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SENG-637 Assignment 2

Topic - Automated requirements based API Unit Testing using JUnit

Table of Contents


The objective of this assignment is to test five methods from two different classes - and

The Range class is best described as representing an immutable range of values. For the Range class, functions can be static methods or instance methods that perform operations on a range.

DataUtilities, on the other hand, provides a set of utility methods to be used in different data classes, with the exception of datasets. The methods in the DataUtilities class that will be tested involves parameters from two interfaces; Values2D and KeyedValues. Values2D is a general purpose interface for accessing a table of values whereas KeyedValues is an interface assisting the storage of an ordered list of key-value pairs.

Video demo

Link to the video demonstration of testing is here.

Detailed description of unit test strategy

The test plan for Range and DataUtilities will be defined differently due to the differences of the two classes' functionalities. While designing the test cases, we first determine the domain of the input parameters. Based on the domain, we create equivalent classes and perform Equivalence Class Testing and Boundary Value Testing. We also test max, min, NaN, and null input values wherever possible.


For this class, an exampleRange of -10 to 10 is used by all the test cases. Additional ranges are created depending upon specific test cases. Since the exampleRange is -10 to 10, the following are the BVT notations and their values

BVT Notation Value
BLB -10.00001
LB -10
ALB -9.99999
NOM Any double between -9 to 9 or other standard value (depending on method)
BUB 9.99999
UB 10
AUB 10.00001

The below five methods are to be explored

  • shift(Range base, double delta, boolean allowZeroCrossing)
  • isNaNRange()
  • expandToInclude(Range range, double value)
  • combineIgnoringNaN(Range range1, Range range2)
  • intersects(double b0, double b1)


jMock is used to mock the interfaces Values2D and KeyedValues. Values2D object is mocked a 3*3 matrix holding double values. KeyedValuesobject is mocked holding Integer as key-value pairs. Since the matrix row and column count is 3, the following are the BVT notations and their values

BVT Notation Value
BLB -1
LB 0
UB 2

The below five methods are to be explored.

  • calculateColumnTotal(Values2D data, int column)
  • calculateColumnTotal(Values2D data, int column, int[] validRows)
  • calculateRowTotal(Values2D data, int row)
  • calculateRowTotal(Values2D data, int row, int[] validCols)
  • getCumulativePercentages(KeyedValues data)

Test cases developed

1. Range.isNaNRange()

Test case Input partitions Status
isNaNRangeWithBothBoundNOM (-10, 10) Pass
isNaNRangeWithBothBoundSameNOM (10, 10) Pass
isNaNRangeWithLowerBoundMin (-Double.MAX_VALUE, 10) Pass
isNaNRangeWithUpperBoundMax (10, Double.MAX_VALUE) Pass
isNaNRangeWithLowerBoundNaN (Double.NaN, 10) Pass
isNaNRangeWithUpperBoundNaN (-10, Double.NaN) Pass
isNaNRangeWithBothBoundNaN (Double.NaN, Double.NaN) Pass

2. Range.shift(Range, double, boolean)

Test case Input partitions Status
shiftRightToMaxValueAtZeroRangeAllowZeroCrossing (0.0, 0.0), Double.MAX_VALUE, true Pass
shiftRightAtZeroRangeDisallowZeroCrossing (0.0, 0.0), 4.0, false Pass
shiftLeftToMinValueAtZeroRangeAllowZeroCrossing (0.0, 0.0), Double.MIN_VALUE, true Pass
shiftLeftAtZeroRangeDisallowZeroCrossing (0.0, 0.0), -5.0, false Pass
shiftRightNegativeRangeAllowZeroCrossingForLbAndUb (-10.0, -5.0), 15.0, true Pass
shiftRightNegativeRangeDisallowZeroCrossingForLbAndUb (-10.0, -5.0), 18.0, false Pass
shiftLeftPostiveRangeAllowZeroCrossingForLbAndUb (5.0, 7.0), -10.0, true Pass
shiftLeftPostiveRangeDisallowZeroCrossingForLbAndUb (5.0, 7.0), -9.0, false Pass
shiftRightNegativeLbAndPostiveUbRangeDisallowZeroCrossing (-3.0, 7.0), 6.0, false Pass
shiftLeftNegativeLbAndPostiveUbRangeDisallowZeroCrossing (-3.0, 7.0), -8.0, false Pass

