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Multi host deployment

Multi host deployment with docker-machine

Docker Machine utility provides convenient command-line tool for managing multiple virtual machines, both running locally with virtualbox and running in clouds such as Azure or AWS.

Having nodes deployed separately you will need to provide DNS name resolving so containers from different organizations can see each other.

There several options to implement this:

  • Docker Swarm automatically provides virtual sub-net for all nodes in Swarm. Recommended only for test\dev purposes as Swarm manager has unrestricted access to nodes. See
  • extra-hosts setting which is added by docker-composer to each container's /etc/hosts file. See Extra hosts.
  • DNS service specific for particular blockchain network (either central or DNS-cluster). See


Install docker-machine.

Quick start with virtual hosts on local dev machine

Install VirtualBox.

Use script to create a network with an arbitrary number of member organizations each running in its own virtual host (orderer node is started on the org1's host):

./ org1 org2 org3

Of course you can override the defaults with env variables. \
WEBAPP_HOME=/home/oleg/webapp \
CHAINCODE_HOME=/home/oleg/chaincode \
CHAINCODE_INSTALL_ARGS='example02 1.0 chaincode_example02 golang' \
CHAINCODE_INSTANTIATE_ARGS="a-b example02 [\"init\",\"a\",\"10\",\"b\",\"0\"] 1.0 collections.json AND('a.member','b.member')" \
./ a b

The script combines to create host machines with docker-machine and to create container with docker-compose.

If you don't want to recreate hosts every time you can re-run ./ with the same arguments and env variables to recreate the network on the same remote hosts by clearing and creating containers.

Quick start with remote hosts on AWS EC2

  • Define amazonec2 driver for docker-machine and open ports in docker-machine security group.

  • Make sure your AWS credentials are saved in env variables (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) or ~/.aws/credentials or passed as arguments --amazonec2-access-keyand--amazonec2-secret-key`.

  • Determine the AWS region (e.g. us-east-1 or us-west-1) and find the vpc_id corresponded to this region (or make sure the region has a default vpc)

  • Determine which AWS instance types you are going to use (instance types with at least 4Gb RAM are recommended, e.g. c5.xlarge)

  • Provide AWS related flags environment for docker-machine:

export DOCKER_MACHINE_FLAGS="--driver amazonec2 \
    --amazonec2-region us-east-1 \
    --amazonec2-vpc-id vpc-0e3f0c2243772be49 \
    --amazonec2-instance-type c5.xlarge \
    --amazonec2-open-port 80 --amazonec2-open-port 7050 --amazonec2-open-port 7051 --amazonec2-open-port 4000"

More settings are described on the driver page.

  • Stop the local docker images registry if started:
docker stop docker-registry
  • Then start the network:
./ org1 org2 org3

Quick start with remote hosts on Microsoft Azure

Define azure driver for docker-machine and open ports in network security groups. Give your subscription id (the one looking like deadbeef-8bad-f00d-989d-5fbe969ccb9e) and the script will prompt you to login to your Microsoft account and authorize Docker Machine for Azure application to manage your Azure instances. More settings are described on the driver page.

DOCKER_MACHINE_FLAGS="--driver azure --azure-size Standard_A1 --azure-subscription-id <your subs-id> --azure-open-port 80 --azure-open-port 7050 --azure-open-port 7051 --azure-open-port 4000" \
./ org1 org2

Quick start with existing remote hosts

If you have already created remote hosts in the cloud or on premises you can connect docker-machine to these hosts and operate with the same scripts and commands.

Make sure the remote hosts have open inbound ports for Fabric network: 80, 4000, 7050, 7051 and for docker: 2376.

Connect via generic driver to hosts orderer, a and b at specified public IPs with ssh private key ~/docker-machine.pem.

docker-machine create --driver generic --generic-ssh-key ~/docker-machine.pem --generic-ssh-user ubuntu \
--generic-ip-address orderer
docker-machine create --driver generic --generic-ssh-key ~/docker-machine.pem --generic-ssh-user ubuntu \
--generic-ip-address a
docker-machine create --driver generic --generic-ssh-key ~/docker-machine.pem --generic-ssh-user ubuntu \
--generic-ip-address b

Now the hosts are known to docker-machine and you can run script to create docker containers running the network and create organizations, channel and chaincode. CHANNEL=a-b WEBAPP_HOME=/home/oleg/webapp CHAINCODE_HOME=/home/oleg/chaincode CHAINCODE_INSTALL_ARGS='example02 1.0 chaincode_example02 golang' CHAINCODE_INSTANTIATE_ARGS="a-b example02 [\"init\",\"a\",\"10\",\"b\",\"0\"] 1.0 collections.json AND('a.member','b.member')" \
./ a b

Manual start using Web Admin Dashboard without docker-machine

Now we will use two separate hosts and setup network of two organizations manually.

