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53 lines (38 loc) · 2.21 KB

File metadata and controls

53 lines (38 loc) · 2.21 KB



  • [Improvement]: updated dependencies, test with Go 1.20.


This is the first release of package vsock that only supports Go 1.18+. Users on older versions of Go must use v1.1.1.

  • [Improvement]: drop support for older versions of Go so we can begin using modern versions of x/sys and other dependencies.


This is the last release of package vsock that supports Go 1.17 and below.

  • [Bug Fix] commit: fix build on non-UNIX platforms such as Windows. This is a no-op change on Linux but provides a friendlier experience for non-Linux users.


  • [New API] commit: vsock.FileListener can be used to create a vsock.Listener from an existing os.File, which may be provided by systemd socket activation or another external mechanism.


  • [Bug Fix] commit: upgrade to handle non-blocking connect(2) errors (called in vsock.Dial) properly by checking the SO_ERROR socket option. Lock in this behavior with a new test.
  • [Improvement] commit: downgrade the version of in use to support Go 1.12. We don't need the latest version for this package.


This is the first release of package vsock that only supports Go 1.12+. Users on older versions of Go must use an unstable release.

  • Initial stable commit!
  • [API change]: the vsock.Dial and vsock.Listen constructors now accept an optional *vsock.Config parameter to enable future expansion in v1.x.x without prompting further breaking API changes. Because vsock.Config has no options as of this release, nil may be passed in all call sites to fix existing code upon upgrading to v1.0.0.
  • [New API]: the vsock.ListenContextID function can be used to create a *vsock.Listener which is bound to an explicit context ID address, rather than inferring one automatically as vsock.Listen does.