3. Range.intersects(double, double)

Test case Input partitions Status
intersectsWithInputBLBAndLB (-10.00001, -10) Pass
intersectsWithInputBLBAndALB (-10.00001, -9.99999) Pass
intersectsWithInputBLBAndAUB (-10.00001, 10.00001) Pass
intersectsWithInputLBAndALB (-10, -9.99999) Pass
intersectsWithInputLBAndUB (-10, 10) Pass
intersectsWithInputNOMAndNOM (-1, 1) Pass
intersectsWithInputBUBAndUB (9.99999, 10) Pass
intersectsWithInputUBAndAUB (10, 10.00001) Pass
intersectsWithInputMINAndAUB (Double.MIN_VALUE, 10.00001) Pass
intersectsWithInputBLBAndMAX (-10.00001, Double.MAX_VALUE) Pass
intersectsWithInput0And0 (0, 0) Pass
intersectsWithInputNaNAnd1 (Double.NaN, 1) FAIL

4. Range.expandToInclude(Range, double)

Test case Input partitions Status
expandToIncludeWithInputBLB (-10, 10), -10.00001 Pass
expandToIncludeWithInputLB (-10, 10), -10 Pass
expandToIncludeWithInputALB (-10, 10), -9.99999 Pass
expandToIncludeWithInputBUB (-10, 10), 9.99999 Pass
expandToIncludeWithInputUB (-10, 10), 10 Pass
expandToIncludeWithInputAUB (-10, 10), 10.00001 Pass
expandToIncludeWithInputPositive (-10, 10), 25 Pass
expandToIncludeWithInputNegative (-10, 10), -25 Pass
expandToIncludeWithInputDoubleMax (-10, 10), Double.MAX_VALUE Pass
expandToIncludeWithInputNegativeDoubleMax (-10, 10), -Double.MAX_VALUE Pass

5. Range.combineIgnoringNaN(Range, Range)

Test case Input partitions Status
combineIgnoringNaNWithSmallerRange (-10, 10), (-5, 6) Pass
combineIgnoringNaNWithDisjointRange (-10, 10), (20, 50) Pass
combineIgnoringNaNWithNull (-10, 10), null Pass
combineIgnoringNaNWithLowerBoundMinimum (-10, 10), (-Double.MAX_VALUE, -20) Pass
combineIgnoringNaNWithLowerBoundNaN (-10, 10), (Double.NaN, -20) Pass
combineIgnoringNaNWithLB (-10, 10), (-10, 20) Pass
combineIgnoringNaNWithALB (-10, 10), (-9.99999, 20) Pass
combineIgnoringNaNWithBLB (-10, 10), (-10.00001, 20) Pass
combineIgnoringNaNWithUpperBoundMaximum (-10, 10), (20, Double.MAX_VALUE) Pass
combineIgnoringNaNWithUpperBoundNaN (-10, 10), (20, Double.NaN) Pass
combineIgnoringNaNWithUB (-10, 10), (-20, 10) Pass
combineIgnoringNaNWithAUB (-10, 10), (-20, 10.00001) Pass
combineIgnoringNaNWithBUB (-10, 10), (-20, 9.99999) Pass
combineIgnoringNaNWithBothBoundNaN (-10, 10), (Double.NaN, Double.NaN) Pass
combineIgnoringNaNWithZeroRange (-10, 10), (0, 0) Pass
combineIgnoringNaNWithItself (-10, 10), (-10, 10) Pass

6. DataUtilities.calculateRowTotal(Values2D, int)

Test case Input partitions Status
calculateRowTotalFirstRow [7.5, 2.5, 5.0], 0 Pass
calculateRowTotalLastRow [7.5, 2.5, 5.0], 2 Pass
calculateRowTotalMiddleRow [7.5, 2.5, 5.0], 1 Pass
calculateRowTotalWithMaxValueAndFirstRow [Double.MAX_VALUE, 2.5, -2.5], 0 Pass
calculateRowTotalWithMaxValueRow() [7.5, 2.5, 5.0], Double.MAX_VALUE Pass
calculateRowTotalWithMinValueAndFirstRow [Double.MIN_VALUE, 2.5, -2.5], 0 Pass
calculateRowTotalWithMinValueRow [7.5, 2.5, 5.0], Double.MIN_VALUE Pass
calculateRowTotalWithSumOf0AndFirstRow [7.5, 2.5, -10], 0 Pass