In test\dev mode, if you use Oracle VirtualBox's machines you can use local docker registry which results faster docker images downloading.

  • Start local registry with:

This will start the registry docker container which provides docker registry on port 5000.

Having registry container is running start virtual machines with:

./ org1 org2

On virtualbox machines you'll specify address of the local registry (if used):

org1/orderer machine

start orderer:

    WWW_PORT=81 WORK_DIR=./ docker-compose -f docker-compose-orderer.yaml -f docker-compose-orderer-multihost.yaml up -d

Then start peer:

    BOOTSTRAP_IP=192.168.99.xx MY_IP=192.168.99.xx ORG=org1 MULTIHOST=true WORK_DIR=./ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose-multihost.yaml -f docker-compose-api-port.yaml up -d
Start org2 (,org3...) machine:
    ORG=org2 BOOTSTRAP_IP=192.168.99.xx MY_IP=192.168.99.yy MULTIHOST=true WORK_DIR=./ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose-multihost.yaml -f docker-compose-api-port.yaml up -d
Configure network using Admin Dashboard:
  • open Admin Dashboard :4000/admin

  • see channel "common" is already created

  • wait for chaincode dns is auto-instantiated (this can take couple of minutes), when done the dns appears in the Chaincodes List

  • organizations: Use Add organization to channel specifying IP and ports: "org2", "192.168.99.yy" (this will add dns-information for org2)

  • organizations: Add organization to channel "org3", "192.168.99.zz" (this will add dns-information for org3)

  • or a dns-information of an Org can be registered the blockchain-network:
    chaincode: dns invoke function registerOrg with params "" "192.168.99.yy"

  • install custom chaincode

  • instantiate custom chaincode

  • Use Consortium sub-form to add orgs to Consortium, specify org name, ip, WWW Port where certificates are served

org2-IP:4000/Admin Dashboard:
  • join channel "common"
  • install custom chaincode
  • join channel "common"
  • install custom chaincode

Drill down

To understand the script please read the below step by step instructions for the network of two member organizations org1 and org2.

Create host machines

Create 3 hosts: orderer and member organizations org1 and org2.

docker-machine create orderer
docker-machine create org1
docker-machine create org2

Create orderer organization

Tell the scripts to use extra multihost docker-compose yaml files.

export MULTIHOST=true

Connect docker client to the orderer host. The docker commands that follow will be executed on the host not local machine.

eval "$(docker-machine env orderer)"

Inspect created hosts' IPs and collect them into hosts file to copy to the hosts. This file will be mapped to the docker containers' /etc/hosts to resolve names to IPs. This is better done by the script. Alternatively, edit extra_hosts in docker-compose-multihost.yaml and docker-compose-orderer-multihost.yaml to specify host IPs directly.

docker-machine ip orderer
docker-machine ip org1
docker-machine ip org2

Start orderer docker containers (crypto-material will be auto-generated).

docker-compose -f docker-compose-orderer.yaml -f docker-compose-orderer-multihost.yaml up -d

Create member organizations

Open a new console. Use env variables to tell the scripts to use multihost config yaml and to name your organization.

export MULTIHOST=true && export ORG=org1

Copy chaincode and webapp folders to the host.

docker-machine scp -r chaincode $ORG:chaincode && docker-machine scp -r webapp $ORG:webapp

Connect docker client to the organization host.

eval "$(docker-machine env $ORG)"

Start peer docker containers (again, crypto-material for peer will be auto-generated).

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose-multihost.yaml -f docker-compose-api-port.yaml up -d

To create other organizations repeat the above steps in separate consoles and giving them names by export ORG=org2 in the first step.

Add member organizations to the consortium

Return to the orderer console.

Now the member organizations are up and serving their certificates. The orderer host can download them to add to the consortium definition.

./ org1
./ org2

Create a channel and a chaincode

Return to the org1 console.

The first organization creates channel common and joins to it.

./ common
./ common

And adds other organizations to channel common.

 ./ common org2

And installs and instantiates chaincode reference.

./ reference
./ common reference

Test the chaincode by invoke and query.

./ common reference '["put","account","1","{\"name\":\"one\"}"]'
./ common reference '["list","account"]'

Have other organizations join the channel

Return to org2 console.

Join common and install reference.

./ common
./ reference

Test the chaincode by a query by org2.

./ common reference '["list","account"]'