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File metadata and controls

148 lines (106 loc) · 4.34 KB

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Databox Store for JSON data blobs handles time series and key value data.

The datastore exposes an HTTP-based API on port 8080 and a WebSocket based API for live data. All requests must have arbiter tokens passed as per section 7.1 of the Hypercat 3.0 specs.

Read API

Time series data

URL: /<datasourceid>/ts/latest
Method: GET
Parameters: <datasourceid> the datasourceid to get data for.
Notes: will return the latest data based on the datasourceid

URL: /<datasourceid>/ts/since
Method: GET
URL Parameters: <datasourceid> the datasourceid to get data for.
Body Parameters: <startTimestamp> the timestamp in ms to return records after.
Notes: will return the all data since the provided timestamp for the provided datasourceid

URL: /<datasourceid>/range
Method: GET
URL Parameters: <datasourceid> the datasourceid to get data for
Body Parameters: <startTimestamp> and <endTimestamp> for the range.
Notes: will return the all data between the provided start and end timestamps for the provided datasourceid.

Key value pairs

URL: /<key>/kv/
Method: GET
Parameters: replace <key> with document key
Notes: will return the data stored with that key. Returns an empty array 404 {status:404,error:"Document not found."} if no data is stored


Connect to a websocket client to /ws. Then subscribe for data using:

For time serries:

URL: /sub/<datasourceid>/ts
Method: GET
Parameters: replace <datasourceid> with datasourceid
Notes: Will broadcast over the websocket the data stored by datasourceid when data is added.

For key value:

URL: /sub/<key>/kv
Method: GET
Parameters: replace <key> with document key
Notes:  Will broadcast over the websocket the data stored with that key when it is add or updated.

Write API

Managing the data source catalog

URL: /cat
Method: POST
Parameters: Raw JSON body containing a Hypercat item (as per PAS212 ( Table 2).
For example:
    "item-metadata": [{
            // NOTE: Required
            "rel": "urn:X-hypercat:rels:hasDescription:en",
            "val": "Test item"
        }, {
            // NOTE: Required
            "rel": "urn:X-hypercat:rels:isContentType",
            "val": "text/plain"
        }, {
            "rel": "urn:X-databox:rels:hasVendor",
            "val": "Databox Inc."
        }, {
            "rel": "urn:X-databox:rels:hasType",
            "val": "Test"
        }, {
            "rel": "urn:X-databox:rels:hasDatasourceid",
            "val": "MyLongId"
        }, {
            "rel": "urn:X-databox:rels:isActuator",
            "val": false
        }, {
            "rel": "urn:X-databox:rels:hasStoreType",
            "val": "databox-store-blob"
    "href": "https://databox-store-blob:8080"

Time series data

URL: /<datasourceid>/ts/
Method: POST
Parameters: Raw JSON body containing elements as follows {data: <json blob to store>}
Notes: Stores a value a timestamp is added on insertion

Key value pairs

URL: /<key>/kv/
Method: POST
Parameters: Raw JSON body containing elements as follows {<data to be stored in JSON format>}
Notes: will insert if the <key> is not in the database and update the document if it is.


Not available for writing

Arbiter Facing

The data source catalog

URL: /cat
Method: GET
Parameters: none
Notes: will return the latest data source catalog in Hypercat format.


This is beta. Expect bugs but the API should be reasonably stable.

#Building running

npm install && npm start


Start the container manger in developer mode:

DATABOX_DEV=1 npm start

Clone the repo and make your changes. To build a new Databox image and push it to you local registry:

npm run build && npm run deploy

Then restart the container manger to use you updated version.


npm install --development