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Map layer configuration

Christian Mayer edited this page May 20, 2020 · 5 revisions


JSON configuration objects for Wegue map layers


The following properties can be applied to all map layer types

Property Mandatory Meaning Example
type x Indicator which layer type is configured
lid x Unique identifier for the layer "lid": "my-super-wms-layer"
name x Human readable name for the layer, used e.g. in the LayerList "name": "My super WMS"
projection The projection of the layer. Has to be defined in projectionDefs if not EPSG:4326 or EPSG:3857. if not set the projection of the map is used "projection": "EPSG:3857"
isBaseLayer Boolean value, whether the layer should be a background layeror not "isBaseLayer": false
visible Boolean value, whether the layer should be initially visible "visible": false
displayInLayerList Boolean value, whether the layer appear in the LayerList "displayInLayerList": true
attributions Text or HTML string to be displayed as source attribution in the map "attributions": "<a href='' target='_blank'>PDOK</a> by Dutch Kadaster",


Property Mandatory Meaning Example
type x Indicator that the layer is a OpenStreetMap tile server layer, always OSM here "type": "OSM"


Property Mandatory Meaning Example
type x Indicator that the layer is a vector layer, always VECTOR here "type": "VECTOR"
url x The URL to the vector data resource (file) "url": "./static/data/2012_Earthquakes_Mag5.kml"
format x The format of the data linked in url (either KML or GeoJSON ) "format": "KML"
selectable x Boolean value, whether the features of the layer can be selected by click in order to display the attributes in a window "selectable": true
hoverable x Boolean value, whether the features of the layer can be hovered in order to display an attribute (see hoverAttribute) in a tooltip "hoverable": true
style x Object to define a rendering style for the features of the layer


Property Mandatory Meaning Example
type x Indicator that the layer is a vector layer, always VECTORTILE here "type": "VECTORTILE"
url x The URL to the vector tile service "url": "{z}/{x}/{-y}.pbf"
format x The format of the data linked in url (either MVT, TopoJSON or GeoJSON ) "format": "MVT"
style x Object to define a rendering style for the features of the layer


Property Mandatory Meaning Example
type x Indicator that the layer is a WMS, always WMS here "type": "WMS"
layers x The WMS LAYERS parameter "layers": "topp:states"
url x The GetMap URL of the WMS "url": ""
format Image format for the WMS (has to be supported by the WMS) "format": "image/png"
transparent Boolean value, whether the WMS layer should be queried with a transparent background "transparent": true
singleTile Boolean value, whether the WMS layer should be queried in single tile mode "singleTile": false
tileGridRef Identifier of the tile grid to use for this layer (has to be defined in tileGridDefs "tileGridRef": "dutch_rd"


Property Mandatory Meaning Example
type x Indicator that the layer is a XYZ tiled image layer, always XYZ here "type": "XYZ"
url x The URL of the service providing the image tiles "url": "{z}/{x}/{y}.png"
tileGridRef Identifier of the tile grid to use for this layer (has to be defined in tileGridDefs "tileGridRef": "dutch_rd"