-gen for the private Data variables are now readonly as they are only intended for update within the constructor. Will remove corresponding compiler warnings.


  • Fixed: Code-gen of Entity.cs outputs incorrect using statement when EntityScope="Business" is used.


  • Added: New DataModel code generation support has been added to enable the specification and generation of back-end only data model entities.


  • Fixed: The Entity.DatabaseName, Entity.EntityFrameworkName, Entity.CosmosName are now being honoured when generating for reference data.
  • Enhancement: A new Entity.OmitEntityBase attribute is now supported in the code-generation to omit the output of the EntityBase inherited capabilities.


  • Enhancment: Cosmos code-generation enhancements to support changes to CosmosDb implementation.


  • Enhancment: Additional code-generation enhancements to support the auto-implements of Cosmos DB data access.


  • Enhancement: An invocation with an If-Match will override the value where it implements IEtag as this should take precedence over the value inside of the value itself via WebApiActionBase.Value. Code-gen has updated to take advantage of this; next gen will introduce usage within XxxApiController classes.


  • Enhancement: ReferenceDataData_cs.xml template updated to support AutoImplement="EntityFramework" to simplify the loading of reference data items where using Entity Framework.


  • Enhancement: Added WithHints to stored procedure configuration to output WITH(value) table hint.
  • Enhancement: Added support to generate data logic access using Cosmos DB. This follows the same pattern as Database, OData and EntityFramework.
  • Fixed: IEntityData code-gen did not correctly output the value type.
  • Enhancement: Added code-gen support for snake_case and kebab-case.


  • Fixed: InvokerBase was non functioning as a generic class; reimplemented. Invoker invocation code generation updated accordingly.


  • Fixed: FromBody not applied to ServiceAgent code generation.


  • Fixed: CodeGenConsoleWrapper was supporting database generation by default.


  • Fixed: Inconsistent version numbers.


  • New: Initial publish to GitHub.