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File metadata and controls

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Conversion library for transforming Joi schema objects into Swagger schema definitions.

// input
  id:      joi.number().integer().positive().required(),
  name:    joi.string(),
  email:   joi.string().email().required(),
  active:  joi.boolean().default(true),
// output
  "type": "object",
  "required": ["id", "email"],
  "properties": {
    "id": {
      "type": "integer",
      "minimum": 1
    "name": {
      "type": "string"
    "email": {
      "type": "string",
      "format": "email"
    "created": {
      "type": "string",
      "nullable": true,
      "format": "date-time"
    "active": {
      "type": "boolean"
  "additionalProperties": false


const j2s = require('joi-to-swagger');

const { swagger, components } = j2s(mySchema, existingComponents);

- in case of ES6 module syntax:

import j2s from 'joi-to-swagger';

const { swagger, components } = j2s(mySchema, existingComponents);

J2S takes two arguments, the first being the Joi object you wish to convert. The second optional argument is a collection of existing components to reference against for the meta className identifiers (see below).

J2S returns a result object containing swagger and components properties. swagger contains your new schema, components contains any components that were generated while parsing your schema.

Supported Conventions:

  • joi.object()

    • .unknown(false) -> additionalProperties: false
    • .required() on object members produces a "required": [] array
  • joi.array().items() - in case of multiple provided schemas using items() method, the "oneOf" (OAS3) keyword is used

    • .min(4) -> "minItems": 4
    • .max(10) -> "maxItems": 10
    • .unique(truthy) -> "uniqueItems": true
  • joi.number() produces "type": "number" with a format of "float"

    • .precision() -> "format": "double"
    • .integer() -> "type": "integer"
    • .strict().only(1, 2, '3') -> "enum": [1, 2] (note that non-numbers are omitted due to swagger type constraints)
    • .allow(null) -> "nullable": true
    • .min(5) -> "minimum": 5
    • .max(10) -> "maximum": 10
    • .positive() -> "minimum": 1
    • .negative() -> "maximum": -1
    • .valid(1, 2) -> "enum": [1, 2]
    • .invalid(1, 2) -> "not": { "enum": [1, 2] }
  • joi.string() produces "type": "string" with no formatting

    • .strict().only('A', 'B', 1) -> "enum": ["A", "B"] (note that non-strings are omitted due to swagger type constraints)
    • .alphanum() -> "pattern": "/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/"
    • .alphanum().lowercase()
    • .alphanum().uppercase()
    • .token() -> "pattern": "/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/"
    • .token().lowercase()
    • .token().uppercase()
    • .email() -> "format": "email"
    • .isoDate() -> "format": "date-time"
    • .regex(/foo/) -> "pattern": "/foo/"
    • .allow(null) -> "nullable": true
    • .min(5) -> "minLength": 5
    • .max(10) -> "maxLength": 10
    • .uuid() -> "format": "uuid"
    • .valid('A', 'B') -> "enum": ['A', 'B']
    • .invalid('A', 'B') -> "not": { "enum": ['A', 'B'] }
  • joi.binary() produces "type": "string" with a format of "binary".

    • .encoding('base64') -> "format": "byte"
    • .min(5) -> "minLength": 5
    • .max(10) -> "maxLength": 10
    • .allow(null) -> "nullable": true
  • produces "type": "string" with a format of "date-time".

    • .allow(null) -> "nullable": true
  • joi.alternatives() - structure of alternative schemas is defined by "anyOf", "oneOf" or "allOf (OAS3) keywords

    • .mode('one') -> produces "oneOf": [ { ... } ]
    • in case of joi.required() alternative schema, the custom property option "x-required" is added to subschema -> "x-required": true
  • joi.when() conditions are transformed to "oneOf": [ { ... }, { ... } ] keyword

    • if multiple joi.when().when() conditions are provided, they are transformed to "anyOf": [ { ... }, { ... } ] keyword
    • in case of joi.required() condition, the custom property option "x-required" is added to subschema -> "x-required": true
  • any.default() sets the "default" detail.

  • any.example() sets the "example" or "examples".

    • .example('hi') -> "example": "hi"
    • .example('hi', 'hey') -> "examples": ["hi", "hey"]
  • joi.any()

  • .meta({ swaggerType: 'file' }).description('simpleFile') add a file to the swagger structure

  • .valid(1, 'A') -> "enum": [1, 'A']

  • .invalid(1, 'A') -> "not": { "enum": [1, 'A'] }

Meta Overrides

The following may be provided on a joi .meta() object to explicitly override default joi-to-schema behavior.

className: By default J2S will be full verbose in its components. If an object has a className string, J2S will look for an existing schema component with that name, and if a component does not exist then it will create one. Either way, it will produce a $ref element for that schema component. If a new component is created it will be returned with the swagger schema.

classTarget: Named components are assumed to be schemas, and are referenced as components/schemas/ComponentName. If a classTarget meta value is provided (such as parameters), this will replace schemas in the reference.

swagger: To explicitly define your own swagger component for a joi schema object, place that swagger object in the swagger meta tag. It will be mixed in to the schema that J2S produces.

swaggerOverride: If this meta tag is truthy, the swagger component will replace the result for that schema instead of mixing in to it.

swaggerType: Can be used with the .any() type to add files.

Custom Types (joi.extend)

For supporting custom joi types you can add the needed type information using a the meta property baseType.

const customJoi = joi.extend({
    type: 'customStringType',
    base: joi.string().meta({ baseType: 'string' }),
    // ...