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54 lines (36 loc) · 1.32 KB

Cover Photo of a mesh and lammmps structure


Mesh2Lammps is an open-source software to convert triangular unstructured meshes to course-grained LAMMPS molecular input files.


You can perform a minimal install of Mesh2Lammps with:

$ git clone
$ cd mesh2lammps
$ python install 

If you prefer, you can do a minimal install of the packaged version directly from PyPI:

pip install mesh2lammps 

Run an example

First, close the repository using the following git command:

$ git clone

Converting LAMMPS input file to mesh data and vice versa for the RBC example:

$ cd samples/RBC/

In this directory there is a mesh file rbc.stl. To generate the LAMMPS input:

$ mesh2lammps rbc.stl

Now, fiile is generated which can be used as LAMMPS input data.

Likewise, you can generate the mesh file from the LAMMPS input file including rbc_atoms.csv and rbc_faces.csv. To do this:

$ lammps2mesh rbc_atoms.csv rbc_faces.csv

Now, you have created the rbc.stl mesh file.

Red-blood cell example

Getting help and bug report

Please submit an issue if you found a bug in the program or needed help with the software.