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Deployment in Production
Learn how to deploy your ELT pipelines in production.

Once you've set up a Meltano project and run some pipelines on your local machine, it'll be time to repeat this trick in production!

This page will help you figure out:

  1. how to get your Meltano project onto the production environment,
  2. how to install Meltano,
  3. how to install your Meltano project's plugins,
  4. where to store your pipeline state and other metadata,
  5. where to store your pipeline logs,
  6. how to manage your environment-specific and sensitive configuration, and finally
  7. how to run your pipelines.

Additionally, you may want to run Meltano UI and configure it for production.

If you're containerizing your Meltano project, you can skip steps 1 through 3 and refer primarily to the "Containerized Meltano project" subsections on this page. We also provide a Helm Chart for deploying a containerized instance of the Meltano UI to Kubernetes. More on that in the Kubernetes section.

Managed Hosting Options

Would you rather not be responsible for deploying your Meltano project and managing it in production?

Meltano Cloud launches in Alpha in late 2022 and opens to the public in early 2023. Sign up to receive more information and reduce your self-management burden.

In the mean time, consider running your Meltano pipelines using a managed Airflow service like Astronomer, Google Cloud Composer, or Amazon MWAA.

Your Meltano project

Off of your local machine...

Since a Meltano project is just a directory on your filesystem containing text-based files, you can treat it like any other software development project and benefit from DataOps best practices such as version control, code review, and continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD).

As such, getting your Meltano project onto the production environment starts with getting it off of your local machine, and onto a (self-)hosted Git repository platform like GitLab or GitHub.

By default, your Meltano project comes with a .gitignore file to ensure that environment-specific and potentially sensitive configuration stored inside the .meltano directory and .env file is not leaked accidentally. All other files are recommended to be checked into the repository and shared between all users and environments that may use the project.

... and onto the production environment

Once your Meltano project is in version control, getting it to your production environment can take various shapes.

In general, we recommend setting up a CI/CD pipeline to run automatically whenever new changes are pushed to your repository's default branch, that will connect with the production environment and either directly push the project files, or trigger some kind of mechanism to pull the latest changes from the repository.

A simpler (temporary?) approach would be to manually connect to the production environment and pull the repository, right now while you're setting this up, and/or later whenever changes are made.

Containerized Meltano project

If you're containerizing your Meltano project, your project-specific Docker image will already contain all of your project files.

Installing Meltano

Just like on your local machine, the most straightforward way to install Meltano onto a production environment is to use pip to install the meltano package from PyPI.

If you add meltano (or meltano==<version>) to your project's requirements.txt file, you can choose to automatically run pip install -r requirements.txt on your production environment whenever your Meltano project is updated to ensure you're always on the latest (or requested) version.

Containerized Meltano project

If you're containerizing your Meltano project, your project-specific Docker image will already contain a Meltano installation since it's built from the meltano/meltano base image.

Installing plugins

Whenever you add a new plugin to a Meltano project, it will be installed into your project's .meltano directory automatically. However, since this directory is included in your project's .gitignore file by default, you'll need to explicitly run meltano install before any other meltano commands whenever you clone or pull an existing Meltano project from version control, to install (or update) all plugins specified in your meltano.yml project file.

Thus, it is strongly recommended that you automatically run meltano install on your production environment whenever your Meltano project is updated to ensure you're always using the correct versions of plugins.

Containerized Meltano project

If you're containerizing your Meltano project, your project-specific Docker image will already contain all of your project's plugins since meltano install is a step in its build process.

Storing metadata

Meltano stores various types of metadata in a project-specific system database, that takes the shape of a SQLite database stored inside the project at .meltano/meltano.db by default. Like all files stored in the .meltano directory (which you'll remember is included in your project's .gitignore file by default), the system database is also environment-specific.

While SQLite is great for use during local development and testing since it requires no external database to be set up, it has various limitations that make it inappropriate for use in production. Since it's a simple file, it only supports one concurrent connection, for example.

Thus, it is is strongly recommended that you use a PostgreSQL system database in production instead. You can configure Meltano to use it using the database_uri setting.

Containerized Meltano project

If you're containerizing your Meltano project, you will definitely want to use an external system database, since changes to .meltano/meltano.db would not be persisted outside the container.

Storing logs

Meltano stores all output generated by meltano elt in .meltano/logs/elt/{state_id}/{run_id}/elt.log, where state_id refers to the value of the provided --state_id flag or the name of a scheduled pipeline, and run_id is an autogenerated UUID.

You can use Meltano UI locally or in production to view the most recent logs of your project's scheduled pipelines right from your browser.

If you'd like to store these logs elsewhere, you can symlink the .meltano/logs or .meltano/logs/elt directory to a location of your choice.