7. DataUtilities.calculateRowTotal(Values2D, int, int[])

Test case Input partitions Status
calculateRowTotalFirstRowValidAllColumns [7.16, 3.14, 5.23], 0, [0, 1, 2] Pass
calculateRowTotalMiddleRowValidAllColumns [7.16, 3.14, 5.23], 1, [0, 1, 2] Pass
calculateRowTotalLastRowValidAllColumns [7.16, 3.14, 5.23], 2, [0, 1, 2] Pass
calculateRowTotalFirstRowValidFirstColumn [7.16, 3.14, 5.23], 0, [0] Pass
calculateRowTotalFirstRowValidMiddleColumn [7.16, 3.14, 5.23], 0, [1] Pass
calculateRowTotalFirstRowValidLastColumn [7.16, 3.14, 5.23], 0, [2] Pass
calculateRowTotalMiddleRowValidFirstColumn [7.16, 3.14, 5.23], 1, [0] Pass
calculateRowTotalMiddleRowValidMiddleColumn [7.16, 3.14, 5.23], 1, [1] Pass
calculateRowTotalMiddleRowValidLastColumn [7.16, 3.14, 5.23], 1, [2] Pass
calculateRowTotalLastRowValidFirstColumn [7.16, 3.14, 5.23], 2, [0] Pass
calculateRowTotalLastRowValidMiddleColumn [7.16, 3.14, 5.23], 2, [1] Pass
calculateRowTotalLastRowValidLastolumn [7.16, 3.14, 5.23], 2, [2] Pass
calculateRowTotalFirstRowValidFirstAndLastColumn [7.16, 3.14, 5.23], 0, [0, 2] Pass
calculateRowTotalLastRowValidMiddleAndLastColumn [7.16, 3.14, 5.23], 2, [1, 2] Pass
calculateRowTotalMiddleRowInvalidColumnAUB [7.16, 3.14, 5.23], 1, [3] Pass
calculateRowTotalLastRowInvalidColumnAUBAndOneValidColumn [7.16, 3.14, 5.23], 2, [2, 3] Pass
calculateRowTotalFirstRowInvalidColumnBLB [], 0, [-1] FAIL
calculateRowTotalMaxRowsMaxColumn [7.16, 3.14], Integer.MAX_VALUE [0, Integer.MAX_VALUE] FAIL
calculateRowTotalBelowMaxRowsBelowMaxColumn [7.16, 3.14], Integer.MAX_VALUE-1, [0, Integer.MAX_VALUE-1] FAIL
calculateRowTotalWithMaxValue [2^53-1, 1], 0, [0, 1] Pass

8. DataUtilities.calculateColumnTotal(Values2D, int)

Test case Input partitions Status
calculateColumnTotalAllRowsFirstColumn [7.5, 2.5, 5.0], 0 Pass
calculateColumnTotalAllRowsMiddleColumn [7.5, 2.5, 5.0], 1 Pass
calculateColumnTotalAllRowsLastColumn [7.5, 2.5, 5.0], 2 Pass
calculateColumnTotalWithMaxValueAndFirstColumn [Double.MAX_VALUE, 2.5, -2.5], 0 Pass
calculateColumnTotalWithMinValueAndFirstColumn [Double.MIN_VALUE, 2.5, -2.5], 0 Pass
calculateColumnTotalWithMaxValueColumn [7.5, 2.5, 5.0], Integer.MAX_VALUE Pass
calculateColumnTotalWithMinValueColumn [7.5, 2.5, 5.0], Integer.MIN_VALUE Pass
calculateColumnTotalWithSumOf0AndFirstColumn [7.5, 2.5, -10], 0 Pass

9. DataUtilities.calculateColumnTotal(Values2D, int, int[])

Test case Input partitions Status
calculateColumnTotalAllRowsValidFirstColumn [7.5, 2.5, 5.0], 0 , [0, 1, 2] Pass
calculateColumnTotalAllRowsValidMiddleColumn [7.5, 2.5, 5.0], 1 , [0, 1, 2] Pass
calculateColumnTotalAllRowsValidLastColumn [7.5, 2.5, 5.0], 2 , [0, 1, 2] Pass
calculateColumnTotalFirstRowValidFirstColumn [7.5, 2.5, 5.0], 0 , [0] Pass
calculateColumnTotalMiddleRowValidFirstColumn [7.5, 2.5, 5.0], 0 , [1] Pass
calculateColumnTotalLastRowValidFirstColumn [7.5, 2.5, 5.0], 0 , [2] Pass
calculateColumnTotalFirstRowValidMiddleColumn [7.5, 2.5, 5.0], 1 , [0] Pass
calculateColumnTotalMiddleRowValidMiddleColumn [7.5, 2.5, 5.0], 1 , [1] Pass
calculateColumnTotalLastRowValidMiddleColumn [7.5, 2.5, 5.0], 1 , [2] Pass
calculateColumnTotalFirstRowValidLastColumn [7.5, 2.5, 5.0], 2 , [0] Pass
calculateColumnTotalMiddleRowValidLastColumn [7.5, 2.5, 5.0], 2 , [1] Pass
calculateColumnTotalLastRowValidLastColumn [7.5, 2.5, 5.0], 2 , [2] Pass
calculateColumnTotalFirstAndLastRowValidFirstColumn [7.5, 2.5, 5.0], 0 , [0, 2] Pass
calculateColumnTotalInvalidRowAUBAndOneValidRowLastColumn [7.5], 2 , [1, 3] Pass
calculateColumnTotalInvalidRowAUBMiddleColumn [], 1 , [3] Pass
calculateColumnTotalInvalidRowBLBFirstColumn [], 0 , [-1] FAIL
calculateColumnTotalMaxRowsMaxColumn [2.5, 5], Integer.MAX_VALUE, [0, Integer.MAX_VALUE] FAIL
calculateColumnTotalBelowMaxRowsBelowMaxColumn [2.5, 5], Integer.MAX_VALUE-1, [0, Integer.MAX_VALUE-1] FAIL
calculateColumnTotalWithMaxValue [2^53-1, 1], 0, [0, 1] Pass

