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Delaunay-Triangulation-Based Learning with Hessian Total-Variation Regularization

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DHTV is a framework to learn CPWL functions in an interpretable manner.

In this repository, we aim to:

To install the package, we first create an environment with python 3.7 (or greater):

>> conda create -n DHTV python==3.9.7
>> conda activate DHTV
>> git clone
>> cd <repository_dir>/
>> conda install -n DHTV ipykernel --update-deps --force-reinstall
>> pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt

First we need to build the DHTV model and compute forward (H) and regularization (L) operators:

tri = MyDelaunay(X, y)  # X: input variables, y: target values
tri.construct_forward_matrix() # constructing H
tri.construct_regularization_matrix() # constructing L

Then we solve the learning task:

dhtv_sol, _ = double_fista(tri.data_values, tri.H, tri.L, tri.lip_H, tri.lip_L, lmbda, n_iter1, n_iter2, device='cuda:0')

We can use this values to predict the model values:

dhtv_predict = tri.evaluate(X, dhtv_sol.cpu().numpy())

In the 2 dimensional case, we can also plot the model using:

plot_with_gradient_map(tri, 0.5, 1, 1, 1)

See for more details <>.

The paper reults are available in notebooks IV.A, IV.B and IV.C, is resposible for creating the loaded data in IV.C.

DHTV is developed by the Biomedical Imaging Group, École Polytéchnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland.


This work was supported in part by the European Research Council (ERC Project FunLearn) under Grant 101020573 and in part by the Swiss National Science Foundation, Grant 200020 184646/1.


Delaunay-Triangulation-Based Learning with Hessian Total-Variation Regularization






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