Containerized Meltano project

If you're containerizing your Meltano project, these logs will not be persisted outside the container running your pipelines unless you exfiltrate them by mounting a volume inside the container at /project/.meltano/logs/elt.

You will want to mount this same volume (or directory) into the container that runs Meltano UI if you'd like to use it to view the pipelines' most recent logs.

Managing configuration

All of your Meltano project's configuration that is not environment-specific or sensitive should be stored in its meltano.yml project file and checked into version control.

Configuration that is environment-specific or sensitive is most appropriately managed using environment variables. Meltano Environments can be used to better manage configuration between different deployment environments. How these can be best administered will depend on your deployment strategy and destination.

If you'd like to store sensitive configuration in a secrets store, you can consider using the chamber CLI, which lets you store secrets in the AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store that can then be exported as environment variables when executing an arbitrary command like meltano.

Containerized Meltano project

If you're containerizing your Meltano project, you will want to manage sensitive configuration using the mechanism provided by your container runner, e.g. Docker Secrets or Kubernetes Secrets.

Running pipelines

meltano elt

If all of the above has been set up correctly, you should now be able to run a pipeline using meltano elt, just like you did locally. Congratulations!

You can run the command using any mechanism capable of running executables, whether that's cron, Airflow's BashOperator, or any of dozens of other orchestration tools.

Airflow orchestrator

If you've added Airflow to your Meltano project as an orchestrator, you can have it automatically run your project's scheduled pipelines by starting its scheduler using meltano invoke airflow scheduler.

Similarly, you can start its web interface using meltano invoke airflow webserver.

However, do take into account Airflow's own Deployment in Production Best Practices. Specifically, you will want to configure Airflow to:

  • use the LocalExecutor instead of the SequentialExecutor default by setting the core.executor setting (or AIRFLOW__CORE__EXECUTOR environment variable) to LocalExecutor:

    meltano config airflow set core.executor LocalExecutor
    export AIRFLOW__CORE__EXECUTOR=LocalExecutor
  • use a PostgreSQL metadata database instead of the SQLite default (sounds familiar?) by setting the core.sql_alchemy_conn setting (or AIRFLOW__CORE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN environment variable) to a postgresql:// URI:

    meltano config airflow set core.sql_alchemy_conn postgresql://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database>
    export AIRFLOW__CORE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN=postgresql://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database>

    For this to work, the psycopg2 package will also need to be installed alongside apache-airflow, which you can realize by adding psycopg2 to airflow's pip_url in your meltano.yml project file (e.g. pip_url: psycopg2 apache-airflow) and running meltano install orchestrator airflow.

Containerized Meltano project

If you're containerizing your Meltano project, the built image's entrypoint will be the meltano command, meaning that you can provide meltano subcommands and arguments like elt ... and invoke airflow ... directly to docker run <image-name> ... as trailing arguments.

Meltano UI

Now that your pipelines are running, you may want to also spin up Meltano UI, which lets you quickly check the status and most recent logs of your project's scheduled pipelines right from your browser.

You can start Meltano UI using meltano ui just like you would locally, but there are a couple of settings you'll want to consider changing in production:

  • By default, Meltano UI will bind to host and port 5000.

    This can be changed using the ui.bind_host and ui.bind_port settings, and their respective environment variables and CLI options.

  • If you'd like to require users to sign in before they can access the Meltano UI, enable the ui.authentication setting.

    As described behind that link, this will also require you to set the ui.secret_key and ui.password_salt settings, as well as ui.server_name or ui.session_cookie_domain.

    Users can be added using meltano user add and will be stored in the configured system database.

  • If you will be running Meltano UI behind a front-end (reverse) proxy that will be responsible for SSL termination (HTTPS), it is recommended that you enable the ui.session_cookie_secure setting so that session cookies used for authentication are only sent along with secure requests.

    You may also need to change the ui.forwarded_allow_ips setting to get Meltano UI to realize it should use the https URL scheme rather than http in the URLs it builds.

    If your reverse proxy uses a health check to determine if Meltano UI is ready to accept traffic, you can use the /api/v1/health route, which will always respond with a 200 status code.

  • Meltano UI can be used to make changes to your project, like adding plugins and scheduling pipelines, which is very useful locally but may be undesirable in production if you'd prefer for all changes to go through version control instead.

    To disallow all modifications to project files through the UI, enable the project_readonly setting.

Containerized Meltano project

If you're containerizing your Meltano project, the project_readonly setting will be enabled by default using the MELTANO_PROJECT_READONLY environment variable, since any changes to your meltano.yml project file would not be persisted outside the container.


Hosting a containerized instance of the Meltano UI on Kubernetes is made easy using the provided Meltano Helm Chart. Try it out via the Helm CLI:

# add the meltano-ui helm repository
helm repo add meltano
# view available Chart versions
helm search repo meltano-ui
# deploy 🚀
helm install meltano-ui/meltano-ui --generate-name