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Welcome to the gammaALPs documentation!

gammaALPs is a python package that calculates the oscillation probability between photons and axion-like particles (ALPs) in various astrophysical environments. The focus lies on environments relevant to mixing between gamma rays and ALPs but it can be used for broader applications. The code also implements various models of astrophysical magnetic fields, which can be useful for applications beyond ALP searches.

You also might find the gammaALPsPlot Package useful which aims to facilitate creating plots of the ALP parameter space.

Getting Started

For installing the code, please see the installation page.

If you want a quick start, take a look at the Tutorials.

Background on how the photon-ALP mixing is calculated is provided on the theory page. The core modules that are required to run the photon-ALP oscillation computation are described in more detail on the module page. The page environments provides information on the available astrophysical environments which combine magnetic field models described in the bfields section and electron densities described on the electrondens pages.

Getting Help

If you encounter problems or if you have suggestions, please open a GitHub Issue.

Documentation Contents

installation tutorials/index references

theory module environments bfields/index electrondens/index

Indices and tables

  • genindex
  • modindex
  • search