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File metadata and controls

223 lines (188 loc) · 7.32 KB

Tara - User Guide

User guide to access the data


It is recommended to install anaconda.

conda create --name tara python=3.8
conda activate tara
conda install -c conda-forge numpy scipy netcdf4 matplotlib boto3 git tqdm

git clone
git clone
git clone
pip install -e ./slf-py
pip install -e ./netcdf
pip install -e ./s3-netcdf

(Developers-NOT TESTED) For running Telemac and post-processing:

git clone
git clone
git clone
pip install -e ./aws-tools
pip install -e ./aws-batch-api
pip install -e ./aws-telemac


Credentials is required to access AWS services. Credentials are not stored in python scripts but stored in a credentials file. The credentials file is located at ~/.aws/credentials on Linux or macOS, or at C:\Users\`USERNAME`\.aws\credentials on Windows. This file can contain the credential details for the default profile and any named profiles. For more information: For example, the file should look similar to the following.



Please contact the administrator to get the aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key.


There are 5 models:

  • ERA5
  • rcp85.CanESM2.CanRCM4
  • rcp85.CanESM2.CRCM5-UQAM
  • rcp85.GFDL-ESM2M.WRF

To access a model:

from s3netcdf import S3NetCDF
	"name":"ERA5",     # (required) name of model
	"bucket":"cccris", # (required,fixed) name of s3 bucket
	"s3prefix":"data", # (required,fixed) name of prefix for s3 bucket
	"cacheLocation":"{PATH_TO_DIRECTORY}" # Path to directory where the data will be temporary stored

Data, Variables and Groups

Model contains 11 variables:

  • mslp : Mean sea level pressure
  • u10 : U Velocity
  • v10 : V Velocity
  • uv10 : UV Velocity
  • dir10 : UV Direction
  • surge : Surge
  • hs : Significant Wave Height
  • tps : Peak Period
  • tmm10 : Mean Period
  • dir : Mean Direction
  • dspr : Wave Spread

The access the data efficiently, each variable was stored under 9 groups depending on the request. The groups are :

  • s: data is stored by frame (original Telemac results are saved here)
  • t: data is stored by timesries (Telemac results are transposed)
  • ds: daily data by frame (data was post-process to calculate the daily min,median,mean,std and max)
  • dt: daily data by timeseries (data was post-process to calculate the daily min,median,mean,std and max)
  • ys: yearly data by frame (min,median,mean,std and max)
  • yt: yearly data by timeseries (min,median,mean,std and max)
  • Ds: Decade data by frame (min,median,mean,std and max)
  • Dt: Decade data by timeseries (min,median,mean,std and max)
  • as: Aggregated spatial data (min,median,mean,std and max)

Mesh and Temporal Data

The are 352464 mesh nodes and time step is 1hr for all models. To access the mesh coordinates and elements, and time arrays:

era5   = S3NetCDF(parameters)
lng    = era5['node','x']
lat    = era5['node','y']
elem   = era5['elem','elem']
hourly = era5['time','time'] # hourly step

# To access the daily, yearly, decadal steps
daily   = era5['dtime','dtime']
yearly  = era5['ytime','ytime']
decadal = era5['Dtime','Dtime']

Examples - Frames

import numpy as np


lng    = era5['node','x']
lat    = era5['node','y']
elem   = era5['elem','elem']
hourly = era5['time','time']    # hourly step
daily   = era5['dtime','dtime'] # daily step
yearly  = era5['ytime','ytime'] # yearly step
decadal = era5['Dtime','Dtime'] # decadal step

# Extract variable at frame(s)
frame0=era5['s',vname,0]       # Get frame=0
frame0_10=era5['s',vname,0:10] # Get frame 0 to 9

# Extract Mean Sea Level Pressure at specific date(s)
# Single date
userhourly = np.datetime64('1979-01-01T00:00:00')
index      = np.argsort(np.abs(hourly- userhourly))[0] # closest index
frame      = era5['s',vname,index] 
# Multiple dates
userhourly = np.datetime64('1979-01-01T00:00:00') + np.arange(0,10)*np.timedelta64(1,'h')
indices    = np.argsort(np.abs(hourly- userhourly[:,np.newaxis]))[:,0] # closest indices
frames     = era5['s',vname,indices]

# Extract variable to a Selafin File
era5.toslf('output/{}.slf'.format(vname),variables=[vname],startDate='1979-01-01T00:00:00',endDate='1979-01-01T10:00:00',step=2,stepUnit="h") # With a 2 hr time step

# Extract Aggregated Daily data
frame        = era5['ds',vname,0]

frame_min    = frame[0] # min
frame_median = frame[1] # median
frame_mean   = frame[2] # avg
frame_std    = frame[3] # std
frame_max    = frame[4] # max

frame        = era5['ds',vname,0,2] # Get mean values only

# Extract Daily Aggregated data to Selafin
# Note: this creates 5 variables in the Selafin object (MSLP_MIN,MSLP_MEDIAN,MSLP_MEAN,MSLP_STD,MSLP_MAX)
# Extract Aggregated data to Selafin

Plot Frame using Matplotlib

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import matplotlib.tri as tri

vname   = 'mslp'
frame = np.squeeze(era5['s',vname,0]) 
x     = era5['node','x']
y     = era5['node','y']
elem  = era5['elem','elem']
Tri   = tri.Triangulation(x, y,elem)

fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
levels = np.arange(95, 105, 0.5)
gamma = 1.3  

tcf = ax1.tricontourf(Tri,frame,levels=levels, cmap="jet", norm=colors.PowerNorm(gamma=gamma))
ax1.tricontour(Tri, frame, colors='k')
ax1.set_title('Contour plot')
plt.savefig("output/tmp.png", bbox_inches='tight')

Plot Timeseries

lng   = era5['node','x']
lat   = era5['node','y']
vname ="surge"

# Extract variable at node0
ts      = era5['t',vname,0]

# Extract variable at specific tide stations
tideStations = [
  dict(xy=[-123.279, 49.297],id=7735,name="Vancouver"),
  dict(xy= [-130.560, 54.299],id=9354,name="Prince Rupert"),
  dict(xy=[-125.122, 48.871],id=8545,name="Bamfield"),

def getClosestIndices(x,y,stations):
	from scipy import spatial
	xy   = np.column_stack((x,y))
	tree = spatial.KDTree(xy)
	pts  = np.asarray(list(map(lambda x:x['xy'],stations)))
	return tree.query(pts)[1]

indices = getClosestIndices(lng,lat,tideStations)
ts      = era5['t',vname,indices]



from awstelemac import AWSTelemac
from awstools import Batch

# Create simulation
casId=era5.uploadFromCas(casPath,module="telemac2d",keywords={"TIME STEP":30})

# Run simulation
batch=Batch() # AWS api