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214 lines (167 loc) · 6.46 KB

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214 lines (167 loc) · 6.46 KB
title slug page-type browser-compat


The brightness() CSS {{cssxref("<filter-function>")}} applies a linear multiplier value on an element or an input image, making the image appear brighter or darker.





  • amount
    • : Brightness specified as a {{cssxref("<number>")}} or a {{cssxref("<percentage>")}}. A value less than 100% darkens the input image or element, while a value over 100% brightens it. A value of 0% creates a completely black image or element, while a value of 100% leaves the input unchanged. Other values between 0% to 100% have a linear multiplier effect. Values greater than 100% are allowed, providing brighter results. The initial value for {{Glossary("interpolation")}} is 1. Negative values are not allowed. The default value, when nothing is specified, is 1.

The following are pairs of equivalent values:

brightness(0) /* Brightness is reduced to zero, so input turns black */

brightness(0.4) /* Brightness of input is reduced to 40%, so input is 60% darker */

brightness(1) /* Brightness of input is not changed */

brightness(2) /* Brightness of input is doubled */

Formal syntax



Applying brightness using the backdrop-filter property

This example shows how to apply the brightness() filter to a paragraph via the backdrop-filter CSS property.


.container {
  background: url(image.jpg) no-repeat right / contain #d4d5b2;
p {
  backdrop-filter: brightness(150%);
  text-shadow: 2px 2px #ffffff;
.container {
  padding: 5rem 3rem 1rem;
  width: 30rem;
p {
  padding: 0.5rem;
  color: #000000;
  font-size: 2rem;
  font-family: sans-serif;
<div class="container" style="background-image: url(be_fierce.jpg);">
    Text on images can be illegible and inaccessible even with a drop shadow.


{{EmbedLiveSample('Applying_brightness_using_the_backdrop_filter_property', '100%', '280')}}

In this example, the colors in the area behind the <p> element shift linearly. If the backdrop-filter property was set to brightness(0%), the <div> area with the <p> element would have been black and hidden the image behind. At brightness(100%), the <div> area color would be the same as the input #d4d5b2, and the image behind would be completely transparent. With the brightness set to 150% as in this example, the colors in the image behind are getting hidden by the brightness of the <div> element.`

Applying brightness using the filter property

In this example, a brightness() filter is applied to the entire element, including content, border, and background image via the filter CSS property. The result shows three variations of different brightness values.

p:first-of-type {
  filter: brightness(50%);
p:last-of-type {
  filter: brightness(200%);
p {
  text-shadow: 2px 2px blue;
  background-color: magenta;
  color: palegoldenrod;
  border: 1em solid rebeccapurple;
    inset -5px -5px red,
    5px 5px yellow;
  padding: 0.25rem;
  font-size: 1.25rem;
  font-family: sans-serif;
  width: 85vw;
<p>This paragraph has reduced brightness.</p>
<p>This paragraph has normal brightness.</p>
<p>This paragraph has increased brightness.</p>


Applying brightness using the url() SVG brightness filter

The SVG {{SVGElement("filter")}} element is used to define custom filter effects that can then be referenced by id. The <filter> element's {{SVGElement("feComponentTransfer")}} primitive enables pixel-level color remapping.

In this example, to create a filter that darkens the content on which it is applied by 25% (i.e., 75% of the original brightness), the slope attribute is set to 0.75. We can then reference the filter by id.

Given the following:

.filter {
  filter: brightness(0.75);
svg {
  position: absolute;
<svg role="none">
  <filter id="darken25" color-interpolation-filters="sRGB">
      <feFuncR type="linear" slope="0.75" />
      <feFuncG type="linear" slope="0.75" />
      <feFuncB type="linear" slope="0.75" />

The following declarations produce similar effects:

filter: brightness(75%);
filter: url(#darken25); /* with embedded SVG */
filter: url(folder/fileName.svg#darken25); /* external svg filter definition */

In the images below, the first one has a brightness() filter function applied, the second one has a similar SVG brightness function applied, and the third is the original image for comparison.

<table cellpadding="5">
      <th>Live example</th>
      <th>SVG Equivalent</th>
      <th>Original image</th>
      <td><img class="filter" src="flag.jpg" alt="darkened pride flag" /></td>
          style="filter: url(#darken25)"
          alt="darkened pride flag" />
        <img src="flag.jpg" alt="Pride flag" />




Browser compatibility


See also

  • CSS filter effects module
  • The other {{cssxref("<filter-function>")}} functions available to be used in values of the {{cssxref("filter")}} and {{cssxref("backdrop-filter")}} properties include:
    • {{cssxref("filter-function/blur", "blur()")}}
    • {{cssxref("filter-function/contrast", "contrast()")}}
    • {{cssxref("filter-function/drop-shadow", "drop-shadow()")}}
    • {{cssxref("filter-function/grayscale", "grayscale()")}}
    • {{cssxref("filter-function/hue-rotate", "hue-rotate()")}}
    • {{cssxref("filter-function/invert", "invert()")}}
    • {{cssxref("filter-function/opacity", "opacity()")}}
    • {{cssxref("filter-function/saturate", "saturate()")}}
    • {{cssxref("filter-function/sepia", "sepia()")}}