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VisCy is a deep learning pipeline for training and deploying computer vision models for image-based phenotyping at single cell resolution.

The current focus of the pipeline is on the image translation models for virtual staining of multiple cellular compartments from label-free images. We are building these models for simultaneous segmentation of nuclei and membrane, which are the first steps in a single-cell phenotyping pipeline. Our pipeline also provides utilities to export the models to ONNX format for use at runtime. We will grow the collection of the models suitable for high-throughput imaging and phenotyping. Expect rough edges until we release a PyPI package.


This pipeline evolved from the TensorFlow version of virtual staining pipeline, which we reported in this paper in 2020. The previous pipeline is now a public archive, and we will be focusing our efforts on VisCy.

Installing viscy

  1. We highly encourage using a new Conda/virtual environment. The example below uses Mamba, a faster re-implementation of Conda.

    mamba create --name viscy python=3.10
    # OR specify a custom path since the dependencies are large
    mamba create --prefix /path/to/conda/envs/viscy python=3.10
  2. Clone this repository and install with pip:

    git clone
    # change to project root directory (parent folder of pyproject.toml)
    cd VisCy
    pip install .

    If evaluating virtually stained images for segmentation tasks, install additional dependencies:

    pip install ".[metrics]"

    Visualizing the model architecture requires visual dependencies:

    pip install ".[visual]"
  3. Verify installation by accessing the CLI help message:

    viscy --help

For development installation, see the contributing guide.

The pipeline is built using the PyTorch Lightning framework. The iohub library is used for reading and writing data in OME-Zarr format.

The full functionality is only tested on Linux x86_64 with NVIDIA Ampere GPUs (CUDA 12.3). Some features (e.g. mixed precision and distributed training) may not work with other setups, see PyTorch documentation for details.

Virtual staining of cellular compartments from label-free images

Predicting sub-cellular landmarks such as nuclei and membrane from label-free (e.g. phase) images can improve imaging throughput and ease experiment design. However, training a model directly for segmentation requires laborious manual annotation. We use fluorescent markers as a proxy of supervision with human-annotated labels, and turn this instance segmentation problem into a paired image-to-image translation (I2I) problem.

viscy features an end-to-end pipeline to design, train and evaluate I2I models in a declarative manner. It supports 2D, 2.5D (3D encoder, 2D decoder) and 3D U-Nets, as well as 3D networks with anisotropic filters.

Overview of the pipeline

flowchart LR
    subgraph sp[Signal Processing]
        Registration --> Reconstruction --> Resampling
    subgraph viscy["Computer Vision (viscy)"]
        subgraph Preprocessing
            Normalization -.-> fd[Feature Detection]
        subgraph Training
            arch[Model Architecting]
            hyper[Hyperparameter Tuning]
            val[Performance Validation]
            arch <--> hyper <--> compute <--> val <--> arch
        subgraph Testing
            regr[Regression Metrics]
            segm[Instance Segmentation Metrics]
            cp --> segm
        Preprocessing --> Training --> Testing
        Testing --> test{"Performance?"}
        test -- good --> Deployment
        test -- bad --> Training
    subgraph Segmentation
        CellPose ~~~ aicssegmentation
    input[(Raw Images)] --> sp --> stage{"Training?"}
    stage -.- no -.-> model{{Virtual Staining Model}}
    stage -- yes --> viscy
    viscy --> model
    model --> vs[(Predicted Images)]
    vs --> Segmentation --> output[Biological Analysis]

Model architecture

2.5D U-Net light 2.5D U-Net dark


We report the use of the virtual staining pipeline in this preprint:

 title = {Mantis: high-throughput {4D} imaging and analysis of the molecular and physical architecture of cells},
 url = {},
 doi = {10.1101/2023.12.19.572435},
 publisher = {bioRxiv},
 author = {Ivanov, Ivan E. and Hirata-Miyasaki, Eduardo and Chandler, Talon and Kovilakam, Rasmi Cheloor and Liu, Ziwen and Liu, Chad and Leonetti, Manuel D. and Huang, Bo and Mehta, Shalin B.},