10. DataUtilities.getCumulativePercentages(KeyedValues)

Test method Input partitions Status
getCumulativePercentagesWithNoKeyedValues <> Pass
getCumulativePercentagesWithOneRowKeyedValue <0, 2> Pass
getCumulativePercentagesWithOneKeyedValueHavingZeroValue <0, 0> Pass
test_getCumulativePercentages_oneKeyedValue_nullValue <0, null> Pass
getCumulativePercentagesWithKeyedValuesHavingNullAndMixValues <0, -4.5>, <1, 2>, <2, null>, <3, 12.5>, <4, 0> Pass

Division of team work

Each of the four testers will complete unit tests for at least 1 method of the Range class and unit tests for at least 1 method of the DataUtilities class using jMock. Group peer review will be done after the individual testing to ensure that the quality of work abides to the scope of the test plan. Below table summarizes the distribution of development of test cases.

API method Tester
Range.isNaNRange() Bhavyai Gupta
Range.shift(Range, double, boolean) Okeoghenemarho Obuareghe
Range.intersects(double, double) Michael Man Yin Lee
Range.expandToInclude(Range, double) Drew Burritt
Range.combineIgnoringNaN(Range, Range) Bhavyai Gupta
DataUtilities.calculateRowTotal(Values2D, int) Michael Man Yin Lee
DataUtilities.calculateRowTotal(Values2D, int, int[]) Bhavyai Gupta
DataUtilities.calculateColumnTotal(Values2D, int) Michael Man Yin Lee
DataUtilities.calculateColumnTotal(Values2D, int, int[]) Drew Burritt
DataUtilities.getCumulativePercentages(KeyedValues) Okeoghenemarho Obuareghe

Difficulties, challenges, and lessons learned

  1. One of the challenges was to agree on the scope of testing. We used equivalence class partitions and boundary value testing to devise our input parameters to make sure we cover most possible test cases in a structured way without overburdening the team by explosive number of test cases.

  2. Another challenge was to decide the setup parameters for the instance variables that would ultimately be used by all the test cases. This was overcome by thorough discussions on the setup parameters that would be ideal and would cover requirements for the maximum number of test cases for a given class.

  3. Finally a difficulty that we encountered was related to runtime errors in the test cases developed for DataUtilities. After some troubleshooting, it was found that a library was missing. We had to download hamcrest-2.2.jar from external source and include it in the classpath in order to get the tests to work.

    The lesson learned from this was to not rely solely on what's given. We should visit the official website or mvncentral of the library that we are using to make sure all its dependencies are included too.

  4. Mocking is a great way to mock objects. However, often times we have to guess the functionality of the object being mocked according to the given API specification. The specification may not give us true picture of what the code is doing. One of the highlight is the DataUtilities.getCumulativePercentages method, where API mentions "The percentages are values between 0.0 and 1.0". However, the actual cumulative percentages given as output from the method can be negative depending upon the input parameter data; this matches our manual calculations. This mismatch between the API and the actual working of the method can create doubts in the minds of tester whether they mocked the method correctly or not.

Comments and feedback

  1. This assignment has given us a great opportunity in learning how to effectively design unit tests, and mocking interfaces whose implemented classes might not be available.

  2. Testing was automated by JUnit, which a very popular testing framework used widely in the industry.

  3. Figuring ways how to mock one of the input objects is very intriguing as we need to anticipate what the targeted method expects from those inputs.

  4. The assignment description document is very detailed and comprehensive, and it was easy to follow.


We are group 5, and below are the team members