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Shinya Ishikawa edited this page Apr 1, 2023 · 4 revisions

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Keter Neutralized

Special Containment Procedures: In response to the containment breach of SCP-XXXX, the Foundation has effectively mitigated the anomaly's manifestation by applying an anti-meme to all SCP-XXXX-related videos uploaded on social media platforms. As a result, SCP-XXXX has been reclassified as Neutralized.

Description: SCP-XXXX refers to an open-source communication robot known as "スタックチャン." The anomalous properties of SCP-XXXX manifest when an individual directly observes or views a video of the robot, subsequently developing a compulsive desire to create their own SCP-XXXX instance. This desire intensifies proportionally to the number of SCP-XXXX instances observed and the duration of observation.

As the compulsion grows stronger, individuals will attempt to construct SCP-XXXX replicas utilizing any materials at hand. If this phenomenon were to occur globally, it could result in an NK-Class End-of-the-World Scenario, with humanity abandoning societal activities to focus solely on creating SCP-XXXX instances.

Containment Breach Details: During the containment breach, numerous videos and images of SCP-XXXX were uploaded to various social media platforms. The Foundation promptly initiated a countermeasure by applying an anti-meme to the visual content, thereby suppressing the manifestation of SCP-XXXX's anomalous properties. Consequently, SCP-XXXX has been designated as Neutralized.

Experiment Log:

Experiment XXXX-01:

Subject: D-XXXXX1 Procedure: Subject was exposed to SCP-XXXX for a duration of 5 minutes. Result: Subject exhibited an increased compulsion to create SCP-XXXX instances, eventually attempting to construct one using available materials in the testing chamber.

Experiment XXXX-0■:

Subject: D-XXXXX■ Procedure: Subject was exposed to SCP-XXXX for a duration of ■ hours. Result: Subject's compulsion to create SCP-XXXX instances intensified, culminating in the use of their own ■■■ as materials to construct an SCP-XXXX replica.

These experiments elucidated the range of SCP-XXXX's influence and the potential dangers it posed. With the implementation of the anti-meme countermeasure, the threat of SCP-XXXX has been neutralized, effectively preventing an NK-Class End-of-the-World Scenario.

Addendum: As of 202X-XX, the number of media featuring "スタックチャン" on social media platforms continues to increase. However, the memetics department staff maintains that "There are no issues with the anti-meme. The increase in media is not due to the object's anomalous properties, but rather the inherent appeal of the robot itself. I'm actually considering building one myself."

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