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227 lines (157 loc) · 8.25 KB


File metadata and controls

227 lines (157 loc) · 8.25 KB

How To Use


Get all argument list:

python -m credsweeper --help
usage: python -m credsweeper [-h] (--path PATH [PATH ...] | --diff_path PATH [PATH ...] | --export_config [PATH]) [--rules [PATH]] [--config [PATH]] [--denylist PATH] [--find-by-ext]
                             [--depth POSITIVE_INT] [--ml_threshold FLOAT_OR_STR] [--ml_batch_size POSITIVE_INT] [--api_validation] [--jobs POSITIVE_INT] [--skip_ignored]
                             [--save-json [PATH]] [--save-xlsx [PATH]] [--log LOG_LEVEL] [--size_limit SIZE_LIMIT] [--version]
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --path PATH [PATH ...]
                        file or directory to scan
  --diff_path PATH [PATH ...]
                        git diff file to scan
  --export_config [PATH]
                        exporting default config to file (default: config.json)
  --rules [PATH]        path of rule config file (default: credsweeper/rules/config.yaml)
  --config [PATH]       use custom config (default: built-in)
  --denylist PATH      path to a plain text file with lines or secrets to ignore
  --find-by-ext         find files by predefined extension.
  --depth POSITIVE_INT  recursive search in files which are zip archives.
  --ml_threshold FLOAT_OR_STR
                        setup threshold for the ml model. The lower the threshold - the more credentials will be reported.
                        Allowed values: float between 0 and 1, or any of ['lowest', 'low', 'medium', 'high', 'highest'] (default: medium)
  --ml_batch_size POSITIVE_INT, -b POSITIVE_INT
                        batch size for model inference (default: 16)
  --api_validation      add credential api validation option to credsweeper pipeline. External API is used to reduce FP for some rule types.
                        number of parallel processes to use (default: 1)
  --skip_ignored        parse .gitignore files and skip credentials from ignored objects
  --save-json [PATH]    save result to json file (default: output.json)
  --save-xlsx [PATH]    save result to xlsx file (default: output.xlsx)
                        provide logging level. Example --log debug, (default: 'warning')
  --size_limit SIZE_LIMIT
                        set size limit of files that for scanning (eg. 1GB / 10MiB / 1000)
  --version, -V         show program's version number and exit


Validation by ML model classifier is used to reduce False Positives (by far), but might increase False negatives and execution time. You may change system sensitivity by modifying --ml_threshold argument. Increasing threshold will decrease the number of alerts. Setting --ml_threshold 0 will turn ML off and will maximize the number of alerts.

Typical False Positives: password = "template_password"


You may also use --api_validation to reduce FP, but only for some rules: GitHub, Google API, Mailchimp, Slack, Square, Stripe. --api_validation utilize external APIs to check if it can authenticate with a detected credential. For example it will try to authenticate on Google Cloud if Google API Key is detected.

However, use of --api_validation is not recommended at the moment as its influence on False Positive/False Negative alerts are not validated yet. Moreover, it might result in a ddos related ban from corresponding APIs if number of requests is too high.

Get output as JSON file:

python -m credsweeper --ml_validation --path tests/samples/password --save-json output.json

To check JSON file run:

cat output.json
        "rule": "Password",
        "severity": "medium",
        "line_data_list": [
                "line": "password = \"cackle!\"",
                "line_num": 1,
                "path": "tests/samples/password",
                "entropy_validation": false
        "api_validation": "NOT_AVAILABLE",
        "ml_validation": "VALIDATED_KEY"

Get CLI output only:

python -m credsweeper --path tests/samples/password
rule: Password / severity: medium / line_data_list: [line : 'password = "cackle!"' / line_num : 1 / path : tests/samples/password / entropy_validation: False] / api_validation: NOT_AVAILABLE / ml_validation: VALIDATED_KEY

Exclude outputs using CLI:

If you want to remove some values from report (e.g. known public secrets): create text files with lines or values you want to remove and add it using --denylist argument. Space-like characters at left and right will be ignored.

$ python -m credsweeper --path tests/samples/password --denylist list.txt
Detected Credentials: 0
Time Elapsed: 0.07523202896118164s
$ cat list.txt
  password = "cackle!"

Exclude outputs using config:

Edit exclude part of the config file. Default config can be generated using python -m credsweeper --export_config place_to_save.json or can be found in credsweeper/secret/config.json. Space-like characters at left and right will be ignored.

"exclude": {
    "lines": ["   password = \"cackle!\" "],
    "values": ["cackle!"]

Then specify your config in CLI:

$ python -m credsweeper --path tests/samples/password --config my_cfg.json
Detected Credentials: 0
Time Elapsed: 0.07152628898620605s

Use as a python library

Minimal example for scanning line list:

from credsweeper import CredSweeper, StringContentProvider

to_scan = ["line one", "password='in_line_2'"]
cred_sweeper = CredSweeper()
provider = StringContentProvider(to_scan)
results = cred_sweeper.file_scan(provider)
for r in results:
rule: Password / severity: medium / line_data_list: [line: 'password='in_line_2'' / line_num: 2 / path:  / value: 'in_line_2' / entropy_validation: False] / api_validation: NOT_AVAILABLE / ml_validation: NOT_AVAILABLE

Minimal example for scanning bytes:

from credsweeper import CredSweeper, ByteContentProvider

to_scan = b"line one\npassword='in_line_2'"
cred_sweeper = CredSweeper()
provider = ByteContentProvider(to_scan)
results = cred_sweeper.file_scan(provider)
for r in results:
rule: Password / severity: medium / line_data_list: [line: 'password='in_line_2'' / line_num: 2 / path:  / value: 'in_line_2' / entropy_validation: False] / api_validation: NOT_AVAILABLE / ml_validation: NOT_AVAILABLE

Minimal example for the ML validation:

from credsweeper import CredSweeper, StringContentProvider, MlValidator, ThresholdPreset

to_scan = ["line one", "secret='fgELsRdFA'", "secret='template'"]
cred_sweeper = CredSweeper()
provider = StringContentProvider(to_scan)

# You can select lower or higher threshold to get more or less reports respectively
threshold = ThresholdPreset.medium
validator = MlValidator(threshold=threshold)

results = cred_sweeper.file_scan(provider)
for candidate in results:
    # For each results detected by a CredSweeper, you can validate them using MlValidator
    is_credential, with_probability = validator.validate(candidate)
    if is_credential:

Note that "secret='template'" is not reported due to failing check by the MlValidator.

rule: Secret / severity: medium / line_data_list: [line: 'secret='fgELsRdFA'' / line_num: 2 / path:  / value: 'fgELsRdFA' / entropy_validation: False] / api_validation: NOT_AVAILABLE / ml_validation: NOT_AVAILABLE


.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1


.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1
